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Topics - Beowulf

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Suggestions Corner / Nerf repair cost back to their old percent
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:16:54 pm »
I have been playing this mod for years now, and I have improvised and adapted to every patch... Since the slots patch how much has repairs gone up? Like 25% i think. Result? cRPG has become uglier.. buncha peasant wearing rags... You can find this in a Native sever... I thought the whole point of cRPG was to allow players to customize their characters... I understand the noobish gripe about keeping people from wearing plate so the peasants have a chance. But i  find that a noobish philosophy. We all know that armor is only effect against one particular branch of the weapon tree. So for the extra (top shelf) 20 hp's you get, you are penalized with your wpf and go broke. Result is everyone is wearing native looking gear or they go broke. and even if they can afford plate, they find it to be a waste of money. Yesterday playing siege, I had a kdr of 43-2 and rocked X5 for nearly the whole time. Made a ton of XP, but hemorrhaged money in the amount of nearly 20K.. Sure i can wear crappy gear and make money.. But then whats the point of playing this mod as opposed to native? Old percents were pretty heavy i thought, but if one played well and his/her team won constantly you could just about break even. Now grind for days in mid gear to make money and lose it all in a couple of hours of wearing top shelf. It has nothing to do with skill anymore, you're just at the mercy of a random repair code. Would much rather you nerf the stats on armor, but bring the repair cost back to what they used to be. It comes down to a fundamental question.. Is cRPG a game of knights or a game of peasants in rags? 

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