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Topics - Palian555

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Send Items
« on: November 15, 2011, 08:45:22 pm »
I wanted to get the plate armor from my old char to the new one, is there a way ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Getting started for Mac
« on: November 12, 2011, 06:24:45 pm »
Hey all Mac Users
First Word
I know many of you will say now, "Mac is crap, buy a PC/Windows CD" or " F*ck off with your F*cking Mac" or anything like that but i wanted to tell you that you can run your only Windows Games on the Mac!

What's required
Uhhm 1. you need an account at
          2. Log in with your account and then paste the following link  [] without []
          3. If downloaded open the image and drag the "Steam (PC)" anywhere you want (f.e. in the "applications" Folder)
          4. Start by Double Click and let steam update
          5. Log in with your Steam account
          6. Buy Games/ play them even if they are not avaible for mac ;)

Known Bugs
-Steam Flickers a bit here and there
-In the chat box you don't see the box where you write
-At the start it could lag a little bit
-If playing MB:W you got a bug with your mouse, you can't scroll all the time. If you reach the end of your Desktop you cant scroll anymore
 (you can solve this a little bit by taking down the scroll speed in "System Settings" and then Mouse)
(See the Spoiler at the End
-sometimes you can't open the Community while ingame

Other Stuff
I haven't testes any other games, but maybe also other games could run perfectly, i am unsure about new games like MW3 or Skyrim, maybe someone could test this and can give a feedback
I would like to upload my version of the steam, so without the Mouse Problem!
Also i would like to pack cRPG in there, but my upload takes years...
If anyone could do this, i would give him a great thanks [but be sure to delete your steamapps folder^^]

!Edit Mouse Fix!

(click to show/hide)

Guides / Tactics on Siege
« on: May 01, 2011, 04:00:46 pm »
Ok here is my guide for capturing as fast as i was, the enemey's castle

For this guide i played 20vs20(the map isnt rly important)

What people you need for it ?
Its easy, you need some Cavalry, 2handers, 1handers, crossbows and Bowmens(not realy new things at a siege)

What should i do at the beginning ?
Follow the other peoples(even if you die) and wait until soon all the enemy's are at one possition to defend the gate or ladder or siege tower, or such

And after that ?
If you think its a good moments say in team(stnadart button z) that your team has to capture the flag and some people shall follow you, then go(in the hide "mode")around the castle if you found a position where you can go into the castle, without any bloody fight. If you found a ladder or a gate or oly a door like that, walk throught with your group. Now, Archers have completly work with Shield ppl, or the archer will be dead.
If the enemey's know that you are in the castle and concentrate the fire on your little group, Shielder's protect the Archers in their reload time, and also protect them of Meele's.
If its done and the enemey's archers are complety dead, you can walk on.
Now the defenders will wait on you at the Flag, dont go straith ahead to the Flag, first make the way for the other peoples on your team free, that means, Open the gate, pull Laders up(if you got some custom ladders) destroy doors, send the archers on theit positions, and so on.
Now split your meeles into two groups, If there are two ways to the Flag.
One group will start the attack on the meeles at the lag, in this Momement when meeles(enemy) is runing on your enemy you need some realy good Achers to start their fire and give some shoots --> Headshoots --> Some deads.
If you lost the one or other meele from the first group the second group of meele will start thei attack on the flag and fall in the back of the enemy meeles. Now after that attacking the dead people from your team will respawn and fall back to the team at the Flag and the castle will be soon in your hand.

What should i do as Defender ?

As defender you cant look what the siege team is thinking, so attack all the people who are running with the siege tower, try to pull ladders up,...
If you half team is running to the flag, because someone opend backdoor, you can try to kill the people at the sige tower, or the main ladder,...
If its possibel fall more and more back, but dont stop attacking the siege team.
If you got a shield its your mightiest "friend" in the battlefield. If your shield is destroyed, try to pick up an other, not important if its a arena shield or a steel shield(or you can block like a pro gamer and dont need a shield)

I am the last in my team who has 0 deaths, and i am a Archer but havents any arrow, what should i do them  ?
Try that enemys Archers shoot your arrows at you, dodge them and pick them for yourself up, so you can get arrows...

Suggestions Corner / Some New Armor
« on: April 28, 2011, 02:00:08 pm »
Hey there @ Everyone
How the Subject of this topic says its about new armor
When you have also some ideas for new Armor(and/or Weapons) post them here.

Then lets start
Duellist's Helmet (looking of Chapel de Fer and Morion)
weight 3
head armor 48
body armor 0
leg armor 0
requirement 14

Duellist's Plate (looking of Tounrey Armor with you own Banner)
weight 24.5
head armor 0
body armor 57
leg armor 20
requirement 16

Duellist's Greaves (Plate Boot's)
weight 3.5
head armor 0
body armor 0
leg armor 35
requirement 15

Duellist's Handguard's (Plate Gauntlets)
weight 1.5
body armor 10
requirement 15

Duellist's Saber (looking of Espada Eslavona)
weight 1.5
requirement 9
spd rtng 98
weapon length 96
swing damage 31, cut
thrust damage 25 pierce

Duellist's Shield (of Steel Shield but brighter)
weight 10
requirement 6
hit points 430
body armor 20
spd rtng 80
shield width 43

That was my Idea for a new Sort of Armor, whats your's ? :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / 1h + Achery
« on: April 20, 2011, 11:03:52 am »
I want to make me a 1h Footman and also a bit of Archery(when its good to build on that)

My Question did anyone gets a good build ?

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