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Topics - RatOnCrack

Pages: [1] 2
Closed Requests / Why was i banned
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:21:59 pm »
So... i would like to know why i was banned and for how long i was banned for so i can at least defend myself as i really dont see how i was breaking the rules.

Suggestions Corner / Dragons
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:19:43 pm »
Dragons are very important please add dragons as they are very realistic. I dont get why games dont have dragons in them as they are k OH MY GOD

Closed Requests / [Unban] Jezzus
« on: April 15, 2012, 06:04:37 pm »
Hey, i read a ban post here:,30131.0.html
I just wanted to clear things up because i dint know someone wanted to have me banned until now and i dint have a chance to express myself.
I said the word my old friendot not as a homosexual but i was calling someone a my old friendot for having team wounded me. I have nothing against gays, seriously even if its not what god created us for i still don't have anything against gays. I really wanted to insult the guy not insult the gays in general although i see that it is pretty much what i did in the end. I'm sorry for any homosexuals in this game that i might have insulted. If i wanted to insult the gays i would have insulted the gays, when someone calls someone else a my old friendot they never mean it literally (almost).
Anyways I just wanted to explain to everyone that I'm not homophobic and I completely understand if the ban is not lifted.

By the way Nyalan (if you are reading this), having the word Jew in my name isn't a bad thing. A Jew is someone who is Jewish and if you say that being Jewish is bad then you are discriminating, not me.

Buy / Buying +1 Javelins
« on: April 13, 2012, 09:29:13 pm »
Buying +1 javelins (if you have throwing spears, i might accept too)
PM or post here price.

Sell/Trade / Selling +1 Knightly Arming Sword
« on: April 09, 2012, 07:51:51 pm »
Offer here or pm

Buy / [Buying] +1 LEE or +1 Knightly Arming sword!
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:52:58 am »
Buying +1 Long Espada Eslavona or +1 Knightly Arming sword.

Sell/Trade / [Selling loom point]
« on: April 08, 2012, 11:05:55 pm »
Selling loom point! pm me offer or post here

Buy / [Selling loom point]
« on: April 08, 2012, 10:50:07 pm »
lol wrong section

Sell/Trade / +3 katana
« on: March 24, 2012, 10:58:19 pm »
Selling +3 katana reply with offer!!! or pm
 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :

cRPG Technical problems / Cant see blood
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:17:32 am »
I cannot see blood in-game.
I tried every blood setting, re-downloaded the mod and the game. Reinstalled and everything but nothing works!

The only time i ever messed with the game files was when i installed a sound mod which ended up being bugged and not working, that's the only thing i can think of.


Suggestions Corner / More throwing weapons
« on: February 08, 2012, 03:56:42 pm »
Hello, we need more throwing weapons!!!
I was thinking of the following:
-Throwing great mauls
-Throwing flamberge
-Throwing pikes
-Throwing Arbalest that shoots in mid air
-Throwing plated charger

Suggestions Corner / Moving on?
« on: January 23, 2012, 01:34:55 am »
I know you can all do what you want, ignore if you want, but i would just like to make you all realize something.

Two new medieval games are coming out i would guess 1-2 years max from now (Chivalry:medieval warfare and M&b2). When m&b 2 comes out (it has been announced, in case you dint know) most players won't want to play warband, they will move on. Clearly cRPG will not be as populated as it is now (people will quit, people will move on to newer games, etc).
When this happens, all of your hours of game time and all of your heirlooms and will be gone, the mod will die, you can't stop it even if it might not be within the next two years, it is going to happen.
I personally love the mod, i really do but i am trying not to get too attached to it for those reasons. I don't know any of the plans that the devs have for future projects, if they even have any. I'm not trying to depress anyone here but i have a few questions that i would like to ask (I don't actually expect anyone to answer me, i just really want you all to to understand and acknowledge what I'm trying to say)

Do the devs have any plans for m&b 2 (modding ofc), if you do, will you try to transfer the database (assuming it is possible)? Do you have any plans on ever finishing the mod? It's still in beta and the next m&b game is coming out in the near future, wake up people? Do any of you plan on removing the shitty battle and siege maps? Do you ever think about actually balancing things and not just nerfing it to shit?

You guys obviously have talent. I know it's not the same scale but look at Age of Chivalry is doing. They started off as modders and now they are making their own game. You guys could possibly also start actually making an indie game (i know it is wishful thinking). Again, i know it's not the same circumstances, but i really like the community and all of the effort and time that has been put into cRPG, the dev team really has potential.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Dint really know where to put this, sorry if it's in the wrong section.

Closed Requests / [Unban Request] Jezzus
« on: January 01, 2012, 01:43:09 am »
Hello everyone, I am a black Jew.
I was also banned by an admin probably for racism, not really sure to be honest. Well i actually was not being racist at all, i might have said things that might have sounded racist but it depends on the way you interpret it, the way i meant it might not have been the way you understood it.
I am very sorry for this, my only problem is the admin(s) who banned me were racist, they constantly mute me, kick me and sometimes ban me. If i ask why? they say its all my fault even though it has always been either a self defense tk,  a large fps drop that caused a tk or i am simpy expressing my personal opinion in the chat (and then they call me a racist!) but i think the reason is that they don't like Niger or Jews, since im a combination of the two well i guess that makes them really want to ban me, huh.
I simply want to be unbanned and play like the rest of the players, i really would. Unfortunately, because of the country i was born in, my beliefs and the color of my skin, i will never be treated like the other players. I would love to be unbanned, if that is even possible.
All i really want is to know why i was banned, and if you dont hate me to to much, i would love to know how long the ban is.

Closed Requests / lock
« on: January 01, 2012, 01:41:18 am »
shit wrong place

Sell/Trade / [Sell] +1 war spear
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:34:47 pm »
Selling +1 war spear You offer

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