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Topics - Janis_Corp

Pages: [1]
Deutsches Forum / Schilder und derer Bedeutung
« on: March 21, 2013, 03:35:21 pm »
hallo,hoffe jemand kann mich aufklären.

Möchte gerne neben cav als inf agieren falls ich dehorsed werde.

Ich brauche ein gutes schild das man aufm pferderücken benutzen kann und zu boden.

Es sollte nicht schnell brechen ( gegen Äxte ) is ja klar.

Was hat es auf sich mit diesen  Hitpoints und body armor bei der beschreibung?

Auf was kommt es an ? ein breites oder langes schild um oberkörper oder beine gut gegen angriffe zu absorbieren, vieleicht schnelles schild  für rasche angriffe ?
Ich würde gerne eins Loomen, da ich mich da nicht auskenne , würden mich eure antworten freuen.

Sell/Trade / MW Arbalest for a Champ. Rouncey or Courser
« on: February 13, 2013, 11:22:52 am »
Searching for these 2 Horses

PM on me

Masterworked Heavy Lance trading  or selling

Iam interested on Arbalest,shields,horses or MONEY

Beginner's Help and Guides / Make sense to loom Millitary Hammer
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:34:37 pm »
as described above, any experiences?

standard hammers and the millitary to Masterworked there are only 3 + more damage, no shear speed.

It makes sense? or cause damage that really make a difference 3 +

Deutsches Forum / Macht es sinn Millitary Hammer zu loomen ?
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:24:18 pm »
wie obenbeschrieben irgendwelche erfahrungen ?

zur standard millitary hammer und zu Masterworked sind es bloss 3+damage mehr,keine geschwindigkeits schub.

Macht es sinn ? oder bewirken diese 3+damage wirklich einen unterschied

cRPG Technical problems / Lost the EU Servers
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:09:40 am »

Since yesterday I receive no EU server, not even when I start the game or the computer or refresh .

When I click the refresh button, I can very briefly see the EU server, then it loads and nothing will be shown on the list. It shows me just some eu Clan Servers and NA, thats all

I reinstalled warband and Crpg for 2 Times .

 Serverbug? Someone has experience with it?

Deutsches Forum / Keine EU sever mehr in der Liste
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:03:46 am »
Seit gestern empfange ich keinen EU server mehr, auch nicht wenn ich das Spiel neu starte oder den Computer oder die Liste aufrische. Wenn ich auf den refresh Button klicke kann ich nur ganz kurz die EU Server sehen,danach lädt er und nix wird auf der liste gezeigt.

Warband und crpg habe ich 2 mal neuinstalliert.

Serverbug? ,hat jemand Erfahrung damit gemacht?

General Discussion / accidentally accident with"skip the SHIT"
« on: January 09, 2012, 02:30:08 am »
The CRPG since one year had not played transmitted "skp the fun" on my main character. Have 10 generations and would not know whether it can disable man. I can not even open the marketplace to sell the heirloom weapons ect. Now I have created in the new character, you could not send the weapons over to the new char, because if you already do not use the damn marketplace may or may transfer it then to my new char is disabled. with whom you have contact there?

would even give away the weapons heirloomed if it would be the last option, everything would be a shame to delete useless

Beginner's Help and Guides / My Pc and Crpg
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:13:54 pm »
Hi all

I hope someone can support or help me.

I buy really good computer 3 weeks ago.

-Windows 7
-4 gb Ram
-Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 - 2600k CPU @3,40 Ghz
-Graphicard: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series

Most newest Games works really liquid, but when i play Warband, the game jerky without end like a Dia show,even at the lowest settings  :o

Ill tried with directx 7 and 9.
Graphic driver is the latest

Any ideas or experience with same problems ?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Heirloom Mistake
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:08:19 am »
hi gys

I have a Qestion, ill Heirloomed last Week my Long Hafted Mace , now i yesterday would to heirloom the Weapon  again but the statistic show me ,to heirloom my Weapon more,makes them poor statistics than the present.

Heavy Long Hafted Spiked Mace
weight 3.5
requirement 13
spd rtng 94
weapon length 138
swing damage 37, blunt
thrust damage 22 blunt

After Heirlooming

Scary Long Hafted Spiked Mace
weight 3
difficulty 18
spd rtng 92
weapon length 138
swing damage 34, blunt
thrust damage 24, blunt

And this stay in Heirloom Thread

Gen1 = 94spd 37blunt 22blunt
Gen2 = 94spd 39blunt 23blunt
Gen3 = 94spd 40blunt 24blunt

any ideas?

General Discussion / OP Sidesword
« on: March 07, 2011, 05:27:10 pm »
Hey someone know if Sidesword get fixed ,maybe next patch ?

Its unbelievable , for this Speed  TO MUCH damage.

If not ,then i know which weapon i doing heirloomed

A filthy band of peasants, lead by Fasader, has attempted to steal your precious heirloomed items. However, you woke up and were able to save 1. Which ones?

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