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Topics - cooper

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Sell/Trade / +3 Rus Scale armor
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:28:26 am »
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          Type:Body armor
           Body armor:54
            Leg armor:19

Topic says it all guy!
I have a +3 scale armor and i'm looking for two-hands/armor to trade with it.
PM me with offer please.

Sell/Trade / Cooper's loom
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:24:47 am »
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Mighty Swiss Halberd
Requirement:15 strength
Upkeep:571 gold
Thrust:30 pierce
Swing:40 cut
Bonus against shield

Just offer me +3 items (Really looking for a chest)

Sell/Trade / Cooper's +3 Masterwork Elite Scimitar
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:37:22 am »
looking to trade this off for a good two-hand or pole-arm pm me with offers please.

Mainly looking for a Great long Axe, Danish Greatsword, Longsword or Heavy Throwing Axe.

In Stock

Sharp Bodkin Arrows
Upkeep:354 gold
Thrust:1 pierce

Mainly looking for Two-Hands and Cav stuff.
Just send me what you have im open to all offers.                                         
Thanks -Cooper

Buy / Looking for stuff to throw
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:38:43 am »
any +1 throwing shit

Sell/Trade / [{(Sell/trade)}] ~~~ Cooper's LEWM shop ~~~
« on: November 19, 2011, 12:08:40 am »
                                                       In Stock
                                              visitors can't see pics , please register or login

                                              Mighty Elegant Poleaxe
                                                   weapon length: 132
                                                          weight: 2.3
                                                         difficulty: 16
                                                      speed rating: 93
                                                 thrust damage: 28 pierce
                                                   swing damage: 42 cut
                                                             slots: 2
                                                   Can't use on horseback
                                                    Bonus against Shield
                                             visitors can't see pics , please register or login

                                      Lordly Heraldic Mail with Tabard   
                                                            weight: 13.5
                                                         body armor: 49
                                                          leg armor: 19
                                                           difficulty: 11

Mainly looking for any Lamellar's or a Tunic over Mail.
Just send me what you have im open to all offers.                                         
Thanks -Cooper

Buy / {[(Buy)]} LOOKING FOR ARMOR +1, +2, +3
« on: November 16, 2011, 05:34:04 am »
OK guys i have 1,180k really close to getting 1200k and it's all going to armor


And i will check it out

Would love to see:
some type of Lamellar Vest
some type of Tunic over Mail
some kind of  Surcoa
some type of Coat of Plates
some type of  Churburg Cuirass
some kind of Heraldic anything

                                        What's in stock   

                                                       visitors can't see pics , please register or login

                          Masterwork Long Espada Eslavona
                                                             weapon length: 103
                                                                   weight: 1.3
                                                                  difficulty: 12
                                                              speed rating: 100
                                                             weapon length: 100
                                                         thrust damage: 31 pierce
                                                            swing damage: 30 cut
                                                                        slots: 1
                                                            Selling for 925,000 G

        willing to trade for +2/+3 poles and +2 armor

Just send me what you have im open to all offers.                                         
Thanks -Cooper

Sell/Trade / Sell/trade Cooper's loom shop
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:56:27 am »
                                                         This is what i have :D

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Looking for lower armor pieces and two-hands.
(Love blue items)                 
Pm me or just post here

Sell/Trade / Sell/Trade Cooper's loom shop
« on: November 03, 2011, 01:36:35 am »
                                                                  This is what i have :D

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Looking for two-hands and armor

Sell/Trade / Sell/trade Cooper's loom shop
« on: October 31, 2011, 02:07:11 am »
                                               What i'm trade/selling...
                             + 3 Danish Greatsword
                             + 3 Elegant Poleaxe

                                               What i'm looking for...
                             + 3 German Greatsword
                             + 3 Morning Star
                             + 3 Sword of War
                             + 3 Longsword


                                       { I WILL THROW IN GOLD IF NEEDED! }

« on: October 29, 2011, 11:43:04 pm »

« on: October 29, 2011, 10:01:12 pm »
i am now 450,000 exp off until jen 10!!

starting at 430,000 gold

Sell/Trade / Sell/trade Cooper's loom shop
« on: October 24, 2011, 06:05:00 am »
                        here is what i got to trade

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looking for all armors and weapons... just send me what you got my way and i will look at it.

really want a Blue Tunic over Mail, Heraldic Mail with Tabard, and Heraldic Transitional Armour. (will throw in gold)

Thank you very much   -cooper

Sell/Trade / Sell/trade Mighty Great Long Axe & Mighty Elegant Poleaxe
« on: October 22, 2011, 04:36:45 am »
Ok guys i have a Mighty Great Long Axe & Mighty Elegant Poleaxe up for grabs.
I love both of these weapons a lot! but i don't like the idea of having two Mw poles that are almost the same.
I want to trade ONE of these beautiful weapons (ONLY ONE) for a good armor piece.
Cores i will throw in gold for the trade and a good amount if needed but be reasonable plzz.

1st item:               Mighty Great Long Axe
                              weapon length: 125
                                    weight: 3.8
                                    difficulty: 16
                                 speed rating: 92
                              weapon length: 125
                            thrust damage: 17 blunt
                              swing damage: 48 cut
                                       slots: 2
                             Can't use on horseback <-------- One day : (
                               Bonus against Shield <---------- Ohh My God how help full this is!... with the right build you
                                                                                can just wreck shields all day long.

2ed item                 Mighty Elegant Poleaxe <---------The Elegant is a beautiful weapon that i don't know if i want to let it go.
                                weapon length: 132                   It was a hard weapon to obtain... but ya it is has perfect wight, length and speed   
                                      weight: 2.3                          for how hard it hits.
                                     difficulty: 16                          Again great weapon.
                                  speed rating: 93
                                weapon length: 132
                             thrust damage: 28 pierce
                               swing damage: 42 cut
                                         slots: 2
                              Can't use on horseback
                                 Bonus against Shield

armors that i'm looking for: Heavy Kuyak, almost any color of Tunic over Mail or Heraldic Mail with Tabard.
                                           idk if i want plate but just send it my way and i will check it out.

Just Pm me or post here. I know its a lot but thank you very much : )   

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