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Topics - Vralek

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Message for Zagibu as suggested by Tydeus
« on: February 17, 2014, 04:01:08 am »
Question for Zagibu

Is it possible to put back all items sticking out of a soldier or horse as it was before?  Used to be if I hit someone with 3 axes I would see all 3 sticking out.  Helps keep track of who's been hit and who's horse should drop soon.  Shouldn't cause too much lag or anything.



Buy / Chucky_Tosser looking for Masterwork heavy throwing axes!
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:03:48 pm »
Have +1 axes atm, need couple points to get them to +3, OR trade my Mighty Great Axe for masterworks straight up. Send me a message
to work out details as I have a good amount of gold as well, Thanks. :)


Buy / WTB Loomed heavy throwing axes.
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:59:21 am »
send me a message if interested and we can haggle on price. send me a message to vralek. thanks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / New Player using a Mac needs assistance please.
« on: September 24, 2011, 01:36:42 am »
Hello Vralek here, I have a friend that wants to play C-Rpg with us but needs some help getting it to run on his Mac.  So could some of you Mac players please lend some assistance? 

Thanks, here's what he wrote to me;

I'm using Wineskin which is an open source free software package that basically wraps up a windows application so the Mac can use it.   I'm using the demo version of M&B. Shouldn't make a difference over buying since the demo can be unlocked thereby gaining access to full game (still the same package).

The problem I'm having is no sound and although the mouse pointer is present for the game startup menu, it disappears when the game actually starts. 

If anyone is using the same deal, ask them what wineskin engine they're using or where they got the wrapper if it is a pre made wrapper.  Any tweaking they may have had to do with the wrapper to make the game work properly.

hello all, just getting my new computer setup and wonder how i can get my characters on my new computer when i play c.rpg online.  I now have one computer at my place and one will be at my apt. for when i am at work.  I work shift work and work 60 miles/100 km from my house and want to play my c.rpg characters at either place/computer.  I looked in my documents for save games but they are only single player modes, any help please?


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