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Topics - MouthnHoof

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Clear&simple wpf/PT limits. Armor wpf penalies.
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:18:06 pm »
Clear&simple wpf/PT limits
Currently there is a requirement of 13 wpf/PT, otherwise the effective PT is lowered to the max value allowed. This is highly dynamic and confusing since the wpf/PT is not clearly advertised (people argue if this is 13 or 14), it is dynamic and affected by the armor you wear in each round and easy to make mistakes during level ups.

I suggest that instead the increase of PT is simply blocked through the character screens (in game & that will not allow to increase PT byond the current throwing wpf. Much simpler, transparent and prevents mistakes. Also, it removes the need to calculate the armor wpf penalty each round that I replace a piece of armor. Which brings me to the second suggestion...

Display armor wpf penalty in the ( character equipment screen
Display it for the default setup next to the total cost, slots used and weight.

Game Balance Discussion / Make halfswording a bit more practical
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:38:13 am »
I love the polearm mode of swords as halfswording. The thing that kills it are the terrible stats though. The thrust got significant more pierce damage which is OK (One of the major points in halfswording) and swings took a BIG cut damage hit and speed is reduced. The swing damage cut makes sense but is a bit excessive - the swing damage is lower than the typical 1H swords, the animation gives about equal range and the speed so very much slower than a 1H sword.

In practice, halfswording is not slower than normal swings (perhaps the opposite), but game balance require it. OK keep it. The swing damage needs to be upped to remain a viable attack from a 2H-pole weapon that has no shield, is not very fast and very short ranged. Halfswording is intended to be used against armor - we cannot do that, but we can make it not useless against it. Up the swing damage a bit to 75-80% of the normal swing damage. It will place it in the low 30s, which is just a bit more than the typical 1H swords and is balanced against them by much lower speed and only 3 attack directions (and 2-slot requirement).

(If you do not care about realism, skip to the next paragraph)
Since the dawn of makind, man has always thought that attaching a long pole by velcro to you back was ridiculous. Throughout history, due to Native limitations, huge weapons could either be attached to the back or made to fold and fit in the pocket. This has changed - the brilliant cRPG modders introduced the "unsheathable" flag. It can be done! we have the technology! So now, large medieval weapons can be treated as in real life - carried in hand and dropped to the ground when another weapons was to be used. There is no reason we should not apply this to most weapons in game to simulate the real limitations vs. advantages of large 2H/pole weapons.

Gameplay balance:
There is continual discontent with the number of people using powerful big weapons. The weapons themselves are fine, but when sheathable, they bypass the main weapon disadvantages - a poleaxe carrier can still use a shield and near insta-switch to his big whopper when he enters melee. He can have it on his back when lancing and then pull it out when de-horsed. etc. I believe that such weapons should not be used by cavalry (even ignoring the history aspect) or in combination with any ranged weapon. Infantry that choose to wield them should suffer the attached drawbacks (no shield switching, no switching weapons back and forth). On top of that, some sheathable weapons have a very similar counterpart which is for some reason unsheathable - so either both should be sheath or unsheathable (preferably the latter).

Benefits of "cannot sheath" flag:
As a compensation (game play) and appropriately (realism), the slot requirement of these weapons should be reduced - they are carried in hand after all. I think 1 or even 0 slot is acceptable in these cases. It will not help much to any ranged character because these weapons will drop to the ground the moment the player tries to switch to his ranged weapon.

Weapons that really should be unsheathable:
* Elegant poleaxe
* German poleaxe
* Great long bardiche + Long bardiche - the only difference of the "short" version is the tip of the blade.
* Glaive - The Swiss is 2 cm longer, lost the swing and cannot sheath. Glaive can keep the swing, but not the sheath.
* Poleaxe - I am sorry, but it looks idiotic sticking half a meter above the carrier's head.
* Long hafted blade
* Awlpike - 1 cm less than the Ashwood pike makes it sheathable?
* Long Maul
* Long hafted spiked/knobbed mace

About the long axes:
Axes can and were carried on back. You can find scabbards for wood axes in stores - but these were much shorter than the long axes. Again, the main argument here is the game balancing, excluding these weapons from becoming sidearms:
* Great long axe
* Long war axe

I would go on and on with the unsheathable polearms list, but for game's sake and the outcry that will come, we can leave a few sheathable polearms.

General Discussion / What happened to capture the flag?
« on: May 17, 2011, 02:05:12 pm »
I never see any servers running it and I didn't get to try it.
Is it bugged or just bad? What were the rules on that mode?

Game Balance Discussion / Minor items adjustments
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:17:03 pm »
1. Claymore - it is the new fashion. Its grip point is too low. Move it up by a few cm closer to the cross guard and reduce "reach" accordingly. It will become more slash, same speed, less reach alternative to the German/Danish/war swords. It will also look better when gripped right.

2. 1H Iron war/battle axe - with the reduction of 2H damage, these babies now rival 2H weapons. Yes, they are slightly slower than other 1H weapons, but put out great damage, with a shield bonus and attractive cost. I am surprised they are not used much more.

3. Boar spear - 88 speed ?! come on! it has reach of less than 150. OK it is a cheap spear, but if you took the swing ability away from it (why?), at least give it a speed fitting a medium length light spear. It would be a series of boar -> tassel -> war spear with increasing stats and cost. Alternatively, make it sort of a heavy warspear: i.e. add weight and blunt swing damage (and ability!), but leave thrust as it is (weight does not help in thrust damage). Part of the use for the wings was to slam on the shield, then tilt it when it caught by the wings. Blunt damage between the war spear (19) and Iron staff (23) will be fine and balanced by the much lower speed. Something like:

Boar Spear
weapon length: 145
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 4
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 145
thrust damage: 27 pierce
swing damage: 21 blunt
slots: 2

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