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Topics - Skrubb

Pages: [1]
Guild Wars / The Gem System: Pay to Win?
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:15:16 pm »
From what I have seen in the betas, they are going to have a currency exchange in the Black Lion Trading Company tab.

This ingame window will be basically all of what you need in the palm of your hand in terms of money. So let's say you need a new pair of boots. You can go and buy these from somebody on the auction house type deal in that tab.

Go up to the top tab you'll find a "Currency Exchange" where you can trade Gems for In game gold and vice versa.

What gems are used for are things in a Guild Wars shop which will be most similar to the NX Shop in Maple Story for all you fans out there. (Nerdy.. and embarrassing. I know)

I say this because the lead designer of that NX shop has helped in producing the "gem shop" in the new Guild Wars.

So are people going to spend real money to get all the money in Guild Wars 2 and overpower the people who choose not to pay?

One example brought up was that you can craft and craft alone without touching a single mob after the intro and through this get to level 80.

Somebody had been worried that you may be able to buy gems, convert them to gold, and then buy all the crafting items they need to reach level 80.

But let's look at the real thing here. If somebody really wants to get to level 80 that way it will cost tons and tons of real money and would in the end not be worth it at all.

Second of they are only destroying their own experience of the game being locked up in some crafting chamber maybe in the Black Forge.

Third it's not necessarily pay to win because that person wasting their own money won't have any type of superiority in terms of gear. (If they only craft, they'll never have done any dungeons such as Arah. Which has beautiful level 80 armor sets may I add.)

These people who choose this way of leveling will affect the world minimally if at all. The better way for them to do it would in my opinion be to buy possible Exp boosts offered in the Gem Store.

This being said I think that the Currency Exchange is a very good thing. People who don't want to pay for gems can work hard and be thrifty in the game in order to buy gems on the exchange.

I see this as another very good end game opportunity. After all content is completed if ever, I would most likely spend my time in World v. World getting money and most likely spending some of that on getting some gems. Then I could buy some cool cosmetics like Aviator glasses in the Gem Store.

It's brilliant really. The game as a whole is brilliant. I can't wait to play.

See you guys out there!

Guild Wars / Read here for Strategies for Reserving Names!!
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:48:50 am »
I've been scavenging for juicy info regarding the launch of Guild Wars 2
So word on the block is that If you create a character with whatever name.. Let's say "Chad" for now.

You make a Sylvari necromancer that goes by the name "Chad"

After you make this character and you delete it. The name possessed by that character is then reserved to you for 24 hours. (Not sure if this is just for launch or for the rest of Guild War's lifetime).

So a strategy that would be very good for getting those desired names would be to as quickly as you can create 5 characters and not worry about anything but their names. Skip the creation and all to get to that name.

Rinse and repeat 5 times and then go ahead and delete them after you have finished.

This way you can relax while you create your characters and know that your generic name wont be stolen by some other genius out there.

Hope this helps somebody out there who has a hard on for names.

Good luck in the Guild Wars world.

Also if you want to find out more about the lore of Guild Wars 2 check out WoodenPotatoes lore series on Youtube.

It is actually quite interesting.

Closed Requests / Unban for WhaddupRandom
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:13:04 am »
In a world of swords, polaxes, hafted blades, katanas, nodachis, scottish swords, italian swords, italian falchions, regular falchions, shortfalchions, and great long bardiches..
In a world of men, women, nemotoads, and metrosexuals.

There was an Idiot named WhaddupRandom.

This man goes to college during the year and comes home to play Mount and Blade with me during the Summer.

In this world there are mistakes. Unfortunately some guy that apparently shares the same bloodline as me has made a huge one.

Winterly has endured his mistakes, Joey Baloney has endured them, and even ha my homie Kolee.

After hearing of my brother's mistakes I scolded him, slapped him, and even resorted to farting on him.

I would like for him to get another chance. Please.

I want to apologize on behalf of my half retarded brother. If he does it again I will throw him and his huge body out the WINDOW

Community is the only love I have left in C-RPG. I would like to share this with my sibling.

Thank you.


Suggestions Corner / Tavern SERVER?!?!?!
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:40:38 am »
Once Upon a Time
I was strolling around in the lands of Veluca and I came across a brilliant, Brilliant, BRILLIANT..... Idea.

I imagine a world... a new atmosphere. The smell of rum wafting through the air. A TAVERN?!?!?!

Yes a tavern I say. Lay back relax talk a little bit. Talk Diplomacy in a calm organized manner.

OH WAIT.. What is that I hear?

Two high ranking diplomats from two high ranking clans have erupted in a Brawl.

Whoever wins gets their way.

Anyway.. A tavern server with a little server box would be perfect for getting rid of all the stresses of battle.
Sometimes we need the time to just sit back and Relax.. relax.. r - e - l - a - x

P.S. this would be perfect for Drunkards like Voren, Luckycharms, and Oxrock.

Thank you for reading.

So I get on my computer today and steam updated M&B: Warband to version 1.150.

I am fully aware that there is no c-rpg version compatible with this update just yet but I have a problem beyond this with my Warband client.
When I try to open Warband with the actual Warband launcher it opens up the black box reading:
"Preparing to launch Mount and Blade: Warband"

This box stays open for literally half a second and then dissapears.
After dissapearing and what would usually bring up the launch menu for the game nothing happens.
I check my task manager and Warband is not running or even opening up.

I have yet to see anybody with this problem which has started for me today. I would like to fix it asap.
Thank you!  :oops:

Closed Requests / Skrubbin's Statement
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:36:41 pm »
Yesterday I was riled up. What I did was wrong.
But I'd like to state my intention so here's the story:

2 days ago I was playing on the Rageball server NA_Crpg_6 and Former Black Rose member Jeff_Of_Canada joined and vote banned me.
Of course the server population was about 9 at the time so the people usually spam "1" on the poll.
The vote passes with 55% and out I go.

Reason was because I was yelling at Jeff for having shot me in the back about 10 times.
And he felt he had the authority to ban me after his voluntary carelessness.

So then yesterday I happened to be back on the Rageball server and in Jeff comes.
At this point Im furious at him. I begin to walk in front of him while he is shooting so that I would block him from shooting while on his team.
While on the opposing team I chased him down as he laughed at me on chat.

After this Smoothrich, an admin on offical servers, banned me for blocking Jeff from shooting for who knows how long.
It is now the next day and I am still banned.

Jeff has a history of abusing C-rpg by exploiting exp in the deathmatch mode of his old Blackrose server going afk and leaching of self created x5 ticks
- Through this he gained many retirements and has loomed many items.
I for one have played C-Rpg very soon to its release and have never been banned by an admin before.
I do not respect him and he is always disrespectful and very careless.
He will team wound you as much as he wants and feel good about it.

In this case I recieved the harsh punishment for trying to take matters into my own hands out of a lust for revenge. I do admit this was a poor decision on my part.
Recieving a punishment this drastic for standing in front of my teamate while they shoot intentionally is rediculous.

I also do recommend a revision on Smoothrich's admin status, for he did not even tell me a word nor did he warn me prior to this ban (day - permanent ban I am no sure how long)
He did not even ask me for my side of the story he just banned me without any type of communication with the rest of the server or me.

I do not have a history of punishment and I feel as though I do not deserve one.

Thank you for reading this and I do hope I have cleared up any grey areas.

If you have any further questions all be in my lonesome on NA_Community_1 or reply on this thread.

Jeff has a history of abuse. Ask many of the frequent players and they would agree. I feel I should not be punished for his fraud or Smoothrich's one sided administration.

Hey Guys!
Skrubbin Here
I turned on my computer this morning and Steam asked me to Defragment my Mount & Blade: Warband game for better perfromance.
So I did...
It tooks literally half a second and then says Defrag complete.
Then I start it up and it notifies me once that the Game can't find dvx 9 and crashed.
I tried starting it up again then it loaded..
However now in game my graphic settings are on the same as before but very choppy.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling without any positive result.
Hopefully somebody out there knows the solution.
I would appreciate any insight onto the subject...

Thank you guys :]

cRPG Technical problems / Need Some Help
« on: June 14, 2011, 10:12:22 pm »
Hello.. I played Mount & Blade C-RPG yesterday. It was running just fine
I understand this may be technical but I didnt think it was a "Bug" to report.
Anyway 2 seconds after I spawn in a server i just crash and my M&B Stops working. I restarted and tried again and same problem.
Anybody know what may be wrong?
Thanks for Reading this

Sell/Trade / (Selling) Deadly Awlpike
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:46:52 pm »
Offers for Deadly Awlpike
Gold or will also Trade for
 +1 Great Axe or +1 Two-Handed Sword

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