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Topics - Hizard

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Unban]Zbyszko
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:32:24 pm »
Hay Community,
I was auto banned from a lot servers and I don't know why.
I joined the game and puff: "You are banned from the Server"
Does somebody of the admins know why? -

Please unban me. I did nothing illegal!


cRPG Technical problems / I donĀ“t come in the game
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:27:02 am »
when I open M&B wirth crpg and choose one map, there comes than : ui_downloading map. After 1 minute I come in the game but
then M&B goes off. What can I do?


PS: sry for my English :D

Pages: [1]