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Topics - Sellka

Pages: [1]
Chronicles of elyria seems like its going to be an interesting game, its been on the back burner for the past two years and I've been keeping up in the IRC. So all buildings in the game are custom built, as there will be an architect thing released at some point. So think of this great ass design then put some secret rooms in there or secret passageways. More shit that's cool is that all armor is modular, meaning you could have some funky sets of gear which is also.. all custom made, right down to the materials you use to how its crafted, that also includes weapons.

Annd mah friend code:   98C04F

Since the old thread died of some horid death of inactivity, I wanted to see whos still around that plays dwarf fortress. I know currently I am playing Phoebus  with a big river next to my settlement in a untaimed wild. So I got giant songes and sponge men. I'm fucked. So decided to close the gates of the fortress and dig.. Dig.. and dig.. Currently have 17 dwarfs in the settlement with a big nasty red sponge sitting at the front trying to soak the mosture out of the wooden door.

All those who dwell unite and dig togeather! Strike the earth!

Also share some stories from your forts!

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Mayday goblin pack ^ not my fortress but looks similar. Massive military FTW BTW

Suggestions Corner / Add Rohan's armor
« on: April 11, 2014, 04:08:30 pm »
Pretty much what the title says add some sweet ass rohirrim armour.
muster the rohirrim!

Closed Requests / [UNBAN] HoC_Sellka
« on: January 21, 2012, 06:17:04 pm »
I was playing on rage ball and was randomly polled baned on na 6 at 1:47pm 3:30+ gmt by avlan_The_chipmunk
Poll was accepted. I did not get a screen shot.

cRPG Technical problems / I lost eveything/Name change.
« on: February 20, 2011, 01:52:54 pm »
Yesterday I was a lev 30, My name was Sellka_of_Acre. I changed my name to Crusader_Sellka_of_Acre, when I joined a game I lost all my stuff and now im back to lev one, Since im bored I am leveling my "new" Character.

*PS* I have changed my charas name before.

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