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Topics - Z_E_N

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General Discussion / AGI needs some love back.
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:13:35 am »
After various tests by different people, and the general "feel" of the current gameplay, I'm suggesting a compromise between the old AGI stat/skill system and the current one.

Let's face it,  AGI is completely gimped atm.  As much as people try to swear by it now, it is nowhere near as powerful as doing a full STR build.  The only time AGI is worth anything is with the riding skill or shield skill.

First,  AGI no longer has any passive boosts.  We all believed it increased attack speed, and it used to, but Walt-F4 disproved that in another thread.  STR gives both a slight damage increase (was this ever proved?) and HP boost.

Now lets take the skills and some proposed compromises.

Weapon Master -  Most of us can agree the old system of AGI spammers was a bit much.  AGI increased attack speed, WPF increased attack speed, people would grab a heavy weapon and spam like crazy.  Now however, it's useless.  The difference between 113 WPF (0 Weapon master skill) and 150ish WPF (5/6 WM) is pretty much nonexistant.  AGI characters also lost their damage because of this, because they made up for some of the loss in power strike with higher WPF.

Compromise:  Keep it at where AGI does not increase attack speed, but put WPF scaling back to where it was before.  This way high AGI characters wont be double dipping to impossible attack speeds, but they will get a little bit more damage, and still have a slightly better attack speed.  Also, this helps out the archers a little, not really increasing their damage, but making them more accurate.  They already got nerfed so much that damage is nothing, but now they are so desparate for kills they fire into every melee and TK all the time.  This would give them back some accuracy.  Still low damage, but at least let them be accurate.

Athletics -  This was a surprise change for me.  Until the recent Athletics thread and some tests I had no clue this was nerfed.  It always "felt" off, but now I realize why.   This should never have been changed at all.  There were never any complaints pre-patch of "OMG ATHLETICS WHORE NERF".   Yes..its annoying running after high speed archers, but they are sacrificing some for that speed.  If they have to sacrifice damage for that speed, people that want to catch them should have to sacrifice for the speed as well.

Anyway, thats all I have for now, any suggestions or comments from others would be appreciated.  If I think of anything else I'll post more.

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