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Topics - Erathsmus

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General Discussion / New stuff?
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:04:33 am »
I'm back from my super long break!  It has been about 3 or 4 months I think, what new stuff has come into the mod?

Also, how is the community? Does the mod still have a good amount of people associated with it, or is it fairly barren atm?

General Discussion / After the Storm
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:45:11 am »
The gaming storm (series of big video game title releases) has hit hard.

I just recovered from wading through a treacherous sea (76 hours of skyrim) along with a few stormy clouds (30 combined hours of  saints row 3 and battlefield). I am hoping that the promised land (C-rpg) is the way that it was when I was swept from the shore.

Are there any survivors? Did the land itself change in any ways? (are there still plenty of players, and have there been any major game changes)

If anyone finds this message, reply with haste...For I want to know if I am all that remains. don't count as a survivor if your computer was too crappy to play anything else.

Spam / The eghggnof
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:21:02 am »
I found eggnog in my freezer, I was so excited that I decided to type avout it while not looking at the keyboard. Unfortuntely there was too much eggnof for me to be able to drink all of it during the given amount of time.

I was also wondering why ehhnof excperies so quicjkly necaise IApparemtly it was purcjased just the other day.

I bought it on Novrmbrt uk and it says it ec piers on Mopvermeber 156...

I mean reallyu, gow the hell am I supposed to ftrink that much eggnog in like a week?I guess if I had ghusets overr it would help, bit I don;t, so I am goibnf ro have ti soend evernight being vloated with ehhnof jhust ti finish it.

Anywaus I thought it woulf r jrlpgul tyo dhstr yjid ionmgptmsyiopm eoyj upi hiud,. do ytjsy ejrm yuoiu [itvjsdr rhhm,pf. upi lmpe yjsy upi ,ohjy nmrrf ,ptr yjsm kidy pmr [rtdpm yp jopmodj oy.

General Discussion / Battlefork vs Awlpike
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:58:54 am »
I cannot decide between the two.

The battlefork has some great overhead dmg...But the awlpike has great reach.

Any thoughts or recommendation?

Strategus General Discussion / Taking a fief?
« on: November 03, 2011, 04:53:27 am »
How is it done.

How large of an army do you think our clan should have, and what kind of weaponry is needed?

I know the population of a fief is 500...But idk how many of those 500 are actually armed.

Diplomacy / Disgruntled is moving!
« on: November 02, 2011, 08:35:11 am »
Disgruntled is relocating...Due to a bad neighborhood.

We will no longer hold claims over Shapeste, and will no longer patrol Bazeck.

We are keeping our relocation information disclosed for now...But if we randomly appear with armies etc near you, we are most likely going to claim that fief.

SHC, I would also like to say...Please update your diplomatic information, we tried contacting one of your listed diplomats and we have still recieved no reply. That makes me unhappy  :cry:

Diplomacy / Snow Hawk Clan
« on: October 31, 2011, 05:05:55 am »
I have been trying to find information about your claims, your wars, and your diplomats. But I haven't found much.

If any of you see this, please let me know who your diplomat is so we may contact them. We are curious as to what your activities involve near Bazeck and Shapeste; specifically Entar and Ving.

Strategus General Discussion / Which is better?
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:58:25 am »
Is it better to craft your armies weapons, or craft goods and buy the weapons with the gold earned?

I have a bunch of random stuff I can craft, can you only craft things that you get "the message" from?

General Discussion / [Poll] Will C-Rpg survive the storm?!
« on: October 29, 2011, 11:50:29 pm »
Well, what do you guys think?

What would make you want to play C-Rpg more than any of these upcoming games?

Some seriously big hitter are coming: Battlefield 3, Skyrim, COD, Skyrim, Saints Row the Third, Stronghold, and Skyrim.

General Discussion / Is Crpg "popular?"
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:29:55 pm »
What is the Status on the Crpg community, are its numbers actually growing or staying stagnant?

I have always thought this mod was amazing, and to me it seems like there is alot of people involved. Do any of you know mount and blade players that don't play Crpg?

Also, is Strategus/Crpg ever planning to be officially released? If it does, will it be on steam just like With Fire and Sword, or were those made by the original developers and they have the only rights to sales?

Strategus General Discussion / [Suggestion] Recruitment and Taxes.
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:45:17 pm »
 Suggestion:      When fief owners raise taxes too high, there is a chance that people can recruit nearby the fief. Depending on how high the taxes are, there will be a higher % corralation to the chance of recruiting outside of that village. Kinda like having a population so upset, that they are willing to be hired by other forces because thier Lord is being abusive with taxes. This would also mean that the higher taxes you charge, the more likely bandit groups (player owned) will be outside of your village trying to recruit the population you have been taxing.

Strategus General Discussion / 2 Questions
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:28:59 am »
Why are troops when they are hired come naked?

Where do Bandits get their troops from if all fiefs are taken by factions?

Closed Requests / [Ban Request] Yyerion_Snow
« on: October 19, 2011, 10:48:45 am »
For some reason this guy was at spawn teamhitting people who were spawning. I have no idea why, but it was really annoying. His explanation for hitting me, was I was "interrupting his fights" even though he was just running around swinging like an idiot at recently spawned teammates.

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Diplomacy / Disgruntled Claims
« on: October 18, 2011, 11:21:13 am »
Credit to the OP of this image. Here are our claims.

The green indicates areas we will be patrolling regularly for diplomatic reasons.

The pink area is that in which we hope to claim, and house our members.

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Faction Halls / [New Clan] Disgruntled (Recruiting NA)
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:50:42 am »
Clan Disgruntled

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Most of our current members consist of X Royal_Guard members, which was a non-strategus clan. (but now that has changed)
Current member count: ~6 and recruiting.

Green shows patrol areas, pink shows potential territory.

We will soon have a banner created, we are located in the north east  vvv (ty to the op of the map borders)

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Recruitment: We are looking for all types of players, whether you are a peasant, veteran....Anything! As long as you speak something close to English. If you feel incompetent in combat, we have players from our own and other clans willing to help train you!

What is our purpose?
We want to have fun with a strategy game, and give any player the oppurtunity to take place on a persistant field of battle! We do not condone trolling, but we facilitate severe disgruntlement.
Leadership is still being determined, so get in while the spots are open!

If interested, please send me a pm :o

*This piece of crap clan post will be reformatted once we get things in order, looking too long at its current format may lead to blindness and the desire to troll due its incompetence.*

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