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Topics - hotcobbler

Pages: [1]
Hey everybody,

It's been a long time since I tried to play, between work and Skyrim, I just tried to log on today and found there is now a launcher. That's cool, download that, install shit, try to join crpg NA 1, and I get "Error, cannot join server".

Then I think "Maybe I need to log in to the website since it's been so long." Deleted my cookies, and try to log in, and it's giving me wrong password.

The problem I'm facing now is to find out your password, you need to log into the game, which I can't do either. Can anyone provide me direction for a next step?

Thanks in advance for your help.

General Discussion / Servers, c-RPG website down last night...
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:18:47 pm »
Anybody know why? It doesn't seem like a patch was released, at least there is no dev thread about it.

General maintenance? Ninja update? Speculation?

So, here's my deal, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I recently traded a long hafted blade +1 for a heraldic mail w/ tabard +1. Trade went through just fine, I'm now using it as my default armor. I also have a regular version of the same armor, no need to use it, but I figure I'll keep it around in case I get tired of the heirloom and decide to trade/sell it.

I just hit 31 last night, and want to waste no time before retiring. I was planning on heirlooming my recently acquired armor, to make it +2. However, both my new heirloom and the regular heraldic mail are not showing up as options to heirloom when I go to retire. All of my other items are showing up just fine.

Anyone have a similar problem?

Thanks for your help!

Strategus General Discussion / Suggestion: Siege Preparations
« on: July 19, 2011, 05:57:47 pm »
I'm new to Strat, but I have a suggestion for the new version. I know these kind of changes take time, so this is long-term.

I propose a system where investing a castle takes significantly more time than it does now. Raiding and capturing a village with no walls is one thing, but to take a castle should take up significant resources and time for the attackers. I'm talking about being frozen there for at least 48 hours, maybe more. Also, there should be some special items/supplies needed to imvest a castle, such as shovels, tents, battering rams, towers, etc... that must be in the army inventory befoe initiating a siege. This would make longterm planning more important and allow for counter attacks.

My reasoning behind this is twofold: in reality, most sieges took months if not years. Also, this would prevent bigger clans from blitzing smaller ones sooooo easily.

Any input is appreciated.

Sell/Trade / x2 Courser for sale or trade
« on: July 15, 2011, 08:20:06 pm »
Taking offers of trades on x2 Heraldic Mail

Or gold

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