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Topics - Lethwin Far Seeker

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Diplomacy / The Battle of Curaw Bridge
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:23:47 am »
Prince Althalos
The men of Lord JayJrod's host were running every which way and everyone was shouting at one another.  The snow was brown and mushy, the kind that makes an ugly snow man but its good for making snow balls that hit hard.  Somehow in the confusion he had been sent to the camp with Finnian's baggage train which didn't make much sense to him because his brother was still in the woods hunting for the outlaws that captured Thalion.  All he knew was that there was soon to be a battle.  "Squire!  Fetch cold water and clean rags to Lord Jay's tent NOW!"  He almost corrected the surgeon before he realized the opportunity that he'd been given.  So he played his part and tried not to grin as he thought of the other boys faces when he told them of meeting the best swordsman in the land.  In the center pavilion stood two men wearing furs that smelled of dog that he recognized as Jona and King Bonesaw as well as a few other men bearing freshly dyed heraldry of Mithrim.  On the bed betwixt them lay the finest swordsman in the land, shaking and dripping sweat.  "Give me those... we must break the fever" said the surgeon as he snatched the pail of chilly water and rags and shooed him away.  As he made his way back to the baggage he heard the soldiers muttering about their circumstances.  And why shouldn't they?  Their champion lay fever stricken in a tent and their generals were very far from the battlefield.  Even at the age of 12 he knew what pitifully low morale was when he saw it... but what if-  The idea struck him so swiftly he found himself running before he knew why.  After spending some time fumbling with all the armour plates that made up his brothers churburg cuirass he finally managed to assemble the lord of Mithrim's battle gear.  The blue gambeson made him feel fat and poofy and the great triangle shaped kite shield was as tall as he was.  Never the less he thought he must look quite dashing in all the +3 gear.  With his feet lodged in significantly shortened stirrups he rode to the front to the front lines smirking as he heard the exclamations of "Lord Tiercel is here!  Finnian has returned!"  As the formations arrayed themselves before the enemy host he turned and faced them.  "I AM FINNIAN TIERCEL! MEN! FOR A GLORIUS CHARGE! CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  As he lowered his lance he remembered Finnian telling him never to use all caps... oh well.

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A clump of snow slid off the rim of his iron kettle hat and fell at his feet.  He watched the falling snowflakes fall around it, slowly creeping up blurring its form and softening its shape.  Suddenly a torrent of raucous shouting distracted him.  There was a man wearing vibrantly dyed clothing running across Ismirala Castle's courtyard with an arrow sticking out from his turban.  Behind the man ran a pack of armed men, mercenaries by the look of them, shouting things as "We want gold!" and "Give us our damn pay!".  The turban wearing man tripped on a trailing sash and came up shouting obscenities.  It was then Donaldson suddenly realized the harrowed man was his friend Rostam.  Shortly after he realized it would be expected that he attempt to alleviate the situation.  Mithrim's warriors numbered only a handful and some of its allies fewer so it was merely by the promise of wealth, fame, and perhaps the number of acquaintances that the Lord Tiercel had made that enabled them to field an army.  Mercenaries and errant warriors were unreliable at best.  A trait accentuated by any sudden dearth of income.  So Donaldson knocked the remaining snow off his iron hat and made his way towards the throng.

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Finnian Tiercel
The lord of Ismirala Castle sat on the lichen coated trunk of a fallen spruce, one leg atop the other, grinding with whetstone the dullness away from an old falchion.  The blade was forged long ago by an Astralis smith and by the number of notches it had likely clashed against one of the old straight swords used by the wardens long ago.  Perhaps the old thing could remember back to the Battle of Fenada.  Now in retirement it serviced him as a tool to cleave a path through bracken and bramble so that the donkey carrying his provisions could pass freely through the woods.  When he finished and stood the pair of blood hounds lent to him by Jona rose as well, their tails thwacking against up shooting saplings.  As he hacked away at the vegetation he thought of the soldiers hacking at shields and pole shafts on some far away field.  His hand had been forced without any advantage on his behalf.  He almost was reluctant to find his viceroy as finding him meant the admonishing of his undiplomatic actions.  Somehow Thalion could accomplish more with one raven than he could with 24 (24 being the total number of messenger birds that had roosted in Ismirala keep before he frantically sent them to the imperial council).  Darkness had just set when a twinkling of light appeared off ahead and to the right of his course- a campfire surely.  Finnian tied off the donkey and hounds to a tree and stalked ahead stealthily as he might.  As he crept up to the shadows cast by the light he beheld a figure silhouetted against the crackling fire- the all too familiar great sword of war was slung across his back.  "Thalion!" he called only to realize his own folly as the name left his lips.  The figure turned to face him and though he drew forth Thalion's sword, he was not the Viceroy of Mithrim.  It is an unlucky thing to wield in earnest a fallen foe's blade as it may hold the bitterness of its former master.  Finnian hoped that Thalion held a closer bond with his blade than the Astralis soldier who once fought wardens with the falchion Finnian now brandished.

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Diplomacy / HCE\Acre army intruding Mithrim teritory- gets attacked
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:37:01 am »
It was recently reported that W0lf of Acre had been spotted in Mithrim territory with 1k heavily armed troops.
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Talanarsis\NSIV and King James were contacted and warned that if the army continued on its course it would be attacked.  Despite this the army continued on its course.
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I spoke continuously James and Talanarsis trying to convince them to stop W0lf.  Their claims may be found in the steam convo's below.  I was eventually redirected to the Acre diplomat Axeman, and I asked James to at least halt W0lf's progress till I could conclude diplomacy with Axeman, preventing an immediate attack.  James was unwilling to do even this and so as he had been ordered, JayJrod attacked the Acre army as it attempted to cross the bridge to Curaw.

For transparency and clarity I am posting the steam conversations between myself and Talanarsis.  James and Axeman were unwilling to disclose their conversations with me.

Conversation with JayJrod:
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Conversation with Talanarsis:
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Conversation with James:

The Claim on Curaw:
Following the War in the North the tundra region was taken by the WotN and held by Mithrim.  An agreement was made with Blue (who had left Acre) which involved Guildmaster_Blue governing Curaw.  Blue was free to use the city however he liked in matters of trade.  So he got to use the SnD and run a trade network which helped us manage our newly acquired territory.  Blue eventually merged with HCE (containing the same clans as KotN) thus breaching our agreed arrangement.  As a result I have recently been engaged in negotiations with Talanarsis.  The negotiations have not come to much but I promised there wouldn't be use of force at least until Thalion, our proper diplomat, had the opportunity to resolve the situation. 


« on: June 14, 2015, 11:32:29 pm »
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A messenger raven was recently felled by inebriated huntsmen near the wood of Nova Rebache bearing undeniable proof of the matriarch's infidelity.  The contents of the raven's letter evidence that the empress of the Holy Chadizian Empire, unbeknownst to her husband tried to seduce Finnian Tiercel, lord of Mithrim, to elope with her to EU!  Is the emperor cuckold?  Will lord Tiercel reciprocate the wanton virgin's feelings?  Many have their doubts given the jocular response he gave her in the message but could this be an attempt to hide the truth?  See a leaked copy of the original document below and tell us what you think on twitter or on facebook!  We'll find the answer and inform you in the next issue of PEOPLE of STRATEGUS.
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NA (Official) / Ban Request for Schoi_Asian_Boy
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:53:41 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Jeorick_Tiercel_of_Mithrim
2. Name of offending character(s) Schoi_Asian_Boy
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: NA1 2:20 AM Central
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Pursued and engaged Tristan_the_Copper.  Schoi_Asian_Boy came up from behind me and I believe tried to attack Tristan but as Tristan was back peddling, Schoi hit me instead.  I continued my engagement with Tristan but Schoi team killed me and then fought Tristan.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: Schoi was not content to wait for an opening or find other foes and so he team killed me to "get the kill" on Tristan.
6. Multiple Screenshots 
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General Discussion / More Metal Sounds mod for cRPG
« on: May 29, 2015, 10:50:00 pm »
Is there anyone out there currently using this mod?  I used to have it installed and really prefer crpg with it but these days when I try to install it I get a message when trying to enter a server that tells me my files are damaged or have been tampered with and consequently I can't join the server.  Help appreciated.

Diplomacy / Dissolution of the WotN Confederation
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:02:22 am »
In ages past the confederation served well to win wars against those who would despoil the North.  We won wars with sword, quill, and determination.  In this age however there are no southron warbands come to stain the snow.  Many realms that once were, have since perished under the sword and many more have fallen to the great Ayufkay plague.  Indeed our own court has been decimated by the sickness and the men who won their spurs in the grassy fields of Fenada are now long gone.  Those men took hold of a realm spreading from the motte and bailey of Almerra to the icy crenelations of Ismirala, but those men are not now here to reside over the lands betwixt.  In light of this and other causes it shall be that the Kingdom of Mithrim and likewise that of the Hounds will now govern themselves independently from one another, though still in friendship.  Furthermore many of the lands conquered in wars already creeping beyond the edges of memory will be forfeited to any aspiring lord or band of men that may be fit to take them.

Thus for the last time I sign under this title,

Lord Warden Finnian Tiercel

P.S. Taser also shall reign a reformed "Tasa clan" when he is not being swarmed by a horde of gothic huskarls.

General Discussion / cRPG 2hers IRL
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:51:05 am »
Thanks to Rostam for making the gif.

Left click ftw.

Suggestions Corner / Server lag is intolerable
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:37:20 am »
Seriously this server lag is intolerable.  Please fix.

Edit: I am refering specifically to NA1, not sure if EU is having the same problems.

Also replace Tydeus with San.... or anyone.

Suggestions Corner / 2h Warhammer faster than........
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:14:56 am »
So the Two Handed War Hammer is faster than the majority of greatswords around its price range.  With that kind of weight distribution I find that a big stretch.  Also I think it would benefit from getting the pole arm left swing and\or overhead animations.

Anyway I like that we have it now but the thing seems a bit wonky at the moment.

General Discussion / A Fair Fight
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:52:26 pm »
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Agree or are doolz more important?  I find my self questioning my decision to make our team duel Auphilia after we had vanquished his team.  When it came to be my turn I even let my self be badgered into dropping my shield leaving me to attempt to fend of the swish swish STABARSGLURAFBBPPP of his Long Espada Eslavona with my Iron War Axe.  This did not go well for me or my team.

General Discussion / cRPG Total War
« on: June 13, 2014, 04:03:08 pm »
Anyone else recognize the textures?

General Discussion / Community elected item item balancers.
« on: May 28, 2014, 09:43:46 pm »
Edit: Yes this is the result of nerd rage.  Point being dissatisfaction with recent changes.  I care for the mod enough said so piss off with the down voting.

I pledge minimum 20$ donation if the current item balancing team gets ditched for ones elected by the community.
Anyone else?

General Discussion / I regret I must leave you
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:54:40 am »

I regret that I will not be able to play with this community for some time due to my arrest following the incident described in the link above.  To whom it may concern, Lord Viceroy Thalion will be taking charge of the Wardens of the North faction and Ward of Mithrim clan in my absence.  I make no pretense that my actions were justifiable, yet in my defense I say it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

The officer says my time is up so I cannot linger much longer on these forums which are almost a second home to me.

I will miss you all (except for Kaoklai) and wish you the best,

                                 Finnian Tiercel the "Noldork" Lord


Strategus Issues / Production Points disappearing.
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:53:15 am »
I had 14 PP at my castle and put it into decreasing the goods price (which was 19).  The PP is now gone but the goods price was not decreased.

Explain\fix please.

NA (Official) / Ban for Aportal
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:19:49 am »
1. Name of your character involved- Lord_Warden_Finnian_Tiercel
2. Name of offending character(s)- Aportal
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible- I think it was late night 4/3/14 or early 4/4/14.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. -Team wounded me (for kill stealing on dtv?) Next round he was team wounding/harassing another player and team killed me when I interjected.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.- I think he thought I was leeching.
6. Multiple Screenshots- See below
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.-  I don't remember anyone I know playing with me at the time.

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