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Topics - RiPLeY_II

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Character belongs to someone else
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:56:40 pm »
Hey, I decided to login back into crpg after 2 years of inactivity (guess chadz video for melee battlegrounds have something to do with that :D).
However, when i try to login in a server with my usual character, Shodan_The_Shieldbreaker, it kicks me and says "Character belongs to someone else".
Guess it's something to do with my serial key. I had one of those 5x5 steam keys but i converted it to a 4x4 key. Tried both with steam and with standalone installer of warband with the 4x4 key. Both show same error.

What is changed is Hardware Hash, as this is a different computer from what i used to play.

Any help?  TY.

PD: if chadz still visits the forum frequently, this issue is what keeps me from funding the melee battlegrounds campaign. Allow me to healthy blackmail you a bit ;)

Sell/Trade / Looking for +2 nordic pot/conical helmet
« on: July 02, 2012, 07:57:51 pm »
offer +1 nordic pot helmet + 430000. Offers are up in the market, look for Shodan_the_Shieldbreaker

Good opportunity for you to rearrange your not so well-used loom point on the helmet. I buy it just for the style.

Suggestions Corner / Please implement fall damage from horses
« on: April 07, 2012, 09:40:16 pm »
Infantry gets bump damage and recover time from even failed charges of cav, so it's fair that in a "common sense" point of view, cav get damage from a fall when their horse is killed, having a speed bonus for the damage they receive. Usually when a cavman have his horse killd by infantry at top speed, they fall so far away that sometimes you can't hit them even if you killed the horse, so you have to kill the horse, then kill a soldier at FULL HEALTH again.

And as I said, it's just common sense, there's no way a cavman could get no damage from such a fall...

Please state your class as you vote, just to see which classes favour and don't favour the change.

I'm willing to offer my Lordly Heraldic Mail +100k for a Lordly Heraldic Mail with Tunic.

Easy chance for someone to gain 100k for free!

PM me if interested.

Look for Shodan on the market.

Sell/Trade / Trade (+3)MP Heavy Board Shield
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:35:08 pm »
Looking for a  +3 MP knightly kite shield or +3 MP elite cavalry shield.

Offers are up in the market, look for Wolves_Shodan

Suggestions Corner / FIX the overhead hit to the ground on long 1h
« on: November 06, 2011, 01:07:33 am »
Please fix. Right now, with the change of animations/hitboxes, 100 or more length 1h weapons hit the ground in a failed overhead on plain ground (even in descending sometimes, which is senseless), making you loose 1second of blocking and thus leaving you defenseless. That doesn't happen with longer 2h or polearm (or at least i think, correct me if I'm wrong), putting 1h in disadvantage. Think is caused by the change of "active hit" timing in the animation and is easily corrected just making it a bit shorter.

Game Balance Discussion / [STATS] Steel Pick requirement raise to 14
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:44:39 am »
You know, every "tier" of weapons have a higer rqr as you go up in the ladder. Mean:

Winged mace rqr 11
Iberian mace rqr 13
Military hammer rqr 13
Warhammer rqr 15


Simple nordic sword rqr 8
Nordic sword rqr 9
Nordic war sword rqr 10
Nordic champion sword rqr 13

But then in the case of steel pick (also of broad one handed battle axe, which i will make another poll), it goes:

Fighting pick rqr 8
Military sickle rqr 10
Military pick rqr 13
Steel pick --------------------------->RQR 12

In the case of the steel pick and current "unbalanced status" of piercing reduction damage (dealing more than double the amount of damage vs. armor values of 50/60), it also allows the making of "top dealing 1h damage" with a value of 4 ps only (believe me, they deal much more damage than a 21str 7ps with an iron war axe, military cleaver or any other cut damage 1h weapon), which is absolutely ridicolous.

Also the steel pick is a 2.3 weight weapon, which also would favor the fact of raising its requirement.

So vote for the change. My guess is 14 should be enough, as it will more or less equalize it with warhammer, which is the more similar weapon we can find (being the diferences warhammer=slower and knockdown +1 req, raw damage is more or less the same).


Buy / Buy Masterpiece Heavy Board Shield (will hear about other shields)
« on: September 20, 2011, 09:31:41 am »
Looking for a Masterpiece Heavy Board Shield. Right now i have 750k to offer. I'll hear offerings of other shields if interesting. PM me with that.

Sell/Trade / (SOLD)Well Bred Courser (+1) for trade
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:11:49 pm »
I have a +1 courser for trading. I'd like a +1 kuyak (light version) or +1 heraldic mail.

Also be willing to sell it for 340k.

Offers are up in the market, look for Wolves_Shodanius_Steroid_Axe.

PM if you have something else, i could be interested on it.

Suggestions Corner / Unique names for items in marketplace
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:02:52 pm »

right now if you want to look for a kuyak, or a heraldic mail, you can't post an offer being sure that the item you're requesting is the one you want, as there are more than 1 item with the same name. Also if you find someone offering a Kuyak or Heraldic Mail, you can't be sure which one he is offering.

So please, rename those items to make a difference (p.e. Light kuyak and Heavy Kuyak, Long Heraldic Mail and Short Heraldic Mail), and we will be able to trade them correctly.

Could also be applied for color armors, like mail with surcoat, transitional with surcoat or coat of plates, just putting the color before the name.

Buy / +1 kuyak (light version) 300k
« on: June 13, 2011, 04:39:45 pm »
I'm willing to buy a thick kuyak, the one that weights 13.0 for 300k.

PM if interested.

Suggestions Corner / Translate the mod
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:51:59 pm »
the idea of translating the mod do different languages came to my mind while reading this post:,7149.0.html

To begin with, i think the character webpage would be the easiest and more helping for other language-speakers. And it could be done adding a tick on top of the page to select language.

So, to be fair with the suggestion, and if devs find it fair, i offer myself to translate the texts on the page to spanish.

Suggestions Corner / Peasant Wednesday!!!
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:38:15 am »
Or whatever the day is chosen!!!

Like melee monday only allow melee weapons to be wore, let's make a day where you can only wear peasant gear, and your stats are put to level 1 with no advance (back when the day is over).

EPIC peasant battles in towns!!!

It'll also give begginers a day where they're the same as everyone anda have a real oportunity of killing.

What do you think?

« on: January 14, 2011, 12:28:03 am »

today i got banned by an admin named something like irc://fasader in EU server 1 about 2 hours ago. Why? i'm still asking. I was riding my horse and attacked him, tried to stab him 3 times but failed so i charged into him those 3 times. Then, a member of my team killed him when he was recovering from the floor. Next thing??? i got banned permanently.

Sincerely this is not only an unban petition. This is also a ban petition for an irresponsible admin. One can't be banned just for playing fairly and admins should be example of neutrality, which evidently, fasader isn't. I dont' know who is him, i don't know his level of involvement in this project. What I know is that he acted like an 8 year-old angry child just because someone killed him.

So my request is for my unban, and a surely deserved ban for fasader. It may sound ridiculous for someone, but it is fair for such an irresponsability from who has to look for the rules (who watches the watchers?). An also an advice for chadz, the creator of the mod. An admin SHOULD NEVER be a player, neutrality and good manners are deeply questioned when a "player" have the ability to make disappear what is disturbing him and doesn't have the responsability to act correctly.

Today Fasader demonstrated that he is a "player", and not an "admin". For that he doesn't deserve the role of admin.

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