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Topics - Peelz

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Darson1
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:33:22 pm »
Really simple, he slammed into me with his horse knocking off half my Hp, this wasn't for the first time so I reported it hoping he would be more careful. But as you can see by the screenshot this happened.

He turns round, TKs me, and calls me a bitch

Ban requested

cRPG Technical problems / Repair Costs?
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:47:45 pm »
Can someone tell me how repair costs actually work? Because in some places I've heard its random and others I've heard it's a consistent percentage. I had 7k on a character, then 3 rounds later had no money at all because of repair costs. I have an upkeep of 2.9k . So does that mean then upkeep would have happened twice in 3 maps time? I don't have good equipment, just average really, so how is it possible to keep a character running with repair costs that steep?

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