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Topics - Danath

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Wow worst weapon changes in history of CRPG
« on: November 04, 2012, 10:44:32 am »
I just can't believe such noobiness actually occured regarding the uber boost of the Maodaio and the nerf of the Danish Greatsword

Take a look at the trades section on the crpg character area, there are literally 30+ offers of peopel selling Danish Greatsword's because of the stupid nerf to it. It was stupid. But not as stupid as what happened to the Maodaio

A masterwork Maodaio now hits for 45c (wtf) and is I believe 97 Speed. This makes it as fast as many one handed weapon, but at a reach advantage. It's so hard trying to fight against it with a danish greatsword it really highlights a terribad decision of whoever is in charge tweaked its stats.

A masterwork great danish is now 44c (OK that was an improvement it was 43c I believe), but nerfed its 92 speed down to 90. Now it's just slow. The second most expensive weapon is now inferior.

Argue a 9 reach advantage of it over the mao if you wish, ultimately its a piss weak advantage over the maodaio when you consider how fast and hard the mao hits.

There is a reason there is 30+ sell offers for Danish Greatswords.

Someone needs to man up and change the stats on the maodaio and danish greatsword. They ruined the Danish Greatsword. I have one, I'm a bit pissed, but I'm more pissed such a Newbie stat change occurred. CRPG is years old now we shouldn't see silly stat changes like this anymore (that goes 70% for the maio 30% for the danish). Boosting the mao and nerfing the danish made it adundantly clear the Danish is now shit compared to other weapons.

Again, there is a reason there is 30+ sell offers for Danish Greatswords. Deny whatever you wish, you royally fucked this stat change up (no offence). I love crpg thanks to all to make it possible.

Sell/Trade / TRADE Nodachi (masterwork) for War Cleaver (masterwork)
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:56:27 am »
On marketplace ready to go.

Buy / [BUYING] Masterwork WAR CLEAVER
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:35:17 am »
Will buy for $1.25mil.

Best as I will go. Want a quick sale msg me.

General Discussion / 50 WPP - worthy or pointless?
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:54:02 pm »
I am a cav and considering putting 50 WPP to polearms for use only with LANCES. I do not intend to melee with polearms.

Is 50WPP for polearm just a waste of points if lancing only or will it make a decent difference to my lancing?

Game Balance Discussion / Dismemberment
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:00:12 pm »
WHEN is this going to be coded?

Axes only or something. We need this  :mrgreen:

I was going to talk about slicing off limbs but let them keep fighting with the other hand but that seems too high a goal.

How about just kill shots wherever they hit have a % chance to cut off head or limbs if those are hit? You know you want it

Buy / [BUYING] Heirloomed Katana (any gen)
« on: June 11, 2011, 11:27:36 am »
PM me

Suggestions Corner / Cavalry - too little slots
« on: June 11, 2011, 04:33:52 am »
After not having an AU server for ages we finally have a working one and the community has come back alive. Huzzah.

I have spotted that being a cav build pretty much forces you to go a 1H build.


I am a 2H build at the moment.

I carry 2H sword + Lance = 4 slots.

I would be far more able if I had the ability to carry shield. But I can't.


Now if I was a 1H build I could do this:

Carry 1H sword + shield + lance = 4 slots = survive a lot longer, if shot, if couched, if attacked. etc.

I think the lances need to be one slot. It's already horrible you can't sheathe them. At least make them 1 slot so 2h/polearm builds can carry a shield. Otherwise you are giving 1h build cav's a superior advantage when riding and when they fall off (consider when your horse dies, you can immediately shield up and stop the 2-3 arrows going for you and live versus the other two classes die.

Summary: Change lances to be 1 slot otherwise 1H build's get a far superior advantage being able to couche + hold a shield versus polearm/2h can't.

General Discussion / Weaponmaster 7 or 8? Which to choose?
« on: February 04, 2011, 02:00:52 am »
Based on my points available and what not, please tell me if the extra point to get Weaponmaster 8 is worth it over Weaponmaster 7.


Two hand wpp on WM7: 164

Two hand wpp on WM8: 172

Share your thoughts. Benefit of 8 WPP instead of 7 in real terms

Please keep on topic thanks

Suggestions Corner / Carry team mate on your HORSE
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:08:01 am »
Take a friend with you into battle more quickly or rescue them from dying with your horse.

They press F to mount the horse normally as a passenger while you are riding it = win


Also be sure to check out this topic on characters that grow in size based on iron flesh:,1516.0.html

Suggestions Corner / Character that GROWS in SIZE - with Ironflesh
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:05:45 am »
Wouldn't that be AWESOME?  :evil:

People with 30 Str and 10 ironflesh look BIG. People with 25 Agi look slightly thin and normal height (no str).

Then you could start telling the giant ogre destroyers that can survive Couches from the speedy 200 WPP Ninjas apart.

This would add an element of fear and suspicion into the game

Please consider adding this feature if possible based on some kind of combo of the player's STR, IF and/ PS.

Who wants to see that giant guy in Troy run (walk) around in CRPG? I do.

Suggestions Corner / Upkeep / "teams not fair" bug
« on: January 21, 2011, 11:33:34 am »
On the AU server half the time we get the "cant get a multiplier teams not fair" message. So we stay on 50 gold nonstop.

Yet we get charged Upkeep! What's that about? We get this teams unfair message FAR MORE when there are few players (e.g. 6) than when there is 15.

Please fix this.

No wonder us aussies are growing broke. We can't get a multiplier even when we win 5 times in a row yet we still get hammered with full upkeep.

Solution: Disable upkeep if teams are calculated to be unfair.

Suggestions Corner / Upkeep nerf for small servers
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:46:37 am »
It seems upkeep was built and tested on the large USA and Europe servers.

The australian server has like 7v7 people on average.

This means ROUNDS are far SHORTER.

Meaning we still get nailed with repair costs just like the big servers, but we don't get the long round times to make any real gold.

We are GOING POOR. Seriously. All the aussie players will all be peasants at this rate.

Please adjust upkeep so when server numbers are low its less vicious on the upkeep costs, or it simply gives gold faster / more of.

Something has to be done to cater for the servers with small numbers because this is starting to feel like real life having to WORRY about "the bills" its madness.


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