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Topics - Achilles_Lakedaimon

Pages: [1]
So, there are various players around who like to play with a Spear and Shield set, but which spear do you think its the best for the task?

I'm in doubt about what is the best and would like to hear your suggestion.

These are the spears that I've tryed:

Ashwood Pike
Light Lance
Double Sided Lance
War Spear
Shortened Spear

I'm looking for some advice about wich one should I use.


cRPG Technical problems / Unusable Items
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:41:21 am »
Hello everyone.

I'm experiencing a problem and I don't know what to do, I would like if someone could help me. Some of the items in my inventory had become '' unusable '', here it is what it says:

'' One or more items are so badly damaged that they became unusable. They must be repaired before you can use them again. ''

How do I repair them? I have '' Automatically repair damaged items '' turned on but it seems that it does nothing, they still unusable, and I need them to play on the servers.

Can someone help me please?


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