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Topics - MayPeX

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / So I was in the marketplace...
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:36:02 pm »
Till I saw this

It's big
(click to show/hide)

Strategus General Discussion / Transfer strat gold?
« on: May 19, 2012, 01:33:04 pm »
I can't do it D: it says this feature is currently not available!

Beginner's Help and Guides / One Handed/Two Hander/Polearm/Shielder Hybrid
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:34:00 pm »
Soo I had this idea, just for those who like to swap around in melee often. You get a fairly moderate weapon prof across one handed/two handed and polearm.

Here it is!

Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Hit points: 65
Skills to attributes: 2
Ironflesh: 6
Power Strike: 6
Shield: 6
Athletics: 5
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 6
One Handed: 99
Two Handed: 90
Polearm: 110
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Right things I noticed that Polearm could be dimmed to 100 to allow points either to one/two handed. But once you hit level 31 your One handed prof will hit the 100 mark

It's a fairly balanced build I say, (a build I'm going for.)

Realism Discussion / Siege After Action
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:47:38 am »
This is mostly directed towards when the attackers win during a siege game, not quite so the defenders.

At the end of an attackers victory on siege, the defenders should all respawn as peasants allowing the attackers to pillage, rape and burn how they plead. Much like what would happen sometimes you know? Adds realism to the game! Plus it may make the defenders actually work as a team more, cos no one likes to be butt raped yo?

Realism Discussion / Why are Halberds expensive?
« on: October 18, 2011, 11:24:41 am »
Last time I checked Halberds were known to be cheap yo.

General Discussion / Selling gear?
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:47:09 pm »
Just checked my CRPG page and wanted to sell me spear for a pike. But to my suprise when I went to 'Sell' I didn't notice the 'Sell' button has been replaced with a 'Drop' button. So I now have no spear and no extra monies? Something I should be informed about? o.O

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