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Topics - Osakasa

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Long story short. Eques tried to make a fief transfer and Rider was protecting the city. Eques made a poll and Rider created a 84th ban thread for it. Eques got banned and case closed. That's fine.

I wanted to play a strategus battle, applied it and got accepted. First there were me and Hectorian dude. I was totally excited, listened Rocky Training Montage with left headset, right one is broken. Life is full of Eye of the Tiger, takkata takkata takkata takkata pam - pampampam - pampampam - pampampaaaaaaaam.. I got good peasant gear, making decision between pickaxe and practice longsword (2H for nobles!). I chose practice longsword because good reach. First spawn, Hectorian dude is right by my side. I knew i would get a good sidekick, a guy who will look after my back.

Attacker spawned a little later, totally naked dude, no ladders to get on the wall and capture the city. I was bold, doing awesome viewing on the wall, feeling brave. What the damn, Hectorian dude was total panic, I tried to give my motivation speech "calm down, take a deep breath. Attacker is naked, he can't get on the wall, just stay calm and focused". Alas, Hectorian dude quited the server and my trusted sidekick left me. I was all alone, immeadiately a good song came up my mind (

This brave attacker, even without gear came toward city, asked if there was a gate. I said no. Then he asked if i could come down and fight at least, said "sure". I gave my sword and asked him to kill me, so I could spawn with another sword. We dueled a while and then a miracle happened. Hectorian dude and Danior came. I was saved by the last minute. They seemed to be under dark force because they were asking me to leave. I was doing my best and protected the city, with all my cost! No, they just kept telling me to leave. I knew they were under dark force by Hetman, so I kept protecting Greys' honour.  After a brief moment I faced the most blessed thing what can happen to cRPG players. An admin came!

Hetman is strong, really really strong. He got admin under his control just in few seconds after this admin joined the server. Admin was fast, efficient, aerodynamic and ruthless, after "sup" i was kicked from the server. Damn! The city is without any proctection, open for all attacks! I must fight for Greys' honour and  rejoin the server. I did something horrible and noobiesh mistake. Clicked wrong server to connect :DDD ahahaaha. damn, it takes too long, a second felt like a minute and my leather seat under my ass felt cold. Come on stupid game, faster faster. I finally joined the wrong server, quited and refreshed the server. Daaaaaaaamn, strategus battle was over. I checked the result and something more beautiful than mommy panda giving a kiss to puppies happened, "Your side has protected this town from being captured.". NP Hetman dude, I protected your and all Greys' honour with pleasure, I mere ask humble 20 000e please (

At this point I want to say. Rider was troll-defending against Eques and for result of all this, Eques players got banned. I was doing troll-defence, and I was kicked out of the server. wtf, keep some line at least how these fief/castle transfers are handeled... You know, there is even an option to give fief owner to someone without battle. And result for all of this, i want no one to be banned because i'm not as pathetic as Rider. Thanks!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4348
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- Osa|Kasa|la

General Discussion / Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:25:36 am »
I try to give different perspective of views about “why mod is dying and what keeps it alive”.

People are saying mod is old and players change to new games. Yes this is true, those guys are right, mod is old. Then what is the “issue” between new and old games, I try to explain a bit.

When you are playing a new game, it offers something new to learn. New features are discovered which keep players interested and new goals in game are tried to achieve. Only the time shows how long game “survives” and players keep playing it. Whereas old games are for more casual playing. Players already know basic features in game therefore can enjoy just playing it and don't have to put energy on learning new things.

cRPG is a good game/mod, people still playing it after several years. For me, cRPG is the best melee combat “simulator” and I will keep playing it until better one shows up in game market. However, strategus has been dead for +6 months, so players have to choose between EU1 and EU2. Nothing wrong with those game modes but when available choices are either battle or siege, mod unfortunately repeat itself pretty fast. Veteran players have already learned basic combat mechanism and new features are rarely implemented, the interest of playing is lacking. Learning new things and features misses totally. As in new games, goals totally miss and there are nothing to achieve (I like many others have tons of +3 items, more gold than Uncle Scrooge and produce looms points faster than can spend).

When roll and nudges were implemented, there were new things to learn. Yes, things weren't perfect and for example some 1H nudges gave free hit but still, something fresh in mod which players had to adapt.

For me if I had to choose between:
1. well balanced combat simulator without new features
2. somewhat broken balanced combat simulator with new features
I would always choose 2. Some new features, such as stamina, new swing animation etc. surely keeps mod more alive and players interested.

Here are few words for the almighty Donkey Team:
If you are still developing Melee Battleground and want to test some features how they work in action. Put them in test in cRPG. Yes, things and balance will be broken but players have new things to learn and keep interest up (I don't know if this is technically possible to do so). After all, the balance is not everything, it doesn't really matter whether +3 German Great Sword stab damage is 29P or 31P or it doesn't matter whether 1 athletics point gives +3% or 6% more running speed. Those things are trivial and really don't change the game play. It is a human nature to be interested new things and being an explorer.

Thanks for reading if you manage this far.
- Osakasa

General Discussion / I really like this new Conquest
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:29:34 pm »
Big thanks to devs about Conquest. This new multi system works  :D
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First picture before midnight, second picture after midnight.

Suggestions Corner / Strategus balance suggestions
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:24:16 am »
As we all know, there is no disadvantage to be a big clan. More players -> bigger bannerstack -> more strategus money and tickets -> better gear etc.

1. Make bigger clans' army upkeep cost higher. If there are two clans, clan A has 300 members and clan B has 30, the upkeep cost for 200 tickets army is higher for clan A.
Why: This feature would give a small balance between big ones and small ones in economy. There are tons of silver in strategus and most of them are in the hands of big ones'. When upkeep cost is same for all clans, bigger ones benefit mostly.
Effect: Small clans could compete better in strategus if they are active. Also this would help new (small) clans in strategus when their upkeep cost is lower. This also encourages new clans join in strategus.

2. Make bigger clans' S&D grow slower in fiefs and castles.
Why: Bigger clans have +20 fiefs/castles, this forms so huge area in strategus map that they can trade goods inside their homeborders with good bonuses, without any risk random army will attack.
Effect: Bigger clans would have to look more incomes in order to keep their massive armies equipped. When big clans can't do trading inside their homeborders as efficiently as now, they will expose themselves for possible attacks. When big ones need more money in maintenance, successful robbery would be a huge reward for small clans. This would balance economy too.

3. Not sure if i like this one either but still... No more strategus silver and tickets from siege server
Why: Siege server is pretty arcade. Many players join in there and start to level up character. If you die, you'll wait 5/20 secs and then respawn whereas in battle server respawn time can be +3mins. This makes playing in siege server more casually. However, when UIF members are active strategus players, most of them are +33 lvl and bannerstacked in same side. This form two teams, team 1: high level ones vs team 2: random players plus those who are leveling up characters. No wonder siege server is so unbalanced.
Effect: If UIF members want to grind tickets and silver, they would have to join battle server. Then, i'm sure, number of players will drop in siege server. Probably temporary but siege server gameplay would be more balanced. Also, a bit easier place to play for low levels.

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Spliting up a big clan to clan1, clan2, clan3... of course would make these changes worthless but then in strategus map logistic is hindered a bit. All transfers must be allowed first before if players were in different clans. Clan1 members couldn't see where Clan2 and Clan3 members are in strategus map. Then bannerstack would be smaller in siege and battle servers.

I'm sure i missed some points there and i know with these changes strategus wouldn't be perfect but i believe a bit better. By better i mean balanced. Balanced mod is more enjoyable, more enjoyable makes mod more active one, which gives more lifetime to mod.

Share your opinions and thoughts please.


Game Balance Discussion / Missile speed
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:44:04 pm »
I write this in the perspective of HA
I played a lot with my HA main, maybe some +100M exp, and i dare to say i played well.

My build:
24/18 (lvl32)
Power Draw 8
Riding 6
Horse Archery 3
Weapon Master 6 -> archery wpf ~150

I'm sure my effective wpf was pretty low compare to normal archer builds but that didn't bothered me. I noticed that the missile of Horn Bow (requirement 5, so my PD8 gets full power still) is so damn high the aiming was still pretty easy. The Low wpf never bothered me either on horseback or on foot. ofc as a HA it's easier to move near your target than normal foot archer, horse gives you that advantage. However normal foot archers can "fortify" themselves where infs and cavs have hard to reach (on roof, high slopes...) so when bad guys are coming, archers can either start to shoot them or escape (Templar Steevee with ATH9 is pretty much fastest animal on the battlefield  :lol:, so archers CAN run). If they decice to hold their position, the target is coming closer so shooting becomes easier like a HA can move closer to target. Only difference is that normal foot archers have higher effective wpf so rate of fire is better and they can hold their aim longer.

Despite my low effective wpf i could easily play 3:1 KD and want to say that this was a time before the first archer buff patch. Then came august 10th with new updates. HOLY what the hell! Missile speed got buffed, nice. +3 bows and arrows weren't needed for higher damage and HX got hard nerf. Totally HA dream come true. So i start to shoot people like good HAs do, noticed that polearms cannot hit me, 2h guys' lolstab wasn't long enough after all. All what they can try to do is hide and run and hide more. shielders? how about them? well i learned that you can encircle them even with +0 desert horse. just ride around those poor bastards while they are holding their shield and finally shoot them in the back. A single headshot with PD8 in close distance was usually enough to stop their misery. HX? Everybody was happy when HX got nerfed, no more OP_Piece_of_shit (i believe Strudog's STF?) running wild and killing with 20-1 stats. Well, OP_piece_of_shit and Hate_more were only players who gave me hard time and manage kill my horse.

The newest patch gave more wpf for archers, some +10? well, that isn't game breaking, really. As i said, low effective wpf was never a problem for me. I would invest those "extra" wpf maybe to 1h so archers can defense themselves better in melee (also making them harder to kill). What i ask is archers' opinion about the missile speed. Do you think it would be something totally terrible thing if missile speed is decreased by 2? 2 or 3? I know "small" bows have higher missile speed than "big" bows but in generally. If the missile speed was lower, it would ruin this low effective wpf builds because you need to aim longer and evaluate where your target it moving. It wouldn't be possible rely on bullet straing shoots anymore. Arrows wouldn't hit your target 0.1 sec after you release them. Archery would be more difficult and "top" archers would earn their reputation.

Archers, give your opinion.

If you are about to write "fuck you all range" "nerf that shit to ground" ect. please don't


Game Balance Discussion / The price of Arabian Cavalry Sword
« on: November 18, 2013, 08:08:34 am »
I know devs are working on new update but i hope they will reconsider the price of ACS also.
There is no exact formula how to determine 1h sword price however the price of Arabian Cavalry Sword can be evaluated if Long Arming Sword is taken as a reference sword.

Long Arming Sword -> Knightly Arming Sword = +1c +2236 gold
So one cut damage is worth 2236 gold

Long Arming Sword -> Nordic Champion's Sword = +2c -3p +2577 gold
Pierce damage can be solved now
-3p = +2577 gold -2c
   p = -(+2577 -2*2236)/3 = 631,66 gold

Weight, lenght and speed are same in LAS, KAS and NCS (0.1kg difference). How much speed is worth gold is difficulty to evaluate with LAS because there no more 1h swords which have same lenght and mass therefore Liuyedao and Niuweidao are taken in comparisson.

Liuyedoa -> Niuweidao = +1c -1spd +2085 gold
so 1 speed is worth = 2236 gold - 2085 gold = 151 gold

The price of ACS can be evaluated now

Long Arming Sword -> Arabian Cavalry Sword = +3c -5p -2spd
Price_ACS = Price_LAS +3c -5p -2spd
              = 6708 +3*(2236) -5*(631,66) -2*(151)
              = 9955,7 gold

The price of ACS should be near 10k gold rather than 6900 gold as it is now. I also want to remind you that ACS is 3cm longer than LAS and it is heavier by 0.6kg so it suffers less stunblock.

What i suggest for ACS:
1. Lower the price but drop the cut damage by 2 (9955,7 - 2*2236 = 5483,7)
2. Keep the price as it is but drop the cut damage by 1 and the speed by 2 (9955,7 - 2236 -2*151 = 7417,7)
3. Keep the stats as they are but set the price to somewhere 10000 gold.

I don't care which choise devs will favor as long they do something about this unfair price because 1h cav is known to be very effective class, mostly because the high speed bonus in swing damage. And there is always the bumpslash when victims can do nothing but welcome the incoming hit and hope it won't kill. Currently 1h cavs can have the longest 1h sword with a high cut damage (3rd best cut damage in all 1h swords. swords not axes) and with low upkeep cost. ACS is now worth 10k gold which has upkeep cost of 4,8% when all others have 7% (483/9955*100 = 4,8%)

Tell me your opinions and please keep the discussion in 1h swords. Don't compare 1h swords to Longsword, Alwpike or Sumpter.
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