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Topics - The Pope

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Random bans; C-RPG is too serious.
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:56:22 pm »
Yo ho pirates,

Where are the old fun times, with nudes climbing on ladders?
I could not stop laughing with my mates when we saw another nude high in the sky flying ladders.

C-rpg used to be fun. Nowaydays, everyone is so serious. All guys with humor and the guys you call 'trolls' get banned for nothing.
Admins think they are gods and abuse their power whenever they can, just to show off they are alpha or something.

You get banned when you are nude
You get banned when you lose your weapon
You get banned for a horse kill
You get banned for a teamhit
You get banned for everything

Ladders are no more. Flags are spawned within 30 seconds. It is not a battle anymore: it is a rush to the flag.
Good job C-RPG. Where is the fun? You guys are all so serious with your 2H spasms.


The Pope of The Papal States

NA (Official) / Queen_Auphelia_of_Krea and Princess_Seren_of_Krea.
« on: July 27, 2014, 12:33:16 pm »
Both dull teamkillers. 12:24 European time, NA server.

If I deserve a 7 day ban for killing one of their horses, they deserve triple of that for killing me and my mate. That makes 21 days. It will probably ruin their lives.


NA (Official) / Papal_Jesse_di_Viterbo
« on: July 27, 2014, 12:31:30 pm »
Was banned by some guy called Desire, after hitting a horse of a two tk'ers, Queen_Auphelia_of_Krea and Princess_Seren_of_Krea.

7 days for a mere horse is dull. Admins who ban so quickly are dull.

NA1, 12:25 European time

General Discussion / Shield Bash plox
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:52:09 pm »

Any idea why I cant push (shield bash or fist) anymore with 'V'?

How can I fix this? :)


General Discussion / Renown/Infamy
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:51:15 pm »

I've got 3 'Renown' and 8 'Infamy'.

How did I get this renown and infamy, and how does this work?

General Discussion / Stop being so serious, I'm serious.
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:45:57 pm »
It is a game, and I think you should enjoy games. There are just some dull people around here who are taking a game like this too serious. I experience this every day. Come on, make some fun, or do something else, instead of getting joy from reporting and banning people.

So sad.

The Pope

General Discussion / Ladders
« on: February 25, 2014, 11:15:13 am »

Why have ladders been banished from the game? It was fun when you could climb buildings and make a position there. Now it is just boring because most of the buildings aren't accesable or climbable.
You can still buy them in the shop tho?


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