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Topics - Thomas_Bloodmoon

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EU (Official) / Unban Request
« on: December 07, 2014, 03:52:01 pm »
The name of my character involved was Belegior_Andarion
I think Guard_Elmuri banned my character Belegior_Andarion (and with good reasons now I think about it).
Time of banishment was around 15:33 (as it says on my PC), on server EU_2 (Siege Beta) I assume.

First of all, I want to make clear that Guard_Elmuri had all the justified reasons to ban me. Nevertheless, I wish to make some things clear.
First things first. My chatlog was bugged. I don't know wheter it was serverwide, but even after I relogged it was still gone. No idea how I was supposed to fix that, so I just kept playing without team or all chat. Also, I was playing on a (for me) unknown conquest map. It has a special feature; before you could conquer the Keep, you had to cross a special bridge with horizontal gates that could be opened or closed by two gatehouses near the actual pit/horizontal gates. If the gates were openend, you would fell into the pit, so the gateshouses had to be captured first.

I repeatedly hit & eventually killed Pariah, witnessed by Natalie_The_Polenon. The reason for me teamkilling her, will explain my actions. As I said before, I didn't know the map. I thought the gatehouses were ment for gates that could not be seen at the moment; a second path to the keep underground or something. I didn't notice the horizontal gates at the time, as there were alot of defenders rushing all over the place. I still had the combat log, so I could see two times "Pariah has opened the gate", which made me think he was a troller. I didn't hit her because she opened the gates once (thinking she opened the passage to our keep), but because she did it repeatedly (she did it twice). This, and this only, made me teamkill her. I thought she was a troller. I didn't mean to teamkill in order to troll or whatever, I actually thought that she was a troller. I couldn't ask on all or teamchat  since it was bugged.

After I killed her, I submitted a pol to kick her. After all, I still thought she was the troll. This caused Guard_Elmuri to ask me to clarify the situation and the reasons for my actions. I couldn't respond, since my chat was bugged. I could still write, but I couldn't read my own or other peoples comments on the logs. After I (in the eyes of Guard_Elmuri) didn't respond, he thought I was a troller and banned me.

I don't mind not playing for several days if I must, but I just want my name to be cleansed. Again, I didn't intend any harm, I actually thought I caught a bad guy while I was actually being a bad guy by accident.
I wouldn't be writing this whole point of view if I didn't think it was important to let the facts be known.

Also, I want to apologize to Natalie_The_Polenon, Guard_Elmuri and Pariah in particular, even though I didn't do it on purpose. If I teamhit, it's always on accident and I always apologize. I don't deny that I teamkilled her on purpose, I merely state that I was in a wrong perspective of the situation, not knowing the map causing me to think of her to be the troll.

Witnesses are Pariah (obviously :p) and Natalie_the_polenon, and I'm not sure but perhaps Guard_Elmuri was witness too.

EDIT: I didn't take any screenshots, it's my fault entirely. If my unban request isn't accepted because of that, it's alright. Apart from proving my chat log was bugged, the screenshots wouldn't have been of any use anyway.
EDIT2: changed names so they're correct.

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