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Topics - Erika_Furudo

Pages: [1]
General Off Topic / Shogun 2 Thread
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:06:26 pm »
Been a while since release and quite suprised I haven't seen a thread (Especially from Shogunate members)

So. Let's use this thread for discussion, questions, and other Shogun 2 related things.

Please try to keep out things like:
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Currently have two singerplayer campaign files, one as Shimazu, the other one was Mouri. But been quite addicted to the Multiplayer.
Also planning on trying out Uesugi or Oda(Going christian and get dem matchlocks).

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General Off Topic / Dino D-Day
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:05:58 pm »

The year is 1942. albert einstein has succeeded in resurrecting dinosaurs. The reptilian horde has trampled Europe and the Mediterranean. Can nothing stop the chocolate chip cookie’s dinosaur army?

Dino D-Day is a frantic, action-packed multiplayer game that transports you to a World War II that should have been. You and your friends can battle online choosing to serve the cause of the Allied nations or the chocolate chip cookies. The Allied side includes six playable characters each with unique weapons and abilities to use in combat. Gun down a Dilophosaur with your trusty M1 Garand, blast a kamikaze pterosaur out of the sky with your Thompson sub-machine gun, or toss out a dead jackrabbit to lure a raptor into a trap.

As an Axis player you will have your choice of three human classes and three dinosaur classes. Ambush your enemy with speed and stealth as the Raptor, mercilessly pound the enemy with a heavy 20mm gun as the Desmatosuchus, rampage through enemy groups as the Dilophosaur or pick up a body and throw it at an enemy for a double kill! Or if you prefer a rifle in your hand, the German soldier classes are the perfect complement to their dinosaur comrades.

You’ve played World War II games before…but have you played a World War II game with dinosaurs?

Are you guys man enough to stop them?
Or actually. Playing as the chocolate chip cookies isn't so bad either.

Suggestions Corner / Automatic yes/no option to polls.
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:20:35 pm »
Would be nice if there was an option were you automaticly said either no or yes to polls.

This way so do they not pop up all the time.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / En acceptabel riddare stats/skills?
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:22:59 pm »
Har aldrig speciellt varit en ryttare/riddare.

Hade tänkt göra en alt som är 1hand/shield användare.

Men har ett par frågor;
Har hört att en häst kan bli skadad, och då kräver den +1 riding skill?
detta betyder man ska ha hästens skill + 1 som riding?

Och vad skall man ha utav agi/str nu för tiden?
Förr verkade som agi var valet.
Men nu har dom sänkt agilityn som krävs för riding tror jag?

Skall man ha tillräckligt med agi för hästen, och sedan resten i str?
Eller skall man ha tillräckligt med str för utrustningen, och resten i agi?

Skills antar jag är som vanligt förutom att man byter ut athelics för riding?

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