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Topics - Yachdiel

Pages: [1]
Sell/Trade / Selling/Trading wierd item for wierd items
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:46:43 pm »
I trade kinky wierd looms for other kinky wierd looms, you got em, I'll trade you for it. (Also will take money)

One of the best Hoplite weapons, heavy weight means less glance.
Deadly Boar Spear


Thought I'd like to share this find here.

Five commonly held myths about what vikings looked like that are addressed:

    Vikings were dirty and unkempt
    Vikings wore horned helmets
    Vikings looked like we do today
    Vikings’ clothing style was admired throughout the world
    Vikings’ appearance was marked by battle wounds

Sell/Trade / Plain Cavalry Shield +2
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:52:06 am »
Looking to sell ma baby, Fastest shield in the game at +3, brings up faster than a manual block.

Need a bigger shield for new clan

Reinforced Plain Cavalry Shield

1 loom point and 200k, or shield offer of equal value.

Will negotiate

It is okay to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

General Discussion / Could different animations fix cRPG?
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:22:25 am »
I thought the new fix to the Lolstab sort've hurt everyone all around and turned a lot of fights into more of a gangbang rather than giving someone enough mobility to engage multiple enemies at once. I myself use a short 1-H sword that used footwork to gain openings on exposed flanks but ever since this new fix I found myself falling victim to my blows glancing. I've noticed the bow animation from this mod incorporates a similar bow animation from the "Combat Animation Enhancement" mod, this mod incorporates a variety of alternate animations which seem more realistic to me.

So the question is, could incorporating some new animations, say the Polearm stab and 2Handed stab from this mod, (which are quick animations that do not linger and allow for absurd spinstabing) or possibly custom animations, fix a lot of the problems in cRPG and allow for the return of faster more engaging combat with turn speed increase? And if so do you support it?

Link to exampled mod (note: I'm not advertising for this Mod, I am only referring to the stabbing animations of this mod as an example)

Link to lawlsy video the devs of that mod made that include the polearm animation:

General Discussion / Ballista and Ram pictures...
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:55:49 am »
Don't know if this is old news or not, but since everyone saw that there was resource files named "Ballista" in the last patch I thought I'd go find them and get some pictures. Sorry if this is old
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Scene Editing / Stratia (Big City Map)
« on: June 05, 2011, 03:23:28 am »
Map for cRPG servers, Made for CHAOS clan.

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Is this happening for anyone else? i bought a 5,000g Heavy Strange Helmet and it isnt appearing in my inventory.

General Discussion / Not having heirloom points show.
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:51:10 am »
Recently after the whole heirloom fiasco, the heirloom point window only is being displayed for my alternate character and not for my main. I'm Gen 6 and had a Tempered Sword of War, am I the only one or is this happening to anyone else?

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