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Topics - _Joe_

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Unban]-Vefra-"bummed"
« on: January 29, 2013, 03:50:55 pm »
I ( Vefra) got banned .
... I was on Rageball Server (EU6) i played all the time and then my phone rang ...
So what to do? I wrote " sry Phone " and so i ran to my phone and forgott quick that i was still on Server ! After 3-5 min. i got "surprised remembrance" i went back and saw that i got kicked ... normally! if you stand "afk" in a Server .
But after try to rejoin saw its a BAN and so i waited and saw today that's longer then 2h-3h.
So i hope Admins ' ll understand that accident/misfortune and i can rejoin soon :l

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