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Diplomacy / Outside the Gates of New Tilbaut Castle...
« on: November 17, 2013, 05:34:54 am »
On the vast wasteland collectively known as the space between New Knundarr Castle and New Tilbaut Castle, a vast retinue crossed the landscape.  Smiths, donkey breeders, pokey-stick-technology-specialists, the people of MAID_AMELIA_BEDILIA_OF_BIRD followed their noble lady and eventually arrived at their destination.  AMELIA asked her scribe to compose a message to all the nobles of New Calradia, but unfortunately forgot to ask him to translate it first.

Vous êtes invités au 14eme anniversaire d'Amélia! 
Date: 17 Septembre 
Heure: 20:00h - 21:00h 
Lieu: Château Tilbaut
Tenue: Filles- Robe ou jupe Garcons- Chandails unis et pantalons assortis

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