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Topics - Brutal_KGB

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Unban request: Brutal_KGB
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:40:08 am »
I was just banned from NA 1 for killing a teammate's horse in spawn after he very purposefully ran me over.  I understand that I'm not supposed to retaliate, but I did, and I'm sorry for that.  The ban was sudden and without warning, and as I'm not a repeat offender and have never even been warned about TKing or TWing, much less kicked or banned for it, I would like my ban reconsidered.  I also don't know the length of the ban, as I was given no warning, so if I'm to remain banned I'd at least like that much information.


Closed Requests / [BAN] Crusader_Chip and Crusader_Fruit
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:56:15 am »
These two guys were on siege today from ~5PM CST until I stopped playing at ~6:45PM.  Both guys would ride out of spawn on their horses every round and run over as many teammates as possible.  Several times they even looped around to do it again.  To boot, Chip especially was making quite the fool of himself in chat.  He would make inflammatory remarks against people that reported him for TW, and would even bitch at people for "getting in his way" when he would TW or TK.  Many of his remarks were highly offensive and racist.  I'm sorry but I did not screenshot the chat log.  If admins have access to that, then I ask you to please review the logs for server 2 at the times I indicated.  Fruit said very little in chat, but behaved in every other regard the same as Chip.

Upper_KUTT was present for most of this, and I asked him to ban them but no action was ever taken.  At one point, the server voted to kick Chip, at which point Upper_KUTT was kind enough to say that "you can't ban them when you vote kick them."  When Chip came back and I informed Upper_KUTT in admin chat that he was back, again no action was taken.  Hopefully others that were there during this time will come and back this up.

Sorry for having no evidence, but the ingame chat log is very short and full of kill spam, and I didn't think to screenshot this stuff at the time it was happening.


Suggestions Corner / Repair costs...
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:50:41 am »
So anyone who's beyond 1st or 2nd gen will probably not care about this, but those of us that still haven't reached 31 yet to get an heirloom point to sell, repair costs are keeping us from playing.

I currently wear 39,862 gold worth of gear in my normal setup.  Now, according to everything I've read, any character SHOULD be able to wear about 50k worth of gear and basically break even over a long period of time.  The reason I wear less is to make sure that I don't lose gold so often that I can't even wear my gear at all.

Unfortunately, this happens quite a lot.  If I wear this gear, I pretty much always lose gold.  Right now I'm down to less than 3k, and I can't even afford to wear this stuff so my only alternative is to run around in peasant clothes with just a weapon.  That is NO FUN.  Before anyone rebutts with "win more for mutilplicatorz1!!" please understand that an individual has almost zero effect on whether or not your team wins, unless you are Miley.

That said, I can't control my multiplier, and aside from those fortunate few times when I do have 4-5x, I find myself losing too much gold.  Please, please, please reduce the repair costs or the chance to repair so newer players don't quit in frustration and have a chance to catch up to the veteran playerbase.

As an aside, how the hell did so much gold get into the economy with these repair costs?  Do people AFK in servers for gold during off hours or are there really that many people that have fun running around naked with a weapon?

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