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Topics - sir_kovel

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Merc contracts
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:23:55 am »
Just had this idea while playing the new c-RPG, i propose we add a reward system for contracts e.g.

Contract:Kill 1 or more players


Reward:50-100 gold

This way it gives new players something to work towards whilst learning at the same time(Think of it as an official c-RPG tutorial for levels 1-10). Also this could benefit older members by scripting the contracts to follow the players level e.g.

Character level:30(example)

Contract: gain a headshot from 30 yards with a throwing weapon


Reward:15,000-20,000 gold & 100,000 XP

What do you guys think, feel free to give your opinions.

Pages: [1]