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Topics - XiNiX

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Perfect Aim
« on: December 06, 2013, 08:02:30 pm »
On my alternative character (wich is an archer) i reached level 29. With my 18/24 build, with 6 PS, 8 WM and 195 points in archery, in combination with my +3 Tatar bow, gives me perfect aim (the 3 little dots in the middle fully connect) for at least 1 second. If i equip another bow (even ones that should be more accurate{didn't test al}) the reticule doesn't even come close in comparison to what i get with the Tatar.
I fknow this is completly overpowered and just want to let you guys know about this bug/feature.


Inactive / Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:43:16 pm »
We started a map on DTV EU and there was rage all over the place when i got in, every minute there was a ban poll (80% of the time, other 20% was kick polls) so i said to everybody, that the next person who pulls another ban poll for not a single good reason would be kick polled by me.

This induvidual was Inocent_ugly_virgin, the vote passed (just) but it didn't take long before she was back, and ban polled me when she was able to.

I don't care how long the ban should be, you guys decide.


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