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Topics - Takoul

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Siege exploit needs fixing
« on: February 15, 2011, 08:12:36 pm »
Ok now we got whole clans doing it, sharing the knowledge of how to use this exploit over their ts servers.

Some players can guarantee being on the attack on a siege map EVERY time, bypassing autobalance, in case you hadn't already seen this.
This means they keep their x5 multiplier ALL day. Hello heirlooms, hello game unbalanced, hello why do we normal mortals bother.....
It just brings a character wipe closer if servers are dominated by exploiting clans, pushing out those of first gen or second who cant compete against agi builds with multiple heirloomed weapons only gained by exploiting.


Suggestions Corner / 'Helms Deep' Castle on siege. No can do
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:01:30 pm »
First of all nice castle! Looks fantastic
Second, get rid of it or change it:

  There's only one point of entry to the inner keep. This makes it impossible to take. Take a look at the wooden pallisade castle where even with the fighting generally ending up at the flag INSIDE the castle its no guarantee of winning as an attacker.
But with this 'Helms Deep' type castle there is no way you are going to take the inner courtyard if scaling the walls is  impossible. There aren't any ladders to put up to the inner wall and no spot to do this from.

The inner gatehouse, hmmm. I saw that the winch mechanism is in between two gates, stuck on the floor level. Very very odd and surely not intentional? Take a look if you get time. Because even if you get a ladder from the outer wall across to the inner gatehouse spanning that wide chasm like courtyard, once across, you cannot even raise the gate from the gatehouse!
So all the fighting is concentrated in one doorway. And as a defender if you know no one is coming over the walls its just too easy to defend.

I'v got to x5 from defending this keep. Great. Not really, because the other 50% of the time attacking there's just no point really apart from a pew pew fest outside that inner door.

PLEASE PLEASE change this castle :)

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