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Topics - Mallets

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Suggestions Corner / A new take on weapon slotting
« on: January 11, 2018, 12:10:24 am »
I seriously doubt this could ever be implemented.  Would be too much rework and coding to accomplish.  But still fun to think about or discuss.

My idea is to rework weapon slotting to make it a little more realistic.  Thus requiring more realistic character builds and weapon loadouts.  So here's the idea...

So instead of having 4 generic weapon slots.  Players have these 4 positional slots.  Only certain weapons can fit in these positional slots.  Players would have 4 positional weapon slots.  One on the back.  One for each hip (so two there).  And one for the front belt.  Here's my thinking on how that would work...

  • The front belt slot can only hold daggers or very small-light weapons.  Personally I'd only allow weapons that cannot block, such as daggers.

  • The hip slots can carry 1-hand weapons.  Whether this be swords, axes, maces, whatever.  If it's 1-hand, it can fit on your hip.  So you could carry two different 1-hand weapons, one on each hip.  Quivers would also fit on your hip.  Stones and throwing daggers would also be hip weapons.  I'd also allow bucklers to be worn on the hip.

  • The slot on the players back would be for 2-hand weapons, polearms, shields, bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.  You can only fit one weapon on your back.

    ** Of note, weapons that "Can't Sheath" would still work the same.  You start the game with them in your hand.

Obviously changing our current setup would mess everyone's builds up.

But if we got to start from scratch, what would you think of this idea?  If we got to start from scratch... I'm curious if you think this would be a better system than we have now.

Some of my thoughts on why I think this system is neat:

  • One of the things I like about his setup, is that it would eliminate some very unrealistic builds out there.  Carrying a bow/Xbow and a 2-hander or polearm.  Or having a crossbow, quiver, shield, and 1-hand weapon.  That's a lot of weapons for one man to carry.

  • I like that it kind of makes folks have to choose... 2 hand or polearm or shielder or ranged.  Can't do it all.  You can of course still carry a 1-hand with ranged on your back.  But not a shield as well, cause a bow is already on your back.  That's realistic to me.

  • I think one of the major changes would be for throwers.  I love playing with throwing lances.  In our current system, I can stack 4 seats of throwing lances on my back for a total of 8 lances.  In this proposed system, I can't see how that would happen.  But I kind of like that.  Would make it more realistic in my opinion.  How does someone realistically carry 8 throwing lance.  This would also give more credence to the smaller throwing weapons, because they give you more ammo.  Makes a good balance between damage and amount of ammo you have.

General Discussion / Viking Sword vs Medieval Sword
« on: July 06, 2017, 03:46:26 am »
Thought this was a cool video discussing the difference between two styles of swords.  Cool to see that each is designed differently for the different ways they were used in combat.

Not sure if this guy knows what he's talking about.  But I liked it.  Oh... and not sure where this should be posted... so put it in General Discussion.

Suggestions Corner / Create an "Information Box" in the cRPG Browser
« on: June 28, 2017, 03:55:46 am »
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Something that may help new players... would be to have useful information readily available.  We oldies love the forum.  But the forum can be more intimidating than the game itself.  And most new players don't even know what to search... to even hunt information down.

If an "Information Box" was created on the right side of the cRPG Browser, this might really help inform new players.  Which may help their experience.  Which might help keep them around.

This Information Box could have tips & directions placed right on the screen.  Maybe they would be collapsible (like our spoilers) so that you could fit a bunch of information.  You could have links to some of the most helpful post & guides on the forum.  Could have links to practical builds.

Better yet, create new guides and documentation.  I know it'd be an undertaking.  But new, clear-cut, and well designed guides could really help bring cRPG to a new audience.  How-To guides.  Build guides.  Gameplay guides.  This documentation could be nicely designed PDFs (doesn't have to be our forum; would of course create a link on our forum to the PDFs as well).

Someone who's a decent documentation writer would need to take this on.  I actually pride myself with documentation (have to do it for work)... but with a 7 month old, I just couldn't undertake such a task.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Suggestions Corner / New Player Suggestion
« on: June 25, 2017, 02:33:08 am »
Scratch everything below.  Thryn informed me of some things that I didn't know.  Basically, the suggestion below are already in place in one form or another.

Last night I made a post that would benefit older players.  But I've been putting some thoughts to benefits to new players.

Please keep in mind... I have no clue when it comes to coding & scripting.  And I have no idea of the ability levels of the current dev team.  So I'm giving these tips with no real knowledge if any of the suggestions below could ever be achieved.

I have 3 suggestions.

Suggestion 1

Any newly created character start at level 20.  I mean character... not account.  So this could even help existing players who make new characters.  But this will also help new players who make an account.  When they create a player... it starts at level 20.  This will allow them to have some points to spend to give their build some shape.  And having a few points to spend... just maybe they can be halfway effective in combat.

Being a new player has enough challenges.  Starting as a peasant at level 1 with like 3 STR is brutal.  And while you can jump up to level 10 in no time... they'll just be constantly (and instantly) slaughtered their first few hours of gameplay.

Maybe this could help give new players some relief.  And while it also benefits old players that make new characters... there no negative to that.  And in truth, most existing players have established characters that have be retired several times.  They are not looking to make a new character that has doesn't have an XP or Gold bonus.  They are going to stay with their established characters and keep leveling them up.  With a free weekly respec... there's no need for existing players to want a new character... simply because it starts at level 20.

Mind you... once a character retires... they are back to level 1.  This would not change.  This suggestion would simply help new players when they first make a character.  They get a few points to spend to shape their build.  They may be a little more effective in combat.  And they are a little closer to level 35 and their first retire.  But after they retire... they are back to level 1.

Suggestion 2

New characters start with a little better weapons and armor.  I haven't started a new character in forever.  But if I remember correctly, you start with garbage peasant items.

Now I know they start with garbage because new users have only 3 STR and can't really use any items.  But my suggestion above will help that.  Of course, still give them the peasant stuff, in case they don't dispense their points.

And these items don't have to be amazing.  Just medium.  Something like the regular Sword (1-hand).  It has 9 difficulty.  New players at level 20 can afford to give 9 point to STR.  And almost any normal build will at least have that much STR.

For armor... something like the Gambeson that takes 9 difficulty (STR).  Maybe even a regular Round Cavalry Shield.  Even if they don't put point to shield... they can simply sale it for a few extra gold.  Maybe even a regular Spear and Two Handed Axe (both take 9 STR).

Again... these items won't be amazing... but it may help a decent amount.  At least give them a chance to survive and maybe even get a kill.  And give them something a little better to sale when they want to upgrade.

Suggestion 3

New accounts start with x2 experience for 7 days.  Again, not sure how this would/could be scripted.

This would only be for new accounts... not new characters.  So this won't benefit existing accounts/players in any way.

This can be something done along with or without Suggestion 1.  But if done with Suggestion 1, it would really help new players get to level 35 that must faster... and getting to their first loom that much faster.

This may help them feel a sense of accomplishment earlier in the game... and helping them have a more enjoyable experience... which will hopefully help keep them playing.

After 7 days, the x2 experience ends.  The amount they have played during this time is on them.  If they got in 2 or 3 retires during this time (which will be tough)... then more power to them.

Suggestions Corner / Anniversary Loom Reward
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:42:15 am »
Here's the basic idea:  For all existing characters, give them 1 loom point for each year they have played cRPG.

This can be accomplished by looking at the date that a player signed up on the cRPG site.  From the date that this event takes place, how many years your account has been signed up, you'd get 1 loom for each year passed. Example:  I signed up March 15, 2012.  So that's 5 years... I'd get 5 looms.

There's two reasons why this can be positive for the community:

1)  It may encourage older players to come back and play if they have a few new looms waiting for them.

2)  It's a way to reward the players that have stuck with this mod and kept the community alive.

Mind you, I'm not really sure how exactly you accomplish this.  Maybe you could script something to do an automatic roll out all accounts.  And it'd just go off their sign up date.

Or you could just make it a manual process where users hit up an Admin that would be put in charge of this event.  That way you don't have to send looms out to every player in the history of the game.  You only send the looms out to players that ask for them... meaning there here to play.  That may be current players.  That may be players that haven't played in a year or two but come back for this event.

Two things of note:

1)  This wouldn't have to be an on-going thing.  Meaning next year on March 15, 2018 I wouldn't get a loom.  Unless a Dev could script something to make this happen automatically, it would be way to crazy too keep up with.  It would simply be a one-time event where players got looms for being long-time players.

2)  I know this will not help new players.  While we certainly need ideas for new players... not all ideas & actions have to be just for them.

Anyways, I hope my explanation makes sense.

What do you guys think?

General Discussion / Oldz or Not-Oldz???
« on: June 23, 2017, 06:08:51 am »
Turning 36 next week and I've always wonder what the age range for folks in this crazy community.  So I put up a little poll.

I figure I have to be one of the older ones (which is why I suck).  But I've always been curious who's the oldest in the community.  I'm sure there's folks over 40... but anyone over 50?

Will be interesting to see the statistics on the ages of our players... so please answer truthfully!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Which Xbow? WPF?
« on: June 19, 2017, 11:18:41 pm »
Not sure if anyone even comes here anymore... but maybe I can promote new players to ask questions here... and maybe some folks will respond.  With that said, I do have a legitimate question.

Which Xbows are in the meta right now?  I wasn't really keeping up with the patches before cRPG died last year, so I'm not sure what folks are using nowadays.

Also, can someone list out a good WPF for each Xbow?  The other day, someone said 180 was good for regular Xbow.  But I'm not sure if that's correct or not.  And I'd love to know standard WPFs for all 5 Xbows... as I'm not sure which one I want to use.

General Discussion / Official "Goodbye cRPG" Thread
« on: July 29, 2016, 09:43:39 pm »
With 'Of Kings & Men' making progress and the servers truly being dead for days on end... I figure an official "Goodbye cRPG" thread was long over due.  Come say your "Goodbyes" and sign off here.


So this is my goodbye to cRPG... the game itself... the Donkey Crew that made it happen... and the great community of degenerates that made it possible.

Seriously, it's been a blast!

First off, let me compliment the Donkey Crew for making a fantastic mod.  There's not a better medieval-simulation fighting game out there.  It's the game I longed for, for years & years.  And while Mount & Blade made it a reality... the Donkey Crew made it so much better.  The persistent nature of mod... building your character up over time... made for a truly unique Mount & Blade multiplayer experience.

Second, let me smile as I remember all the laughter that's come from this game.  Crying tears from laughter at someone's comment... or some idiots insane play that worked.  I love this community... because a majority of folks had a great dark-sense of humor.  You could always count on folks saying something inappropriate & funny.  And while some folks are true idiots... a majority of the terrible stuff that was said was because of humor.  Because folks knew it would make others laugh.  And I highly respect & love that about this community.

Lastly, let me stop for a moment... and give honest homage to how hard & competitive this game is.  It was not for the feint of heart!  cRPG is simply put... the most challenging game I've ever played.  It's certainly the most skill based game I've ever, ever, ever, ever played.  Some folks truly have insane skill.  We've all been there.  Not getting a single kill in your first week of play.  Finally steal-killing to get your first kill.  Learning to block 3 or 4 attacks in a row, then dying, but still feeling awesome cause you are learning.  Dying, but being proud you fought of 2 or 3 guys for 10 seconds.  Then eventually getting decent at dueling.  Then getting better and better and better.  And when you think you are good because you can destroy noobs with your eyes closed... some elite comes along and destroys you like you're a noob.  Seriously, the competition and player-skill in this game is amazing!

It's kind of sad reminiscing about the fun times I had.  But I'd rather be sad and officially say "Goodbye", then fade off without one.  I think Bobby says it best (video below).  I'll see you dudes in OKAM!!!

Much Love,


General Discussion / Was getting major lag... found a solution!
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:54:11 pm »
Feel free to push this to the "Technical Problems" section.  I know it's rarely read... so wanted to share here... in hopes of helping folks out!  Inspired to share by Woody's post earlier.


I was recently getting tons of serious lag in cRPG.  But I noticed the same in the 1 or 2 other games I was playing at the time.  Never had any lag in cRPG or any other games before (except when everyone else is because of the server).

I have a nice computer... and was kind of at a loss as too why I had the sudden lag (knew it was not my internet 30+ Mbs).

Jacaroma mentioned that maybe I was overheating.  He had me download a software that monitors all your temps (gives cores temps, graphics card temps, hard drive temps, etc.).  Great little app!  It revealed that my cores (the cpu) were running over 200 degrees Fahrenheit (95 Celsius).  Very high, as the max for my CPU should be around 165 Fahrenheit.

If anyone needs a link to this software, hit me or Jacaroma up (I'm at work atm, and can't remember the name of it... to post a link).

Jac mentioned that I my need new thermal paste between my cpu & the Heat-Sink-Fan.  The paste can go bad and not transfer heat (he had this issue before).

So I looked at my heat sink... and what did I discover... it was totally clogged up with dust bunnies.  The fan would still turn.  Heck, maybe even my paste was still good (though the CPU is over 3 years old).  So I took my heat sink off, cleaned all the dust, cleaned up old paste, and added new paste... then put heat sink back on.

And boom... runs like new.  No lag in any games!  And in truth, probably could have just left the heat sink on and simply cleaned it (paste was probably still good).  But sense I already had bought the paste, I took it off and put new paste on.

For tips on applying thermal paste, you can search for Youtube videos... there's plenty out there.


So with that said... don't do like me and forget to do regular computer maintenance.  And by regular maintenance... I basically mean, give it a decent clean every couple of months.

Once I'm home, if I can remember, I'll post a link to that temperature monitoring software.

Thanks for your time, hope this helps someone out!

General Discussion / Random Armor Weight Question
« on: February 25, 2016, 07:26:18 pm »
Why is there a gap in the armor weights?  It jumps from 6.6 kg to 8.6 kg (I'm from the States, but smart enough to know the weight is in kilos).

I'm curious... why the gap?  Why no armors in between?

I've played for years and I've always wanted to know this!

Beginner's Help and Guides / How much PS for Long Spear or Pike?
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:35:55 pm »
Have 4 PS (and 150 Polearm)... but seem to keep glancing with my Long Spear!

At the end of my strike, I get a suck, thump sound... instead of the pierce/cut sound.  Is this from too little PS?  Or a lack of knowledge on how to play Long Spear?  I know dude do all kind of crazy drags when they strike.

Sell/Trade / Trading +3 Miaodao & 50k for +3 Morningstar
« on: February 20, 2016, 07:16:14 am »
Trading +3 Miaodao & 50k for +3 Morningstar

Sell/Trade / Trading +3 Morning Star for +3 Miaodao
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:37:35 pm »
Trading +3 Morning Star for +3 Miaodao

Spam / Ban Mallets for Love
« on: October 06, 2015, 08:25:15 pm »
1. Name of your character involved

2. Name of offending character(s)

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
All day every day... for the rest of his life!

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Hasn't played in over 2 weeks.  Being a f8gg0t that's getting married at the end of the month... so no time to play with his buddy Jacaroma & all the amazing cRPG-ers.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
In love with a woman.  Nothing more gay than that!

6. Multiple Screenshots
(click to show/hide)

7. Names of players that can witness what happened.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Shield Running Penalty
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:43:01 am »
Hey Gents, long time no post!

Two question:

1)  What % of your overall running speed is penalized for carrying a shield?  5%?  10%?  Mind you, I'm not talking about weights or anything (shield/armor weight).  I talking about the basic penalty for having a shield equipped.

2)  Is this penalty any different for bucklers, compared to other shield?  Again, not talking about weights.  Just curious if bucklers got special treatment with them being so small.

**  Reason I'm asking is because I don't have any slots left... and I trying to weigh the positives/negatives for carrying a buckler.

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