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Topics - killerbanjo

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Please unban...
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:07:01 pm »
Hi all, was playing on EU_cRPG_4 and somone TKed me, they then said that I team killed them! and then voted banned me... So now i have been banned from that server for somthing of which I have not done...

Many thanks, Banjo

Hi all, been playing this mod for a while with no problems apart from a crash every now and then, but went to play today and when I launch it with the launcher when it gets in game it says it needs the enchanted script to run it and to start it with the cRPG launcher (Which i am doing). So i tryed "repair" the game several times, that did not work, I then deleted cRPG and reinstalled it (With a freshly downloaded launcher). After reinstalling I still have the problem and no matter what way I lauch it, it has not gone away  :(

Please help! Thanks in advance :D

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