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Topics - Treat

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Ban Request: Annoying_Peasent Intentional TK
« on: May 11, 2012, 06:05:45 am »
I was wondering why he hadn't moved for 2 minutes into the round, so I report him for leeching with qml. It went through, and he got kicked. He came back on in a few minutes, and proceeded to team kill me.

This is the proof that he did it.
(click to show/hide)

I believe this is a bannable offense because I was banned 24 hours for it last weekend. Just so you know the poll ban I initiated didn't go through.

This is the thread that shows me getting banned.,31344.0.html

Closed Requests / Ban: DaggothUr Poll Abuse
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:21:34 am »
While playing DTV EU7 tonight. I had just retired last night so I am still a fairly low level so killing stuff is difficult but I try my best every round, and out of no where DaggothUr poll bans me for no reason. My score was 2-2... 12:18 American central time. People are abusing the polls by kicking/banning people because they don't fight up to the standard of the level 30's. DaggothUr and some other are abusing the polls for their own good and i dont believe this is right. :/

I do not have a screenshot so an admin would have to check the logs. Kinda hard to get a screen shot when I am banned for no reason.

EDIT: I am in vent with a few other people that are still on EU7, and they keep telling me about poll bans going on for no reason at all... Please check the logs, and give punishment accordingly!

On my character Tiny_Teemo.

Closed Requests / Unban Tim_The_Tool
« on: May 05, 2012, 09:05:24 am »,31344.0.html

This is in response to this thread. I am sorry I team killed you, but I am frustrated that you would come on the forums to cry about it after an Admin in the game warned me after it happened. I can't believe a one time thing would merit a 28H ban through an entire weekend.

I honestly did not see you typing anything in chat. I QML'd after I saw you standing at spawn for a little over a minute not moving. Since you make assumptions in your thread I am going to assume that you saw the Admin warn me not to team kill again(Which I didn't do it again), and yet you still came on the forums complaining for a ban. Coming back after a short break to find myself banned on the night I planned to pull an all nighter to reset my sleep schedule is not a pleasant feeling.

General Discussion / Really quick question
« on: May 03, 2012, 07:05:41 pm »
Does the boost to XP that retiring gives you apply to defend the virgin?

cRPG Technical problems / Resetting Role
« on: May 03, 2012, 07:04:23 pm »
I started out CRPG as an Archer named Treat_Treat which became my main. After several weeks of frustration I realized that archery was not for me so I created a 2h alt named Tim_The_Tool which I love playing. My 2h just started the long grind to level 31, and my archer is at 19 after respec'ing him twice. I was under the impression that I could switch my main whenever I wanted to, but after looking at the site I would have to delete my level 30 and create a new character in order make it a main?!!? I am here asking for a role reset for my 2h to make it my main account. Thank you.

General Discussion / Leather Bag
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:18:37 am »
Hi everyone. I am just wondering why one of my characters has a leather bag embedded into his back. Its very annoying putting on armor just to see it show though. Can anyone help me with this problem?

Closed Requests / Unban
« on: April 29, 2012, 05:15:15 am »
Here is my story. This was on NA7 Defend The Virgin.

At the start of the round I hit someone with my fist twice, they team killed me. So next round I team kill them. I get kicked for team killing. Then I rejoin, and the clan Judge(Which one their  team members killed me before) gang kill me then because I called them stupid, and they have the majority on the server they poll ban me. I am here requesting an unban because people are ridiculous.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Archery WPF
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:20:12 am »
After googling for hours on end I have decided to make a thread to ask my question. At what archery proficiency does the longbow become perfectly accurate, like the reticule closes completely so the arrow goes where you are aiming?

Closed Requests / Unban
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:22:57 am »
I killed a team mate on accident, and then fell off the a building while trying to get a higher vantage point. Someone cried that I killed someone then committed suicide, and I was insta banned... I am asking for an unban so I can actually start playing on the NA servers again. Its very annoying playing with 150+ ping on the EU ones. Nice people, bad ping...

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