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Topics - Sir_Simon_Jekyll

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General Discussion / A couple of quick questions
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:34:53 pm »
If anyone can help me I would just like to know as I have been unable to find a solution anywhere else.

1. Can you delete your old characters once you change your name as they are still there on the Website though when you try to click them it logs you out.

A small thing I know but messy :(.

2. When you share an IP with someone is the damage or anything reduced as when I play with a friend his hits barely damage me in low class Armour yet I have seen him kill others.

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that?.

General Discussion / Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 01, 2011, 06:58:52 pm »
Now before you read the meaty bit of this post be aware that it is very long. So if you would fit into the category of someone who might just post a gripe indicating something insulting towards me for writing it despite its content, read another post because that wouldn't be funny or clever. This post is thought out and designed in a way that I hope we can improve c-RPG.

I have now been playing for maybe 2 months now and I have noticed a few things. First off I think that C-RPG should be regarded as a look to the future in online gaming of this kind because there is nothing even close to it out there but there are aspects of it that really bring the game down. For example. Take your box standard Battle, 30 a side. Lets say it lasts 5 minutes and the top player will kill say 30 people. In those 5 minutes you will get the following. 'On average' 10 polls, 'rage' and otherwise, 1/3 of the total kills of the top scorer. You will get 5 people whining that someone should be kicked. 90% of these polls are started for small things that I believe someone should not be kicked for. I Admin on three other online games. One is a MMORPG. There are strict rules to muting or banning someone informed to you before you get awarded the position and abusing this responsibility gets you banned. Two others I admin on are turn based games that are a lot less popular but never the less just as strict on its policing of 'Rule breaking'. Two Admin positions were offered because of my supportive activity towards other players and fair judgement, unbias etc. One I gained because I had a hand in the making, so I believe I am perseptive enough to spot abuse. The abuse I speak of is not aimed entirly at players but also mods. I have witnessed varying levels of tolerance from many different mods. Some use vulgar language, ohers do not and ban for it. Others have tolerated team kills, some kick for it, others have been banned for it. I do understand speaking from experiance expecially with a game like this that it is very hard to police a game like this with its multitude of possible sin but there are tings that can be done to make it easier.

One of those things is making it so if you cause damage to a team player you yourself will sustain the same damage in turn. If you kill a player, you die. Problem solved. The ability to use certain words can be restricted. The ability players have to Poll should be taken away while an administrator is in the room. People should NEVER be BANNED for reasons that another mod would only kick you for. There should be rules set in stone. Another example is I have seen a mod complain about a topless player and continue to kick them for it, yet every other mod I have seen has not. The reason I belive was because that person was seen as a leacher. Yet wearing a dress or tabard would have negligable change to that face. The spartans are a clan and are topless for understandable reasons. I myself have deliberatly killed another player on my team. I was standing still and was hit by them, I was moving and I was hit yet again. Now I am fully prepared to lose out on a game for that, but to be kicked or even banned for it is harsh. You cannot expect a game to grow with such fickle rules. I have introduced this game to my brothers and a score of like minded mates from work and since at least half have quit despite being addicted at a point because of the reasons I have stated here. Leaching is a simple thing to solve. One of the games I admin for has a system where if you are not moving and inactive for a period of time you are logged out. This is simple. So if you are leaching by definition you are stealing experiance you have not helped earned. So lets say you are leaching with a multiplier of x3, you will reconsider losing this if you KNOW you will be caught as a cold hard fact. You should be warned of the approaching kick 10 seconds before to let you know to get (A LOT) closer to action, this will solve the problem of a great big poll popping up on your screen, and further more prevent 20 people just hitting one or likewise two to get rid of it having not been made aware of the full facts thus giving birth to an inaccurate unfair poll. I sometimes answer texts I believe are important enough to stop gameplay for maybe 30 seconds max to answer and have been polled for it but I am by no means a leacher, yet some player with far to much power submitted a poll to have me kicked.

I think players should concentrate on playing, following SET rules that are not at the discretion of a mod entirly but progammed so there is no one that feels like they have been victimised to make a point or disappointed in sloppy governing. For the most part the admin in the game are good fair players but I can't help feeling EVERY game that this isn't about fighting but a game of Who can we poll or who can we get kicked or whine to a mod about. Why can't it be simple. Play, leave the admin to administrators and be secure in the fact that if someone is breaking the rules you do not need to step in. The height of a players power should be to bring awareness of a situation to a mod. Mods names on the scoreboard and when they speak should be highligted a different colour at all times so people know who to talk to should an infraction take place. I think if these things happen or are even considered the atmosphere would be a lot better and the game would grow.

Now I know it is a long post but I am interested to see if my views are shared. I am aware there are hundreds of posts relating to 'rule abuse' but I have tried to capsulate every aspect and offer, from experiance, ways to make things advance smoother.

  A very big thankyou for reading this (Only to those who actually read it and dint skim to the end)

cRPG Technical problems / Mount and blade crashes
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:39:07 pm »
Everytime I try to join a server the 'Mount and blade has stopped working' stuff pops up

General Discussion / out of date?
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:24:01 pm »
Everytime I join a battle it tells me that my version of cRPG is out of date and to come here for information. Where would this information be?

cRPG Technical problems / A few issues
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:59:30 pm »
I recently discoveredthat my charicotr has had its stats reset. I kept my equiptment. Also, wen tryin to join any server it keeps telling me I need a password... whats that about? Yet another issue. Since the update whenever I try to join a game M&B just quits out and stops responding. Does anyone have any ideas?

General Discussion / A few annoying issues
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:59:02 pm »
I recently discoveredthat my charicotr has had its stats reset. I kept my equiptment. Also, wen tryin to join any server it keeps telling me I need a password... whats that about? Yet another issue. Since the update whenever I try to join a game M&B just quits out and stops responding. Does anyone have any ideas?

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