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Topics - Thanatos

Pages: [1]
Global / Requesting disappeared heirloom points
« on: May 19, 2014, 04:37:39 am »
I had 2 heirloom points that were deleted by admins over 2 years ago when I got banned because of a mixup with items. I came back maybe around 6 months ago and I was told they will look into it to restore them but I haven't heard anything from the admins.

Username is Metz_Astralis

Global / Unban Thanatos
« on: December 03, 2013, 02:28:14 am »
Was banned over 2 years ago. Haven't played since then and I don't remember why I got banned. I want to get back to cRPG and start afresh and see how things are. I will stay out of trouble.

Global / Unban Thanatos
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:43:36 pm »
Was banned over 2 years ago. Haven't played since then and I don't remember why I got banned. I want to get back to cRPG and start afresh and see how things are. I will stay out of trouble.

Spam / New Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:18:47 pm »
There goes Mount and Musket mod...

NEW YORK – March 30, 2012 – From occupying Calradia to the invasion of Russia, Warband fans will have a new war to look forward to this year. Paradox Interactive and Taleworlds Entertainment today announced the next DLC for popular action RPG Mount & Blade Warband. Napoleonic Wars is a multiplayer expansion pack that will take players back to the final years of Napoleon’s conquest in this massive update for the definitive open-world sandbox series.

Developed by Flying Squirrel Entertainment and Taleworlds Entertainment, Napoleonic Wars will support multiplayer battles of up to 250 soldiers and enables players the chance to create a character from 220 unique units available, all hailing from five different European nations. Fight battles with your tried and true sabre or utilize newly introduced artillery pieces such as cannons and rockets in this historically accurate and immersive 19th century experience like no other.

Players can partake in Napoleon’s conquest when Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars launches later this spring.


    Accurate early 19th century weapons, uniforms and environments
    Massive multiplayer battles with up to 250 players
    5 nations with more than 220 unique units to choose from
    A wide range of artillery pieces ranging from field cannons to mortars, capable of firing a variety of missiles such as canister, explosive shells and even rockets - all fully controllable by players
    Finely crafted game balance insuring player skill is the hero of the battlefield, not the gun or the sword
    Construct barricades, dig trenches, and rig explosives with the multi-purpose Engineer class
    Special musician units with drums, fifes, bagpipes or trumpets, able to play historically accurate tunes; all recorded and played by award winning musicians
    Lead squads of soldiers against each other in the new commander battle mode
    More than 40 classical background music tracks

Can a mod remove "warband" from the title.. Its Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars only.

Suggestions Corner / CRPG Dodgeball
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:21:05 am »
CRPG Dodgeball can be a great idea.. It can be one of those new sports incorporated in CRPG. All you have to do is create balls and set them to requiring 0 throwing and then you throw them hard depending on your strength. You can block balls with your ball if you want. These balls are one hit kill...

There can be different modes, like classic dodgeball or prisoner dodgeball where when you get hit you spawn behind your enemies and your team has to throw a ball over your enemies for you to catch and if you use that ball to hit the enemy, you are automatically freed and teleport to your teams original side.

Spam / Make a server for Renaissance and gunpowder warfare
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:21:47 am »
There should be a server where you can use muskets and pistols. This would change the way people play CRPG. It would be very interesting to see how its done.

Faction Halls / Knights of Santiago [KoS]
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:38:20 am »
Knights of Santiago (KoS)

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

- Thanatos
- Frank the Tank
- Voester
- Allers
- MaTRiX

We don't have heavy requirements as our goal is to have fun and have a dominating presence in CRPG as well as Strategus.

1) Must be active to have a rank, if you are taking a break from CRPG just tell us and we will put you on the inactive list
2) Must be willing to use Teamspeak to communicate with clan members (mic is optional).
3) Must speak enough English to follow orders in battle
4) Must be somewhat serious, but also have fun, and respect hierarchy and take orders.

Clan Rules
1) No Uniform, we believe CRPG is a game where people like to be creative.
2) It will be your choice to participate in strategus, we understand that people don't have time for it
3) No mean trolling. We understand sometimes it's fine to troll a bit and have fun. But there's a fine line that you can cross.

1) Our goal it so have a good player fun based rooster, and work as a team on either battle/siege servers
2) Have Fun

People to go to for help
1) Ricky's steam:
2) Thanatos Steam:
3) Voester Steam:
4) TS info : Nditions Teamspeak Server 3 :

Our banner is a modified version of the Cross of St. James.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

We have engineered a concept of having a hierarchy consisting of 3 tiers, similar to that of standing armies all over the world. We have our enlisted, our non-commissioned officers, and our officers, which translate into our military branch, our clergy branch, and our noble branch.

The Military Branch is for those players who just like to play and don't want to have the responsibility yet of leading others or giving order. This is the backbone of the clan and promotion is through merit of skill and reputation. The rank of Paladin will be held by our best warrior in the military branch.

The Clergy Branch is the realism flavor we are adding into the clan. Monastic orders were composed of not only knights, but fierce monk soldiers. Now a player may start in the clergy branch rather than the military branch if he chooses to do so but chances are he will be stuck at Novice or Monk for a while as he chose to skip the fighting branch. Novice and Monk are the equivalent of low ranking sergeants. Deacon is a more serious non-commissioned officer rank, and Grand Master is the highest honorary leader of the clan since we are a monastic order after all.

The Noble Branch is composed of the leaders and founders of the clan. We have decided to use feudal ranks as those are the most known ranks. Promotions are decided through merit, reputation, and finally a voting between all current noble leaders with the Grand Master having veto power.

A proven Knight can cross-over to the Clergy Branch and be a Monk if he has the shown that he can handle leadership duties. A Deacon can cross-over to the Noble Branch and be a Baron if another leader is needed. Cross-over ranking isn't set in stone as each player is capable of doing more or doing less when it comes to assuming leadership. Of course, cross-over promotions also depend on the size of the clan as having too many leaders and little followers can be unproductive and inefficient.


Military Branch
- Page
- Squire
- Knight
- Paladin (Only one)

Clergy Branch
- Novice
- Monk
- Deacon
- Grand Master (Only one)

Noble Branch
- Baron
- Count
- Duke
- Prince

We all know that CRPG is a game where skill and ability can be grown through practice and advice from veteran players. We have decided to incorporate a system in our clan where you can be trained or tutored by "weapon masters". A weapon master is a player who specializes in a certain type of weapon and is one of the best players at it. We believe that the whole clan can progress if it works together to improve itself, but the heart of improvement lies in the concept of all for one and one for all. This means that each player is important to us and we wish to groom that player to be the best he can be in his field.

To apply to be a Weapon Master you must have the reputation of being very skillful in said weapon category and must have patience and a good personality to train others.

Weapon Masters:
One Hander - N/A
Two Hander - Allers
Polearm - Voester
Archery - As of right now, Murchad, hes HA. untill an we have a foot archer.
Cavalry/HA - Murchad

List of players right now
1. MaTRiX
2. Allers
3. Murchad
4. Tyjah
5. Voaster
6. Serbutts
7. Thanatos
8. Oggrinsky
9. Frank The Tank
10. Kaoklai
11. Herby
12. Ron Burgandy
13. Glaximus - Inactive atm
14. KIKIT- Inactive atm
15. Recon

How To Join
1) Come to ts or add one of us on steam, hang out with us for 1-2 days
2) Post your ingame name on thread
3) 1-2 Day process and then you're in the clan

General Discussion / CRPG would be better if it were slower...
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:17:07 am »
They should make CRPG slower paced, that way the fighting is more intense with all the blocking and arrow dodging. It could be like a medieval matrix. It doesn't have to be that much slower, maybe like 15% or 20% slower. This will also help EU and Asian players to not have a disadvantage when playing in NA servers.

Also maybe if you get several kills in a row, like 3 or something you can press CTRL and it gives you a rage power up where you swing and move faster.

General Discussion / CRPG Heroes
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:14:22 am »
Players who are over level 31 should become "heroes".

What would a CRPG hero by? A CRPG hero would be a player who can activate a special power and use it once every map change or if he is the last player alive.

This player would then glow a shiny aura and would get powered up.... He can choose to be a speed hero (+5 agility and +100 wpf to all weapon classes), a iron hero (+6 IF and +50 wpf to all weapon classes), or a strong hero (+5 ps and +75 wpf to all weapon classes)..

You can also have archer heroes who can get +4 PD and +50 wpf in everything.

What would be the point?

This would make CRPG more interesting by having special players who stand out and achieve the impossible, players who stand up strong and win it.

Events & Tournaments / CRPG Olympics
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:02:21 am »
With the real Olympics coming up in a few months... Why not host a CRPG Olympics?

We could have categories and winners.. Perhaps host the Olympics every 6 months...

Winners could get heirlooms courtesy of the admins or Kesh or perhaps just gold courtesy of the admins or Kesh..

We can inaugurate the Olympics with the contestants carrying a torch and handing it over to each other... Finally chadz will recieve the torch at the end in a large podium and announce the olympics to have begun.

Possible Categories:
1h sword dueling
2h sword dueling
polearm dueling
Archery target competition
Horse archery duel
Throwing competition (hit the target and who throws the farthest)
Cross-map race (run across one side of the map to the other)
Horse Race
Marathon (run, swim, horse ride)

What do you guys think?

General Discussion / Martial Arts in CRPG
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:19:39 pm »
There should be a new skill where you are able to fight with martial arts.. Be able to disarm your opponent, knock them down with a kick to their knee, and grapple them, etc..

This would be an interesting feature for those who seek to fight unarmed combat.

There should be special servers that change theme every week to break the monotonous trends of of Battle and Siege.

Every week the servers genre can be a new theme Medieval (Hundred Years War, Italian Warring States), Asian, Roman, Eastern.. Rules can exist to say what type of armor and weapons one is allowed to use.. For instance teams would be wearing the opposing respective equipment:

Medieval (England vs France): Western Armor.

Medieval (Italian Warring States): South European Armor, Papal clothing.

Asian: Samurai stuff.

Roman: Roman equipment (should be added) and barbarian equipment.

Eastern: Middle Eastern equipment

Crusades: Western Armor vs Eastern Armor.

Greek Wars (Spartans vs Persians): Naked hoplites vs eastern warriors.

Greek Wars (Spartans vs Athenians): Red hoplites vs blue hoplites.

The problem with the CRPG system is that changes are more like trials and errors. One thing fixes a problem but causes another. Sometimes one class suffers and the other gets a major unnecessary boost shifting gameplay, irritating people who stick to one class.

I propose enacting a system where the people get to choose what changes they want based on the majority of votes.

Executive Branch
chadz - President (he has veto power to cancel out proposals)
Every Admin under chadz

Judicial Branch (supreme court)
Composed of veteran players like Kesh and Tears_Of_Destiny where these players get to decide if the changes proposed by the Houses are proper before requesting them to be implemented.

Legislative Branch (congress)
Composed of all CRPG players registered on the forums and divided into 3 houses and they come up with the changes.

House of EU - All European members. Must have one representative that requests features/changes for the rest.

House of NA - All North American members. Must have one representative that requests features/changes for the rest.

House of the minorities - Every other player like the Chinese or Australians. Must have one representative that requests features/changes for the rest.

The representatives of each houses must be high contactable either through Steam or the forum, preferably both and must be experienced, rational, and not a troll.

This way we can have more of what we want and less of what we don't want. Perhaps we can enjoy the game more and everyone can benefit more. Plus it is a good way to get the CRPG community together.

Start nominating representatives and judges of the supreme court.

I went to Skip the fun and it wont let me skip the fun after I deleted my other skip the fun character...

Is it 7 days after you delete your previous character? Or 7 days since u do it.

Since I think I deleted my character and then redid him but it wouldn't let me Skip the fun.. Then I waited more than 7 days... Deleted the character again (this time in the game as well) and made a new one since I wanted a new name and when I went to SKIP THE FUN it said make sure to delete the old character and wait for more than 7 days.

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