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Topics - brianr1989

Pages: [1]
Strategus Issues / Unable to sign up for any battles.
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:13:31 pm »
I am currently unable to sign up for any battles. I check the box of the side I want to apply for but when I click the 'Apply' button the page refreshes back to the page with unchecked boxes.

As the title says,

I would like to trade my MW Great Long Axe for a MW Great Sword. I'll throw in a +1 Gothic Plate with bevor along with the axe to make the deal more interesting on your side.

Other good polearms/two-handers are also considered. (Poleaxe, Danish, those kind of things.)

We can work out a safe way to trade via PM or Teamspeak.

Like the title says, I'd like to trade my +3 Danish and 50k for either a military cleaver, an iberian mace or a warhammer.

Other good 1-handers will also be considered and the extra gold is negotiable.

Trade is up on the marketplace.

I would like to trade my +3 long espada eslavona and 1 loompoint for a +3 poleaxe. I'm also willing to sell both combined for around 1,500k so I can buy one off the marketplace. Price depends on lowest poleaxe price.

Trade is up on the marketplace.

Other good offers will be considered.

cRPG Technical problems / Frame skipping after last patch.
« on: June 17, 2012, 07:08:53 pm »
Since the last patch I've been getting horrible frame skipping issues when I play on a crowded server like EU_1 and EU_2.

My FPS is still the same but it just freezes up a tiny bit every 2 seconds or so. Changing the graphic options has absolutely zero effect. It's not my hardware as my PC is brand new and it well exceeds the requirements for this game. It was running perfectly before the patch but now EU_1 and 2 are pretty much unplayable for me if I want to be competitive.

Is this a known issue with the last patch? Are there more people experiencing this problem?

After trying out a shielder build I've decided that 1-handers are not for me. Price is open for bids but I would also be willing to trade it for a +2 polearm, preferably some form of slashing weapon that also has a stab like for example a glaive or poleaxe.

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