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Topics - xantos747

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Unban]Bravesquirrel's Video
« on: October 19, 2011, 10:41:39 pm »
In his post he said he had a video. What ever video he has, could you check and see that I didn't have a bow at the time also? I do have one now though so I can't prove anything without that video but at the time I only had a nomad sabre and was trying to not get killed by the far more experienced players. Anyway, could you maybe please look into it when you have free time? This mod is a blast and getting banned is not something i plan on doing regularly or ever again, and honestly I did listen to the admin when he/she asked us to stop. Player is Corvus_Umbra. I had a post earlier so I'm not exactly sure if this counts as talking about a closed case or not, if so please ignore it, I don't want a banned forum account also. Thanks a bunch.

Closed Requests / Unban Request, New player here, what did I do?
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:02:05 am »
I play in windowed mode because my computer can't handle mount and blade full screen. Sad, i know. Because of this I can't read the chat at all. I'm new so I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong. I was using the quick chat when the ban happen on the NA 1 server but I don't think I was using it excessively, just enough to warn my mates who weren't paying attention. If a mod could at least give me a reason I'd be grateful. I don't think I did anything wrong except for kill some admin named ManOWar or something once and he seemed pretty angry that I was able to kill him. I really don't think that an admin would ban someone because they were angry though. I do play an archer and I might have teamkilled someone on accident without realizing it because I really can't read the miniscule chat in windowed mode. Thanks for the help. Player name is Corvus_Umbra.

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