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Topics - bigsean

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NA (Official) / Ban request: Link_of_Hyrule
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:58:02 am »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
9/22/2014 7:13pm EST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Gave a random player a tk after the round was over, he then headshot'd me beginning of the next round, not a new player either. Then kept trying to get in my way so I would bump him.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Couldn't handle the post round tk. Interferes with his beloved rp maybe, or can't handle other HA's. If he just asked me to stop I would have, it was only once.

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NA (Official) / Ban Request: Jarl_Torstein and Jarl_Borg_
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:33:41 pm »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
Jarl_Torstein and Jarl_Borg_
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
8/25/2015 3:23pm EST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
TK'd by two clanmates beginning of the round, 6:51 on the clock, didn't even leave spawn
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Flags were broke previous round, let myself get killed when I noticed but since I didn't kill myself right away they tk'd me
6. Multiple Screenshots
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NA (Official) / Ban Request: Khmer
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:38:39 am »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
8/1/2014 11:19 AM EST NA_1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Accidently tk'd khmer previous round, I said sorry and have kills right before and after but he revenge tk's me.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
No control over his emotions
6. Multiple Screenshots
The TK
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Taunting me
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Chat log including previous round
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NA (Official) / Ban Kale_of_Wessex
« on: June 28, 2014, 07:45:12 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Literally_bigsean
2. Name of offending character(s): Kale_of_Wessex
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 6/26/2014 9:06PM EST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
I was playing morning battle, kale_of_wessex tk's me to bro-code it with his friend.
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5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
To hug it out with the enemy
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was also griefing me the previous map
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7. Names of players that can witness what happened.

NA (Official) / Ban Rhuell
« on: June 06, 2014, 03:51:14 am »
1. Name of your character involved.
2. Name of offending character(s).
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible.
NA_2, ~9:32pm est
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Spawned on donkey, was trying to shoot at enemy cav at our team spawn, accidently shot rhuell with 0 HA skill and moving so low damage. Rhuell comes up and almost 1 shots me, a sliver of health left. I report, he reports me for the arrow and then he hits me twice more very fast so I can't give the 3rd report. Then taunts me with "equip screen"
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Veteran player thinks he's better than the rules, evidenced by his taunting
6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players that can witness what happened.
Probably any of these players, except remnants of course. It was conquest and we were attackers at the beginning spawn with 3 flags taken so almost no one else was around.
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NA (Official) / ban archerbud: team griefer
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:41:55 pm »
guess he was mad cause our team went x5 in battle, ran infront of my shots, threw smoke bombs in front of me, stood infront of me, all while on the same team

reported in I chat but no one was on I guess

album of screens, you can see him standing in the corner shooting off smoke bombs, saying he doesn't care about a ban in chat, etc etc over the course of the map

Closed Requests / Ban Byrlindi
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:09:58 pm »
Another player who responded to an accidental arrow by waiting for me to spawn and then TK'ing me in NA_2. I even said FUCK SRY, but he was all mad cause the siege server is like 6-8 players atm and I was dominating him when he was on the other team.

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Closed Requests / Ban Token_Smitty_MB
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:35:33 pm »
NA_1, I accidentally missed my shot and hit Token once. I am usually pretty good at hitting my target, and if I accidentally TW I move on to another target just in case. Token came after me, away from the fight, and slashed me 3 times until I died, then stated "watch your gd aim". He then proceeded to punch people until he reached 5 reports and didn't come back. I submitted a request ingame but no admins responded.

Just TK'd, split second too late to capture his player model but notice lack of enemies around me.
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Token writing "watch your gd aim" after TK'ing me.
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Token reaching 5 reports, did not return after this.
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Requesting a 36 hour ban for intentional TW till TK. He is not a new player and can't just mess around because he intends to leave the server soon anyways, please give more than 24 hours as a deterrent.


Closed Requests / Ban Request: JesusHChrist
« on: April 29, 2012, 02:14:12 am »
NA Rageball server, this guy JesusHChrist was dominating by having a high ATH char, low armor, and a torch to get the goals in. The score was 10-1 by the end of the map. Next map I switched to a horn/tatar bow instead of my usual setup and kept killing this guy (which I think is a really good tactic for a gamemode usually dominated by high ATH) and my team was able to get up to x5. JesusHChrist got all mad and started a poll to kick me, then immediately raqequit.

The poll went through too which makes this kind of thing really really stupid.

Here he starts the poll and quits:
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Other players are like ???:
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and then I got kicked.

Requesting a ban for this poll abuse.


General Discussion / M&B Warband: $4.99 on Steam (until April 23rd)
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:50:50 pm »

Like the title says, warband's 75% off till April 23rd. Now's a good time to get in friends and build up this community.

anyone got any sweet warband/crpg vids to entice people

General Discussion / Can we prune the NA badmins from time to time?
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:05:06 pm »
Players who cozy up to these certain admins are virtually untouchable, and they never take action on their friends. There are definitely some great admins such as GrannPappy and Rangerbob, but I think there are others who are not helping to make CRPG fun and more popular like it should be.

For example,,29039.0.html

Until then enjoy the free multi that cav provide you when you get balanced on the cav superstar team, or rage at them every time they lance you.
- Ganner

Bitter much?

Now, theres a rule in that forum section where you can't post in a topic if you don't have anything specific to the situation to say. This rule is often unenforced, but the one time it does get enforced? When a player makes a constructive argument against an admin.

Check this, ganner "requires more proof" for that situation?

I think that one had just as much, if not more proof than this one;,28690.0.html
One screenshot, one post and its done. That's not a bad admin action, but the same logic should be applied to all players, including your friends. Admins have to be impartial, you can't let your feelings and rage come over you.


Closed Requests / ban request: badplayer_gg
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:57:59 pm »
Just in the NA1 server, witnessed badplayer cavbumping quite a bit, he got to 4/5 on the ingame report, then someone made a kick poll, then he got to 5/5 and the poll went thru with 51% so he was kicked. He has this bad "holier than thou" attitude and needs to be reminded about teamplay. Worse is that Tydeus was in the server (you can see his name pop up several times in the screens below) and witnessed all that but didn't say a word, I guess that's to be expected for clan members though. And IIRC, wasn't badplayer banned recently for this sort of stuff?

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Ganner's take;

No action will be taken, kick polls are there for this reason, if you are annoying enough people to vote you out, you should modify your behavior.  While admins may not action you for playing your class, the community will hold you responsible for your actions.  Should you delay you face that chance.  HA/HX and bowmen need to learn when to stop running and just stand and fight so the other 30-70 players in the server aren't inconvenienced by their douchyness.  (this is not saying when its 4v1 you must stand your ground, more like if you are hopelessly outnumbered just end it rather than dragging it out by an unnecessary 2 more minutes)

In server 5 mins ago;
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Keep polls on, off, whatever, just be consistent.


Closed Requests / Ban Request: Ss_MrDICK
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:49:39 pm »
I was the last player left on my team, 9 vs 1, running and shooting on my archer (which is allowed). MrDICK started a poll to kick me because I was the last player left and playing my class. Obviously since im going to lose and people are impatient I was kicked, but I never even do that annoying crap where the person runs all over the map. I just try to kill a few people, and once I notice im the last left I let the players kill me. I would say that I was only running for about 20-30 seconds even.

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MrDICK was mad because he and 3 others were chasing me down in a previous round and I was able to kill the other 2, so he started to run away. Someone started a votekick because he said he could "run away since Idlewild did it", but im actually playing my class.

I understand votekicks are up to the community but when your the last player, a ton of people are gonna press yes and he should know that I was just playing my class.

I just want to play in peace, please ban this player to teach him that he cannot start a poll for me playing my class or everyone will votekick HA's, Cav, high ath players, etc.


Closed Requests / Ban request: 451_CATS
« on: February 23, 2012, 04:52:58 pm »
I was just in the battle server and i guess 451_CATS thought it would be fun to tk me at the end of the round. I know the end of the round doesn't matter to some but I try to keep a good k:d ratio and I know it matters to alot of others too. They say this person is an admin over on the community servers so they should know that intentional tw/tking is a pretty lame thing to do.

The round had just ended, ~7-8 of us were looking for the last player on the opposing team (a mounted crossbowman). After that player died, 451_CATS waited a bit and tked me at the very last second. I took a screenshot right away and this is what it shows;

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As you can see, the round did not just end, it was already moving over to a new round (new round timer, player count, our team back at spawn, and if you look closely at the far end; the opposing team back at their spawn). I got killed so close to the next round, that it had been several seconds since the death of the crossbowman. He may come in and scream "equip screen" but the arrow would have flown alot sooner, not to mention he was closer to the enemy player, so he had to turn around to deliberately tk me.

Please show that players can not just try to down their teammates when the round is over.

edit: It's really hard to report tk's like this, you don't have very long to take a screenshot and its very easy for these tk'ers to feint innocence. I have a suspicion that cats waited that long to try and minimize his chances of being caught

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