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Topics - Bill The Butcher

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Going to retire as cav/pole looming suggestions?
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:45:07 pm »
Already have a nice loomed Rouncy. I love it, it's like a destrier for half price. Here are my thoughts:

Loom a lance: for extra damage
Loom a courser: if i'm lancing, a fast loomed courser should help me out quite a bit.

Looming armor seems silly since it's fun to play dress up. Any obvious ideas for something else to loom to complement my cav build? Maybe something like leather gloves?

I've heard pole users talk about putting WPF in to 1 hand, is that only if you use shield? Am I safe just pouring all WPF into pole? I'm thinking of going pure polearm - couch and spear from my 2H char...if you can't beat them, join them right?

General Discussion / Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:09:06 pm »
I've been enjoying my 2H cav character, and recently decided to switch off morning star to Sarranid Battle Axe. It's 45 cut (no one has plate anymore so cut damage is fine), it has a long reach... Was there something special about morning star which made it such a favorite 2h cav weapon? Because I'm getting way more kills with this nice shiny axe, yet I'm the only one I see using it from horseback.

How much damage does the bump from a Rouncy at spawn do? Playing for an hour I got shot in the back 3 or 4 times by moron archers. I mean really, i'm trying to go around you and you're intentionally shooting someone on your own team in LIGHT armor? Cav has to wear light armor and ride light horses now to even play the class, give us a break and don't shoot us in the back.

General Discussion / So....forget about riding a mid-tier horse now?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:11:41 am »
Prices are increased in the last update, seems like with the upkeep cav is pretty much screwed. It's not something you can play every round anymore, you'll just lose money. Or am I missing something?

I can't ride a Destrier with leather armor without losing  money every time I sit down to play. And now with the latest patch they're more expensive and have worse stats?  What are the other cav doing? Playing 50/50 cav/inf?

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