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Topics - vinnytk

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Great Lance Sucks
« on: February 22, 2012, 03:19:15 am »
bring back LoC or make it longer or something

real talk

General Discussion / chadz, we want the classic version of CRPG
« on: December 13, 2011, 09:03:55 am »
Almost a year ago CRPG changed drastically and arguably for the worse.  We (lljk) want to host a server and shit with the old version of CRPG before XP ticks and ladder pulting was still a thing.  We aren't setting this up to compete with the current version or anything.  We just want to set up a server from back when this game was fun.

Thanks In Advance.

Diplomacy / Autoupdated Map
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:59:20 pm »
So I made a thing.

Mouse over a faction to see who owns it.  If you can't read the name of your fiefdom change your colors or something.

This is the first phase, next I'll try and show teritory if I can muster up the effort.  I already made a SVG blank from Comrade_Temuzu map so I'll base it off that.

After that I'm thinking about an user updated troop tracker or something.  I dunno.

Whoever wrote the crpg Stratgus website - Stole a lot of code and the live fiefdoms are from there.  I cleaned up the code a lot and made it more maintainable so take some code from me if you want!
Comrade_Temuzu - For future map
Harald - Stole some images and background img from the eye candy thing which I guess he wrote


Sell/Trade / Selling loom point
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:52:55 am »

cRPG Technical problems / Can't repair my equipment
« on: July 24, 2011, 05:53:38 am »
I disabled auto repair tonight to try and make some money but the website will not update to allow me to manually fix it.  After several maps of it not allowing me to repair I switched it back to auto hoping that it would fix everything but that didn't work.  Switching it back to manual not helping either.

At this point all my horses are shitty as hell or completely broke.  Same with most of my armor and weps



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