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Topics - kooktar

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Times they are a changin'
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:24:16 pm »
Its been a while since I've perused these forums. It appears that there is an engaged community lead development team which is great. All that being said, you all are welcome.

General Discussion / Have ya'll seen this video?
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:51:14 pm »

General Discussion / I offered my resume.
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:10:47 am »
Lol, nice effing patch brehs.

At one point in time, I tossed an offer into IRC to lend my programming skills to the mod. I am currently a senior lead developer on a multi-million dollar FAD (Federal Aerospace and Defense) account. But gawd am I glad chadz was too busy sniffing his own farts in scrubland (Europe).

We in the biz like to deliver quality products, our software is our namesake. This latest patch (among other failures) has really brought forth to the community the professionalism behind the 'Dev Team'.

Just cuz I'm bored I'm gonna throw out a few snazzy phrases/words that we programmers in the professional world use when engaging with customers.

Requirements - One of the most important pieces to the software puzzle. If you don't know what you're building, there is no way to deliver a product to the customer (CRPG Community). Process Architects will visit on site and gather all necessary requirements to please the customer (CRPG Community) and provide them with the most value.
Component Design Documentation - Some form of documentation, most often reviewed with the customer (CRPG Community) to get sign off/acceptance, that shows the desired path to complete the list of requirements, also multiple solutions may be provided with a risk/reward definitions to give the customer (CRPG Community) options on how to proceed.
Development Cycle - Once a solution is approved and work begins, a solid development team is necessary to ensure the proposed solutions will be achieved with a high quality of work.
Use Cases - As part of the requirements gathering, a use case document will be defined as a means to show the solution has successfully achieved a customer (CRPG Community) requirements. For example: Use Case 1: When a user logs into cRPG he is not flooded with texture fail to load errors. Use Case 2: When a user holds left click and drags their mouse back to perform a stab, the animation does not appear to be a turd. Use Case 3: When a user equips a legacy helmet ITS FUCKING MODEL DISPLAYS.
Test Cases - This is where the developers take each use case, and provide a list of steps that can be used within the solution that will achieve a success on the equivalent use case. Problem here is boys this requires TESTING and obviously nobody tested this turd.
End User Acceptance - After your solution is wrapped up in a neat deliverable and shipped off to the customer (CRPG Community), a phase of end user acceptance will occur, where bugs will be reported, and users are trained on the solution. Eventually giving legal signoff that the requirements have been met. It is possible if a turd solution is delivered, those providing the solution via a work contract would be flirting with lawsuits from the customer. Here is the link to the current bug list, as we are unware of any real ticketing service such as JIRA the 'Dev Team' uses:

Theres a bunch of other processes that occur in the business world, and it varies from company to company, but thats the jist of things. I asked for a subversion link for the cRPG repository JUST TO LOOK, unless I had commit rights I couldn't even fucking touch their source code. But heaven forbid folks attempt to help this flop.

You guys put that flashy ass banner now, 'MELEE BATTLEGROUNDS THE GAME DERPA DERPA', you really want these tainted builds going on your record when you're actually trying to start a gaming company?

Get some processes established, have code reviews, TEST THE FUCKING CODE IN A TEST ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PUSHING IT TO PRODUCTION. It seems like the new guys attempted to appease the customer (CRPG Community) with some of the item adjustments, and thats a good thing we are somewhat being heard, but for fucks sake with this regression. How does a 'mail coif' thats been in the game for years suddenly not display a model? How do you push a production build with 100s of texture load errors.. it looks like you never even launched the game to test it OTHERWISE YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN ALL THIS SHIT.

edit: added bug list.. please go here and post bugs so this shit may one day be fixed
TLDR: Learn to run a business/program

NA (Official) / Ban Request for Smithy
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:19:20 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Raven_Kooktar
2. Name of offending character(s): Remnant_Smithy
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: NA1 6:45pm EST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Basically Smithy was on a TKing binge, was fed up with witnessing the blatant abuse to the community that was occuring for atleast the hour that I played this mod. Time of screenshots was Smithy's 3rd or 4th time to 'end of round kill all teammates', if you go back in the logs you will see multiple team kills. After killing 3 teammates and finally dying to Hospitaller_Bonz (whom was defending himself as no admins were on). Next round spawns in Smithy starts swinging his long voulge around at teammates, just being an annoying little douche, tagging multiple teammates until he hit his target to kill -> Hospitaller_Bonz. After finally killing him he dropped all his gear and leeched his way to the enemy.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: I think he did what he did because he is apart of the popular kids behind the cRPG forums. Too many times have I seen remnant members (and other popular kidz) get away with murder because they have a bunch of nut cupping fanbois in the admin crew and/or people determining how repercussions get dealt out to the offending community members. That being said I feel he probably thinks he is immune to any sort of ban or punishment, I personally like to cite when Mae and remnant crew chain TK'd me at round start multiple times and got away with it. <3 mae.
6. Multiple Screenshots:,lJxbGSP,qPjAK8O
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.

General Discussion / Community Growth
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:29:25 pm »
So obviously a virgin cRPGer gets steamrolled in multiplayer. Even a veteran at level 1, most of the time, will get wrecked. But knowing looms etc are a few levels away you grind thru a few hours to get a mid range build with mid range stats. You're able to somewhat compete.

Around level 27 is when you have enough stat points to get a viable build rolling, and after that its just tweaking.

I propose all characters start at level 30. Change the XP required to go from level 30-31 the same as it takes to go from 1-31. That way you maintain the current progression rate. The nostalgia of "being a poor farmer" and working your way up to "full plate crutch badass" have long past. All this pointless system does is waste a few days of gameplay of veteran players (allers leeching his way to a viable level and then getting perma banned) and completely demolishing any gameplay experiences of new players and never becoming part of this game's dwindling community.

General Discussion / POLL - Gametype/RP discussion
« on: May 28, 2014, 08:56:19 pm »
Hello all,

I don't post much on the forums but I do browse them when at work, so another slow day I figured I would post about a gametype idea I had and the community's response to it.

So you may or may have not noticed myself playing as 'Ser_Kook_Kings_Champion' and a friend playing as 'The_God_King' here recently. It's sort of a self developed role play element we sometimes use in cRPG, where the king is a leader but weak in combat (using the walk and wielding a dagger), and I play the role as his bodyguard. Pretty fun to focus on purely defending another player with your life (kinda against the mainstream of solo KDR). Anyways one night we were able to ad hoc like ten folks to 'follow' the 'God King' in his quest against the enemy faction. We RP walked around the map and stayed near the king protecting him, enraging the enemy and making them want to kill the king so badly they would ignore other players on the team. I believe one chaos archer was able to headshot snipe him as he was surrounded by plated guards who then typed in chat 'Fuck your king.' I'm sure this brought this player much joy and glory and I applaud him.

So anyways based on the old CS VIP mode, where the VIP would get a pistol and some extra armor and the team would have to escort him across the map, this could possibly be implemented into cRPG. Different variants off the top of my head would be as follows:

1) Both teams have a King, winning team kills enemy king or last man standing.
    -Similar to battle today last man standing, or optionally assassinate the king. Would bring in the element of do we go defense heavy, or offense heavy. Should we send out some solo guys in attempts to suicide bomb the king. A lot of strategy whether the king presses in as one clump of army or if forces are split.

2) One team has the VIP, and can either defend for a time limit or have to escort the king from an outskirting village to the castle gates with raiders attempting to kill him in the process.
    -More close to the CS ruleset

3) A mix of 1 and 2, teams can either win by destroying the other team (present day battle) or optionally allowing the king to enter the enemy's starting area.
    -Would allow the players to optionally focus on pressing their king into the enemys zone, and if it fails could go full out to force a battle-esque last man standing victory, lots of strategy in managing map position of the king and players who are skirmishing verse defending the king.

The king should be vulnerable, Rich Robes and a crown etc, similar to the viscount. An ability to do damage(dagger) and move slowly (he is a king of course he will RP walk around). But other than chambering no blocking (to prevent pros from soloing the enemy team as the king, must rely on the team to protect him)

TLDR: Counter strike VIP mode

Community thawts? If anyone has any additional ideas related to mechanics and or possible rules to this mode, or just general feedback please feel free respond with your ideas. Hopefully this can be seen by an authoritative figure soonish.

edits: added option 3

The Chamber of Tears / NERF RANGED
« on: February 19, 2014, 03:35:50 am »
Dev's please handle this outrageous archery situation.

(click to show/hide)

NA (Official) / Ban Baby_Mae
« on: August 23, 2013, 12:31:46 am »
1. Ser_Kooktar
2. Baby_Mae
3. 6:30EST, NA_CRPG1
4. (See Below)
5. Takes the game to seriously, gains enjoyment from griefing players. (I did verbally troll, then got physically in game trolled hard)
6. (See Below)
7. Anyone on the team at the time, a few rounds before that when it was down to myself and Baby_Mae I was TK'd so everyone saw the start of this all. All occurances happened within minutes of the round start as they were camping the spawn.

Ban request for Baby_Mae.

On the battle server, as they sploit camped the ammo crate with thrown weapons. I trolled a bit bluffing a ban thread on it. It was handled by myself being TK'd twice, and teamwounded while in melee combat. Screenshot shows intentional TK as I was WITHIN their spike barrier turtle fest less than 1 minute into the game. TK conveniently followed up by the "oops".

(click to show/hide)

*edit* added the ban request form

NA (Official) / Ser_Kooktar Banned are you serious?
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:03:23 pm »

Wheres the screen cap of the bullshit you pulled right before that? This fangirl nut-cupping favoritism is sad.

Why don't you check the dates on those previous bans? Pretty sure in IRL your perma record gets wiped after a while, I quit for over a year and have been back for a few months, and out of the blue I get banned for no reason?

« on: December 15, 2011, 07:37:41 pm »
A friend of mine has warband installed on steam. He ran the installer and launches warband from the installer. But he says no servers are being populated to the list. Any ideas of why?

Closed Requests / Banned Team kicking for zero dmg
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:18:43 am »
I was kicking sphinx for zero dipz at the start of the round as he was afk standing there. I get banned for no reason, not even warned. Dude has some nerd rage issues srsly. He walked off the wall like a nub and took fall damage. He'll prolly try to blame that on me.

Closed Requests / Banned again. Construction Site
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:09:24 am »
Was banned yet again. This time I saw the warning, 4 seconds before i got hit with a ban. I would have never planted them if I had known. Where can I see rules at where construction sites are not allowed. I didn't even have a chance to stop using them.

Closed Requests / Banned from Community Servers
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:03:42 pm »
I went afk in spectate mode and got banned? Dunno either way I was not at my computer when it occured so I have no idea what I did. No warnings of doing anything prior to being banned. So I'm assuming instead of kick they banned.

Sell/Trade / WTT Heirloom Point for +2 or +3iron staff
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:15:19 am »
Im gonna be 31 by this weekend. Im seeking a loomed ironstaff. I can loom any item, or if you wish loom one of your items for you.

Sell/Trade / Need +2 or +3ironstaff
« on: July 29, 2011, 07:51:42 am »
Trading my loom(any item of your choice) for a loomed staff.
contact kooktar on steam

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