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Topics - Dimethyl_Hypnotoad

Pages: [1]
I started playing this game late last week. Only been playing for probably a few days.
I am getting crushed. In everything.
Duel, Battle, whatever.   :(
I find this mod so addicting and fun.. but frequently during matches my kd will be 0-6, 0-4, or 1-5.
I've only killed five people since starting the game.. and died around 50 or so times.

Right now I am trying what people call easy.. which is sword and board.
But I am getting murdered by everyone.
2H'ers spam their attacks faster than I can and take the shield out with like three hits and then its game over.
1H'ers mutilate me because they are even faster than the 2H'ers.
I don't even want to get started on the Polearm guys.. the way they swing those things doesn't even seem possible.
The only people I seem to kill are startled archers. Thats it.

I am a noob.. and I understand there is a learning curve to this mod.. but jesus christ am I not doing something right?
It puts me off so much cause I want to play this and at least be adequate but I end up being that guy at the bottom of your team you wish wasn't there.
I can't seem to use any armor in battle cause I start to lose money at an alarming rate.
I've been using this setup and this is my build thusfar.

Head: Black hood with Mask
Body: Pilgrim Disguise
Hands: Leather gloves
Legs: Khergit leather boots
Shield: Blue and Purple kite shield

Weapon: Winged Mace (I was told this to be good because it does damage to armored foes.. but uh.. those armored foes are usually raping me anyway.)

Age: 35
Level: 20
Strength: 13
Agility: 12

One Handed: 125

Iron Flesh: 4
Power Strike: 4
Shield: 4
Athletics: 4
Weapon Master: 4

Please be easy on me as I have no idea what I am doing and after reading builds and the beginners guide I am still lost as what to do.
Just looking for an experienced person to guide me in the right direction cause I want to be good at this mod as I plan on playing it a lot.

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