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Topics - Rouke

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Roll back Long Hafted on Cav
« on: December 02, 2011, 02:34:23 am »
Hello I dont normally post on the fourms but I think this bothers me enough to kindly ask if the Long Hafted Blade could be rolled back to how it was before this last fix.  The new "batters up" animation makes the weapon almost meaningless to use on horse back.  I understand people had complaints about the last one but 1.) it worked 2.) it made realitive sense 3.) I just got used to it and began looming a long hafted blade for this very reason.  Feed back is appreciated if I am just way off base with this.

Closed Requests / BAN REQUEST for Retarded_Bastard NA-1
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:03:39 pm »

Above is the link to my public steam cloud screenshots.  In the screenshot just above the QML spam a player recieves when someone is attempting to kick them you will notice that BG_Rouke(yours truely) has just murdered Retarded_Bastard not 5 seconds before getting QMLed.  Of course its a battle (NA-CRPG1) so I have to press M before I die and while doing so get killed myself.  I request that Retarded_Bastard be banned for such blatent abuse of a self-regulating system.  I've never done a ban request before so I made sure to read the rules and requirements, please let me know if I left something out.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Strategus Questions
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:52:44 pm »
I have been browsing the web for the past few days and have been unable to really find the exact answer to my questions so here it goes:

1. What server do these battles take place on?
2. Do I get to use my CRPG character in there.
3. Where is this browser map that I can walk around on.
4. I guess really I would just want help getting started, any tips in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

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