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Topics - Kherr

Pages: [1] 2 3
Strategus Issues / Autoacceptance in roster?
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:36:00 pm »
I have a battle this night.
EU_cRPG_3   Battle   Fri 00:17   Druzhinaa:100   Tassiloa:100

There were only a few persons from time to time on the roster list. I did not accept one (all cancelled their application but one). Atm there is only Jedimaster on the list.
I did not accept him, but from time to time (every few hours) he is accepted (last time a few minutes ago). So I removed him a few times (disabled the checkbox and saved the roster - I checked the roster on the normal cRPG website).

I am quite sure I never updated the roster with an actived checkbox in front of the merc.

So what happens? Any idea?

Sell/Trade / Selling Loom Point. I can retire right now. 550k. - SOLD
« on: March 08, 2012, 12:09:32 pm »
Strength    18    
Shield    6
1 spare skill point

Just send me a message.

Sell/Trade / WTS/WTT: Heraldic Transitional +3, Elegant Pole +3
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:27:59 pm »
I have a few looms which I want to sell or trade:

Lordly Heraldic Transitional Armour
weight: 21.9
body armor: 58
leg armor: 23
difficulty: 14
on the market for 1.549m

Mighty Elegant Poleaxe
weapon length: 132
weight: 3
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 93
weapon length: 132
thrust damage: 28 pierce
swing damage: 42 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
Secondary Mode
on the market for 1.349m

I would prefer to sell them for gold. But if you want to trade an item for something pls send me a message. Any interesting offer welcome.

Have fun!

I offer atm an elegant poleaxe for money and in another offer the elegant poleaxe for an arabian cavalry sword.
If you click on the offer for the arabian cavalry sword you will get the details of the other offer.

Just try it, charname is Fallen_Louis_le_Mort

I tested it with a few offers of other players with the same result.

I did a few more tests. A lot of persons who have more than one offer for a specific item are affected.

I got two poleaxes +3. I want to sell one of them and so I tried to make a new offer for one of them.

On the old marketplace I had two entries in the list box for the offered item. One for each poleaxe.
On the new marketplace there is only one entry. So I think I have to select the type of the item for the offer.

So I fear I will loose both poleaxes if the offer is accepted by another player.

What now? How does that work?

Sell/Trade / Loom Point - done
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:45:50 am »

selling loom point already ended.

Have fun!


I own the following Masterwork weapons and would like to trade one of them for a Masterwork Longsword:
 - Masterwork Long Spear
 - Masterwork War Cleaver
 - Masterwork Goedendag

Depending on the weapon I would add some gold.

Have fun!

Sell/Trade / Trade/Sell: Masterwork Italian Sword
« on: October 13, 2011, 09:28:07 pm »
Hi, I want to sell or trade that wonderful weapon:

Masterwork Italian Sword
weapon length: 98
weight: 1.3
difficulty: 11
speed rating: 100
weapon length: 98
thrust damage: 27 pierce
swing damage: 33 cut
slots: 1

I could need a nice helmet, a longsword + gold or a lot of gold:
 - Lordly Nordic Warlord Helmet
 - Masterwork Longsword + 190000 gold
 - 1260000 gold

Other cool others are welcome. Have fun!


I want to trade a Lordly Milanese Sallet:
weight: 3.8
head armor: 65
difficulty: 16

I would trade it for a lighter helmet (1.5-2 weight preferred) or a lot of gold!

Have fun!

Sell/Trade / Sell/Trade: Masterwork Arabian Guard Sword
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:36:20 pm »
Hi, I want to sell or trade that cool sword:

Masterwork Arabian Guard Sword
weapon length: 100
weight: 1.3
difficulty: 13
speed rating: 99
weapon length: 100
thrust damage: 22 pierce
swing damage: 33 cut
slots: 1

It's fast, long and has a good swing damage. Low upkeep.

It's on the market for 899k. But if you want to trade it for another weapon... pls make an offer. If you have a tradeable weapon the weapon class does not matter.

Have fun!

Sell/Trade / Trade: Lots of Poles and Shield for 2H and armour
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:25:57 pm »

I have a lot of Polearms and a shield and I want 2H and armor:
 - Mighty Poleaxe
 - Masterwork Long Spear
 - Masterpiece Heavy Kite Shield
 - Masterwork Bec de Corbin
 - Masterwork Glaive

I want Danish/German Greatsword, War Cleaver, Longsword, Sword of War, Great Sword, Mallet, Mace, armour around tunic over mail; all +3.
So please make offers.
I have some specific offers in mind (including crosstrades), but I cannot offer them all (offer limit of the market...,17084.0.html ) So... it's your turn. Thx for offers.

Suggestions Corner / More Offers on the Website Market - Conclusion
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:57:18 pm »
Please read this message and my "conclusion" message below before polling.

The max amount of offers was decreased to 6 with last patch. Now some market actions are nearly impossible... why?

I liked to do several item trades to get what I want. I sometimes had trading chaines of 4 trades to get what I want. That was very efficient.

It's impossible to organize such trading chains with messages in the trading forum.

If the people cannot offer a lot of possible trades the amount of possibilites decrease dramatically.

But the max amount of offers was decreased from 11 to 6. Why? Time!

The market pages was slow. But I suggest an easy solution for that.
Imo the main problem is the combination of personal offers and full offers on the same page. You organize your offers on the same page which shows all offers.

I suggest two pages. One for organizing the personal offers and one for all offers:
(click to show/hide)

So it's fast and easy to organize the personal offers. But you also have got a lot of offers from other players.
Ok, I know there are also more sophiticated solutions possible. But I wanted a suggestion with low implementation time.

What do you think?


I want to get rid of some things:

Staffmaster's Iron Staff - 879k
(click to show/hide)

Balanced Red Tassel Spear - 519k
(click to show/hide)

Powerful Morningstar - 619k
(click to show/hide)

Spirited Arabian Warhorse - 589k
(click to show/hide)

Masterpiece Heavy Kite Shield - want a high 1 slot shield, e.g. heavy round. I would add gold.
(click to show/hide)

I prefer gold (offers are on the market), but if you want to do an item trade pls make an offer.
Have fun!

Hi, I need help.

I had a Masterwork Two Handed Sword. I made two offers on the market a few days ago:
 - MW 2H Sword for 899k
 - MW 2H Sword for Mighty Great Long Bardiche

The charname is Fallen_Louis_le_Mort

Today I wanted to make another offer so I had to delete one of the existing offers (max amount of offers was already reached). So I pressed "Remove" on the market of the "MW 2H Sword for Mighty Great Long Bardiche".
After that the Two Handed Sword disappeared completely out of my equipment screen... it's gone. The offer for 899k is still on the market.

That happened at 17.09., 15:00 German time.

Would be great, if somebody could help me with that! Thx!

I want to get rid of some things:

Masterpiece Heavy Kite Shield for 939k or a good item
(click to show/hide)

Masterwork Two Handed Sword 909k or a good item
(click to show/hide)

If you want something pls just make an offer!

Have fun!

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