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Topics - Banefull

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Scene Editing / First Attempt At Scene Editing
« on: July 08, 2011, 09:37:35 am »
Hello everyone,

I decided that I would try my hand at scene editing. The goal of my design was to create a siege map that was "cav-friendly."

Here is what I came up with:

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Note* This screen is outdated. There is a 3rd ramp in the middle coming to the flag with a winch opened gate.

Basically its a Motte and Bailey Castle with a stone keep. There are two possible routes of attack. The attackers must destroy a weak outer door followed by a tough inner door. The flag rests on a raised platform with a ramp leading to it with a gate that must be opened with a winch (not visible in the above screeny). Overall the area is very open and all ramps are easily cav accessible.

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Here is the dl link:

Please do tell me if anything is wrong with the file as this is my first time with scene editing. Your comments and criticisms are appreciated.

Closed Requests / Why was I banned from siege?
« on: July 03, 2011, 05:47:44 am »

Just recently I was playing siege. We were playing a new map, a castle floating in the sky. Leading to the castle were several ramps and I place a ladder on one hoping to get over the wall. But the ramp being so high, bugged the ladder so that it didn't deploy properly blocking the ramp (the ladder just sits at a 30 degree angle behind u). One of the admins immediately said he was going to ban me for blocking the ramp but I killed ladder right away after putting it down and still go banned anyway.

Can I get a clarification on it?

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