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Topics - Dehitay

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I believe one of the goals in Strategus was to have people attacking on a regular basis. So to that end, I have a suggestion I think could very well solve the problem. Either a reward or punishment system for factions based on how often they attack another fief and how many fiefs they own.

Let's say a faction has ceil(25/numFiefs) days to attack or defend a fief (where numFiefs is the number of fiefs a faction owns) before some kind of punishment system kicks in. In this case, I was thinking something along the lines of a 0.5% troop decrease per hour for every member in the faction as less troops are needed in times of peace. Or maybe double upkeep as troops get pissed that they're away from family when there's not fighting. And it would just go back to normal next time the faction attacks a fief. For those factions that don't own any fiefs, 25/0 is infinity, so they don't have anything to worry about. However, I wouldn't leave it to a computer to translate it that way.

But since punishment systems usually result in anger more than anything else, how about a reward system instead? As long as a faction keeps up a rate of at least one attack every 25 days over number of fiefs owned, they get a bonus. Could be any number of things: increased recruitment rate, war time equipment crafting production bonus, less or no upkeep, etc.

What does everybody else think?

Strategus General Discussion / Attack a castle already!
« on: December 28, 2011, 09:04:54 pm »
Thread title says it all. Anybody who has an enough to attack a castle (probly the majority of the map) and hasn't done so yet is a coward and should apologize immediately.

cRPG Technical problems / Constantly getting disconnected from the server
« on: December 27, 2011, 06:38:26 pm »
I'm getting disconnected from the server on a regular basis. At the most, I've been able to complete little over a single round on battle mode before I get disconnected. Most of the time, I get disconnected before a round starts and I even get a chance to join in. This seems to have started happening since the patch I downloaded yesterday (12/26), though that patch might have came out the day before. Still, I think it's the most recent patch. Also, I notice I seem to be getting kicked about when a tick comes in or a new round starts, so I think it's certain events that are disconnecting me.

If any admins know what is causing this problem, or if any players have also had this problem and know how to solve it, please give me some ideas on what to do.

General Discussion / Saturday Snake Battle
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:12:57 am »
I'm going to go ahead and try a test run of the snake battles I want to play with. I'm aiming for this Saturday (12/10) at 8pm GMT / 3pm EST. For those of you interested, here's the rules:

As soon as the battle begins, get in a single file line
Everybody follows the person in front of them, and the Head of the line keeps moving; nobody should be stopping
If the Head dies, the next person in front becomes the Head
Try to stick to one line, but if a horde inserts itself into the middle of the line and makes that impossible, split into two lines and try to meet up again
No cav and no stopping to fire if ranged (straight out melee preferred)
Green attire preferred
Feel free to let out a "HISSSsssssss" upon death or victory

Teamspeak: lobby in
Banner: to be decided last minute
Starting on EU1

If you want to attend, please post and let me know. We'll probly decide EU or NA depending on what the majority of our participants use. Or if there's enough that want to join in, we can do it on both.

General Discussion / Potential new fun clan for alts - SNAKE_
« on: December 05, 2011, 06:10:39 am »
This stupid idea came to my head and I keep wanting to do it more and more. Basically, Snake Clan would have one and only one battle tactic. We all get into a single file line and follow the head of the line, slithering around the field like a snake. Battle attire would be anything green. Of course this would be a stupid idea to do non-stop so I'm thinking of just scheduling some times for Snake Clan to get on a server and challenge everybody to snake line battles.

If anybody else thinks this is a fun idea, let me know, as I'm going to want more leadership than just me who's not as active on crpg as I once was

Oh yeah, and if anybody knows a banner that's green both with banner pack and without it, please let me know.

Something people complain about on a regular basis is that people are attacking when it's inconvenient for the defender. So I was thinking a possible solution to this is to make an option for the defender to give a time of day for when he wants the battle to be. Then if the attacker accepts that time, the battle is moved to that time and there's an extra reward if the attacker succeeds. Something like gaining an extra 5% or so of the troops and equipment the defender started with as victory loot.

Of course, it's entirely possible the attackers will rarely accept the offered times and the complaining will continue, but it may actually help things out.

I got this idea that towns are large places, so it would make sense if they had a school where you could learn smithing. So why not add an option after begging, crafting, and recruiting called Study Up on Crafting for 10 gold an hour (or however much seems fair) on top of the town's visiting fee. This would have a drop down menu like crafting where you can select which item you want to improve your smithing skill in. Then for each hour you study, you earn progress into gaining another smithing skill in that item. I was thinking the hours required for each progressing point in smithing should be somewhat linear, so the formula could look like:
study hours needed to next smithing level = 10(x+1)
where x is your current smithing level in that item

You could even keep the current smithing system in place for a random chance to gain (or lose depending on if you actually use the gear you're smithing in).

Comments please. Preferrably by somebody on the dev team.

EDIT: Just realized that 10^(1 + x/10) gets high faster than I originally thought and a linear function would actually work better here than an exponential one

Game Balance Discussion / [PRICE] Change Torch cost from 294 gold to 29
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:04:47 am »
I'm pretty sure everybody can quickly realize that the torch is completely inferior to the Cudgel, yet it's over 10 times the price. I want to make the Torch cheap like the Cudgel is. After all, it's nothing more than buying a Cudgel and lighting it on fire so why not only make it 6 gold more.

Then I can actually afford to make a cheap ass army of peasants with torches and pitchforks. Why go broke to live up to the cliche? Do it for the sake of comedy!

Mercenary Recruitment / I need early morning warriors
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:32:26 am »
For anybody who's up at 6am Eastern / 11am GMT, There's a strategus battle going on that's likely going to need as many people as possible. Just jump into the Fallen/HRE teamspeak before it goes down and I'll be doing last minute recruitment. TS info:

Strategus Issues / Losing what you didn't lose after a victory
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:42:42 pm »
Yesterday, Fallen had a battle and we lucked out by having an enemy that wasn't equipped. Consequently, we didn't lose a single man. However, we did lose a hell of a lot of equipment for having nobody die. To my knowledge, if nobody dies, you're not supposed to lose the equipment that they brought into battle as they would still have it in the end. So either there's a bug, or the dev team decided to change the system and I was never told. This is a huge kick in the ass to any army that uses expensive equipment. Don't even get blood on your gear and lose it in the end.

Strategus General Discussion / Night time is visible now - nice job
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:21:13 am »
I like the way that you can tell when a person's night time is. Really helpful. Unfortunately, only if you're actually paying attention. I scheduled a battle way the hell in the morning cause I didn't even think about the night time variables. I just hope the enemy has as few players to show as me. But still, my stupidity getting me in trouble aside, I appreciate you adding this visibility.

Strategus Issues / Can't reinforce a faction member's army for battle
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:18:59 am »
I wanted to give Curtis some of cudgels for his archers, but when I got in transfer range of him and tried to hand off the cudgels, it gave me this message:
Transaction failed - other party has to accept trades first.

Fortunately, he was on teamspeak when this happened, so I asked him to press the allow transfers button. But even after he did, I still couldn't transfer the cudgels. I waited 10 minutes to see if there was a delay, but it still wouldn't allow me. This was only 3 hours after he attacked, so it should fall within the 5 hour window that allows transfers. I've been able to transfer to faction members before, so I'm assuming there's a bug in the works, or the devs have shortened the window for transferring to players in battle. Can somebody give me some details?

I just got done crafting 18 goods worth at a 20 gold price (so I paid 10 gold per craft). Then I moved one town over to check hour much profit there would be from that town with the faraway good bonus. When I got there, it said the selling price would be 6.47 with my faraway good bonus of +9%. The trading item at that village is worth 6 gold, so this selling value is obvious derived from that good rather than the actual good I am selling. I went ahead and sold a single one of the goods from the original town just to make sure that it's not a display error, but it did actually sell for 6 gold rather than the 22 gold I would have expected with a +9% bonus. While this completely screws me over, it also means that anybody making the exact opposite trip that I made is getting a massive freaking profit (crafting for 3 and sellilng where it's suddenly worth 20 instead of 6) for a rather short trip.

Also, under trade goods, I was expecting it to list the faraway goods bonus and selling prices for each item individually. I was going to move from town to town in a circle crafting and selling when I got to the town in the circle furthest from the source of each trade good. But if there's only a single far away good trade bonus, will it simply reset when I start crafting in a new village on my path? Or will it just be the bonus from the first village I crafted in to my current location? If it's the former, that's going to be incredibly annoying. If it's the latter, that's going to be incredibly abusable

The funnest thing about Strat is the large scale battles. However, due to the current means of getting and equipping troops, it's going to be a long time before any real fun battles happen. So I'd like to add large scale bandit raids. While less than half the fiefs are unclaimed, I think it would be a good idea to randomly choose an AI village to get attacked by bandits of an equal army size to the population for every 4 or 6 hours that there's no attack on a fief. After the battle is over, the village should return to the default population and funds regardless of what happened in the battle to keep anybody from getting an advantage. You could even make it interesting by making the village that gets attacked go up or down one prosperity rating depending on whether they won or lost the battle. That would cause any groups who use that village to show up in a more organized mass to protect that fief's prosperity rating.

Strategus Issues / 60 min transfer window causing problems
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:28:28 am »
You can currently click a button that allows you to open a 60 minute transfer window so that other people can transfer stuff to you. I'm assuming this was done due to that one battle last Strat when one faction dumped tons of useless gear on another faction making it difficult for them to properly equip themselves. It's great that you took precautions, but this particular one is causing a great deal of a handicap. It would work perfectly if everybody you ever needed to trade with played at the exact same time as you, but that's not going to be the case for any clan with more than 5 people. In order for me to hand off troops or equipment, I need the reciever to allow transfer 60 minutes at the most before I can hand over my stuff. Since I'm in a global clan and a lot of these guys are in different time zones, I can go days without being able to transfer depending on which clanmates are near me.

Also, the solution implemented doesn't entirely solve the original problem. In the majority of cases, if somebody is in a battle, they could very well want reinforcements and extra supplies from their allies. It's entirely likely they'll allow transfers. Then the enemy could just as easily crap equipment bomb them. I think a better solution would be to make on and off buttons for allowing transfers. One button to allow transfers from anybody in your faction and one button to allow transfers from anybody. That way people could just turn on their allow faction transfers and leave it on. Then when they want to trade with others, turn on the allow anybody and turn it back off when they're done

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