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Topics - Tomeusz

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Game Balance Discussion / Throwers op?
« on: March 04, 2013, 08:10:45 pm »
Throwers have too much dmg in my opinion. Comparsion. Iam riding horse with PS 6, 150 PA and hitting white horse with 32 pierce dmg. Its survives. Same situation but with thrower. Riding aheead thrower with brown horse(he has much HP) and he singleshot my horse. Its quire UNrealistic and IMBA in my opinion.

cRPG Technical problems / No servers
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:00:09 pm »
So I just had to disable game, because processor started to work at 100%. When i did that launcher was frozing. So i had to redownload it and repair all files, but at server tab when i hit refresh it finds no serwer. What is going on?

Spam / cheats allowed?
« on: February 05, 2013, 09:34:58 pm »
Many time i can see as people use this script where horse just standing on 2 feets and does "yhohohohoh". It would be fine but during ride some cheaters just open this script and chased cavalry man just stops and i run pass him. why u dont ban those people?

Spam / Nice communist admins/mods you got on this on this forums:)
« on: June 30, 2012, 04:32:31 pm »
Yeah, thats right. Didnt know where to put it so i put it here. So here is a story:
I created an topic, and some people start to spam there and 2 of them insulted me, by calling me stupid. Got no warnings so i responded to them like "i wont tell what fits your mom"- its not insult in a first view(iam not calling anybody stupid at this respond and enything like that) and i get warning. Nice communist. Regards to that mod. Say hi to Stalin!

Just no other words on this "JUSTICE".... -_-

General Discussion / Its so stupid and imba...
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:13:59 pm »
... that horse arch have  terminator horse and great accuary even when they hold  aiming... .

General Discussion / Nonse hit detection- will be ever fix?
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:24:52 pm »
Ther is possibility that there will be any hit detection fix from crpg mods? Most weapon have outranged swings that kill people with not evet touching their bodies, cav has this imba "knock and stick" system on crpg that makes them even more imbalanced(you hit target with horse, it falls, and then stick on your spear, you might think its ok, but not when horse hits you right in front of you and  you are sticked not by a weapon is peak, but by hand of attacker, and it still counts hit).

General Discussion / Archer- only one build shall be
« on: June 25, 2012, 11:34:14 am »
So i created an archer build couple month ago and i think its most imba and worthless  class i ever made in comparsion to other 2 builds i own(CAV and 2H). Almost all games i end up like 0-10. My K/D is 1-5 and lowering while at cav or 2h are 1-1. I think its because i gave 3 ironflesh and 3 power strike to this class. Only "surviving" build for archer is max ag/athl and powerdraw, anything more or less and you are worthless piece of meat. No matter what, everything takes you by 1 hit(with IF 3), no matter what light armor i wear,  heavy armored 1h with iron shields manage to chase you down, even if your ath is 7 and you wear almost no armor, your swing at melee do no dmg, you die by 1 hit of crossbow belt, but you have to hit with you own arrows like 3-7 times to kill with PD 6. I mean if you dont go  at 1 direction of creating archer you are done and thats sad, you should be more flexible like other imba classes(Cav for example- no matter how you screw this class you always will be  able to kill or atleast take to the ground someone).

General Discussion / Childrens over whole forums
« on: June 25, 2012, 11:03:55 am »
Yeah, i noticed there is massive children spam over all this forums, specially on marketplace. Why any admin arent put this childrens on spring break?

Suggestions Corner / BET CT ALL- betting system
« on: June 24, 2012, 04:45:54 pm »
What would you think about betting system on battle mode like at counter strike, but you can only bet that money what you already earned by current session(not whole money at inventory)? Bet should be turned on while teams will be like 10 vs 10 left with max 20% force advantage for an team(like 10vs8). What do you think about it?

cRPG Technical problems / Game crashes all the time latly
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:25:09 pm »
I havent played awhile, but lately i see that game crashes to me like 2-6 times per day. Mostly it happens while minimanizing it, but not always. BTW. At every battle begginning i catch some  freezes. You got it too?

General Discussion / Teleporting animals = horse
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:44:02 pm »
Can someone explain me that weird stuff happening on this game while i jump horse at he instead of landing and go forward starts to teleport and slide on the ground untill i get out of him? This happens even on multiplayer. WTH?

Beginner's Help and Guides / What is it that strategus battle?
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:41:56 pm »
What is it strategus battle and how to take part in there?

General Discussion / Graphics bug while droping weapon
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:22:58 pm »
Hi! I noticed that while i have on some helms and droping and weapon, a helm moves backwards of my head.  WTH?

cRPG Technical problems / Admin/moderator acction needed
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:16:31 pm »
I accidently pushed twice respec button and loose twice my exp. I it possible to bring me back to first respec with all stats reseted?

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