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Topics - Rico

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Autoblock
« on: December 07, 2013, 10:19:00 pm »

There is an own ban/unban topic solely about autoblock usage. I wonder how people use it for like 20 minutes and already get banned. Is it so obvious to detect just looking at these people, or is there some techincal hacking protection involved? I would like to be able to tell when people are using this, but I must admit, I actually have no clue.

I am writing this without the intention to download this hack or encourage anyone else to use it, obviously. As you can see yourself, these people got banned immediatly, and playing with the hack was not even fun to them. When reading this ban/unban topic, it was just that my perception of the game suddenly crashed. Could every extraordinary good player in this game really be a hacker?

Regards and good games,

Beginner's Help and Guides / Undo marketplace trade
« on: September 22, 2013, 09:03:53 pm »
Sup guys!

Pecores_Zangdar accepted a trade I put off by accident. When putting up the trade, I wanted to receive Steel Bolts +3 for a Military Cleaver +3. However, somehow, the mouse wheel glitched off and I chose Masterwork Spear instead of Masterwork Steel Bolts.

When I checked my offers, I realized one was gone, and I had no Steel Bolts in my inventory, but a spear. I do not even have polearm wpf...

I already asked Zangdar to change the items back and my offer is up, but he is not reacting. Is there a way to undo the trade?

Regards & good games,

Beginner's Help and Guides / Technical issue
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:23:32 pm »

Not sure if people who don't have technical issues actually read the technical issues section, so I am gonna post it here, too, cuz I need help!

Please tell me if you have any ideas ^_^
Good games!

Strategus / Selling a ton of Strategus gold for cRPG gold
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:54:24 am »

I have 105441 silver I would like to sell for cRPG gold. If you are interested, please send me a message via the cRPG website (not forum!). My character's name is _Rico_.

I am neutral in Strategus and will sell it to anyone who pays for it. As far as I know, the current exchange rate is 1 Strategus gold for 4 cRPG gold. I will make you a price for roughly 3.5: Offer me 370k cRPG gold, and you get all my Strategus gold.

If this is under- or overpriced because I am uninformed, we can discuss about the deal.

Looking forward for your answers!

Good games.

Suggestions Corner / Undo item and gold transfers
« on: August 23, 2013, 02:06:02 pm »
I accidently transferred gold to the wrong chars and I don't want to level them to lvl 20 to get it back. This gold is lost, but for future misclicks like this, which could happen to everyone, I suggest to add an option to undo any transfer you made less than 2 hours ago.

Beginner's Help and Guides / 15 STR + Nordic Champion's +3?
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:40:31 pm »

Title says it all. Is the NCS useable with 15 STR/5 PS on +3, or will you glance?


General Discussion / Perspective on mutliclanning
« on: July 25, 2013, 02:24:24 am »

Skip this part if you don't care about introductions and structure.
Reading this will give you insights into my perspective about what a clan is. You will understand why I do not consider myself as a member of any clan, even though I just founded a bannergroup myself. It will tell you why I am using different banners. I will also explain what I consider the dark side about the current private banner slot system. Actually, it is not the system I disagree with, but it is how some people act within it.

Skip this part if you do not care about political correctness.
I do not want to force my opinion upon you, and I am not trying to convince you about anything. Using words like good, bad, better or worse, I do not indicate the truth, but only my personal and current opinion. My intention is not talking bad about anyone.

Start reading here if you are a relax-bear.
All I want to achieve is make you think about what you consider more important:
- Determining all your social contacts within cRPG yourself and freely, being with the people you like whereever you want whenever you want,
- picking one and only one group of people among which you probably like some and dislike others, but you avoid teamplay with different people from other groups you might like?

The current private banner slot system was made to prevent people you do not know from leeching your banner. However, what some people made out of it is a personal space you may only enter while you can verify that you do not belong to any other group at the same time. It seems to make sense in Strategus: Someone might spy upon you and tell the enemy about your tactics and weaknesses. However, whenever non-clanmembers are in your TS, it is common sense you do not talk about your secrets. This is why there is no relation between having access to multiple banners (not as a clan's full member, that is!) and spying.

People who gave me their banners and participate in Strategus know that I am Strategus neutral. I play Strat battles for cRPG, not cRPG for Strat.

Still, some groups disallow "multiclanning".

You might be a nice guy and even contribute well for the mutual multiplicator, but you don't only play with us, but also with the enemies. You are not using our banner exclusively, which is violating a clan rule.

In my personal opinion, these people forgot that cRPG is a game. A game in which you can socialize, and banner-sharing helps a lot at getting to know people. And once you like them, you can do teamplay.

The following chat extract displays the different perspectives:
note: I modified some of the stuff I said to elaborate my point more clearly. It is not taken out of context and there are no contradictions about what I (my Steam nick, Melancholy) intended to say to Tore (clan leader Companions). Tore's messages are unmodified. If you are interested, see the raw material below (original chat log).

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Result (and the entertaining part):
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Original, non-modified chat log:
(click to show/hide)

Thanks for reading, that's all I wanted to say. Please think what you like, but think. Discuss if you feel like it.

Regards and good games,

P.S.: If anyone is missing a conclusion, this could be one: After presenting myself on various TS-servers and writing PM's, I found that the majority of player groups turned out to be banner groups, not clans. On average, cRPG people want to socialize instead of isolate.

(Cheers again, Hetman, for not muting me when I was super-drunk in the voice chat with you, and for giving me banner access to GO, which started the whole thing ^_^ .)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Guide request: Make your own banner
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:29:50 pm »

There are plenty of threads about having your own banner etc., but I did not find one that explains how to make one yourself. I am not talking about the auctions where you can buy a banner slot, but about the design of the banner itself. How do you create a banner when you only have a basic .jgp file to start with, and how do you upload it and so on?

Please show me a thread that explains this, or if there is none, I would appreciate if someone wrote a guide.

Sorry if I am just too stupid to find it!


Spam / The truth about _Shik_
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:17:00 pm »
Not dev Shik, but some DTV player... I just had to post this somewhere xD

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Suggestions Corner / Spiked club
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:59:06 am »
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It has a nail on the very top. Please give this a thrust with some pierce damage!

Suggestions Corner / Add shop items to favorites
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:32:26 pm »

I have a few items I want to loom/I have already loomed. As I like comparing these items to each other, it would be nice to have them on one screen with all stats displayed. And it would be kewl to have something like a "To-Loom-List" online on the crpg website. This is why I suggest a button under each item in the shop that says "add to favorites". If you click on that button for all the items you like, then click on a category called "favorites" next to 1h, 2h, pole, bows, xbows, horses etc., you see all the items you added to favorites. There should be a "remove from favorites" button as well.

This could help everyone to keep the overview on their wanted items.

Sankyu and unban Panos,

Suggestions Corner / Strategus gold trades
« on: June 30, 2013, 02:44:05 am »
No idea if anyone suggested this, I am not following the forums atm.

Make an option to add marketplace offers to trade silver for gold and/or items/LPs.
These trades happen anyways via complicate forum discussions and nasty transfers, so make it easier.

That's it.

Suggestions Corner / Change Crossbow and Bolt Weight Back to Normal
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:41:05 pm »
Hey all!

As you can see in the screenshots in Dave's Crossbow Guide, crossbows and bolts used to be lighter (see /guides/crossbowery-basics-and-tricks/).

Please change the weight back to normal.

There is no point in kiting when you have a crossbow anyway, cuz once your bolt is gone, you are not gonna reload the xbow as fast as a bow. So there is no reason to make crossbowmen slower. There are some people like me who use light armor to be fast, for example to compensate the short range of the melee weapon or to allow quick flanking maneuvers. Now, I am running as if I was a tincan and can't play around with my short weapon the same way as before.

Please don't exclude the "light armor/crossbow/1 slot melee weapon" playstyle for no reason. It's not OP, so there is no reason to nerf it. Rather be happy that some crossbowmen use light armor though they could use heavier stuff without a loss of accuracy. We are easy to kill and die in one swing, max 2 )))


P.S.: @ all haters who think like Zlisch, read my answer at least.
P.P.S.: @ ALL: If you want more arguments that support my position, but don't have time to read the whole discussion, read page [2] post #8.

Sell/Trade / Trade between Reinheld and Rico
« on: December 15, 2012, 06:59:06 pm »

Reinheld wnats to give me her +1 Great Axe and her +1 Arbalest for my Italian Falchion +2. As we need to split the transaction into 2 trades, there is a chance that one person tricks the other. This is why we want to make it public --- admins, please ban this person if one tricks the other.

Reinheld, do you agree to this and we make the trade in the marketplace now?


Inactive / [BAN] Cenk
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:24:06 am »
EU2, 00:20 am, 29th of november 2012

Please ban Cenk for intentional teamkilling in spawn. He hit me 4 times and disconnected for not being pollbanned.

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Thank you.

Kind regards,

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