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Topics - Vibe

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Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 introduces gear progression
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:48:34 am »

So basically they're catering to the people crying they want gear progression and going against what they kept promising (no gear progression). In before the holy trinity is added.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Gloria Victis
« on: November 05, 2012, 01:27:32 pm »

Low fantasy medieval MMORPG with supposedly a Mount&Blade -like combat system.

Asked the dev how the combat system will be myself, answer:
Yes it is. We are using three directions attack and blocks. Something like in Mount&Blade. In addition, as we all know MMORPG have to get active skills, which players could activate by doing combination of attacks to release it. Thats something nearly system from Age of Conan.


Buy / Buying +1 Zitta Bascinet / Zitta Bascinet with Faceplate
« on: October 29, 2012, 02:07:33 pm »
I'm buying a +1 Zitta Bascinet or Zitta Bascinet with Faceplate with gold only.

PM me with price.

Strategus General Discussion / Strategus Anti Big Alliance System
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:03:41 pm »
Mind you this idea is very raw and needs a lot more work.

The point of this idea is reworking the current reward system of Strategus - the gold bank. It does not actually focus on changing the gameplay mechanics of Strategus, but rather focuses on the rewards (loompoints) one can get for actively participating in Strategus. The whole idea is to motivate factions to wage war and be more active instead of turtling up on their land with their pals.

The purpose of this suggestion is to make small and medium size factions be worth it and to discourage players from forming large alliances.

Strategus Points

The strategus gold bank is gone. It is replaced by Strategus Points (SP), that every player earns for himself by taking a share of Faction Points (FP) that your faction earns (solo player is a 1 man faction in this case).
There's a variety of ways to earn Faction Points:
  • waging battles -  most valuable
  • taking over/defending a fief - mid value
  • holding a fief - low value
  • mercing in a battle - lowest

At the point when a faction earns Faction Points, they are immediately divided by the number of members currently in the faction and the value is rewarded to every member of the faction. These are called Strategus Points (SP). So, after a faction gains FP, every member gets:

SP = FP / # of members in the faction

At the end of a Strategus round the Strategus Points every player earned would be taken into consideration and much like it is currently with the bank, players with enough SP would be awarded loom point(s). Top players with the most Strategus Points would also get a title.

Winning battles

Winning a battle gives you Strategus points.

FP from a battle = (Equipment value * win multi * honor multi * 0.1)
Equipment Value = (team1 total eq cost + team2 total eq cost) / 2
Win Multi = 0.5 if lost, 1 if win

Honor multi

The point of honor multi is to prevent farming a lot of FP/SP from battles where you overgear and outnumber your enemy. It's basically gear cost and troop difference.

Honor Multi = (EnemyValue/YourValue)
Enemy Value = EnemyGearCost * EnemyTroops
Your Value = YourGearCost * YourTroops

( “,” - thousand mark, “.” - decimal mark)
Example: Enemy has 1000 troops with 100,000 worth gear. You have 800 troops with 60,000 worth gear. You win.

Equipment Value = (100,000 + 60,000)/2 = 80,000
Honor Multi = ((1000*100,000)/(800*60,000)) = 2.083
Win Multi = 1

Faction Points = 80,000 * 1 * 2.083 * 0.1= 16,664

You have 30 members in the faction:
SP per player = 33,328/30 = 555 (rounded down)

Taking over / defending a fief

Faction points = production points spent in a fief * x
X could be a constant, need more info on how many production points are actually spent in a fief. General idea is that taking over a fief would give less Faction Points than winning a battle, since you already win a battle when taking it over.

Holding a fief

A set amount of faction points gained per day, for example:

Faction points per day = production points spent in a fief

More developed fiefs will grant you more Faction Points per day.

Mercing in a battle

Every player that was a mercenary in a battle gets Strat points at a value of:
((1/(number of people in winning faction * 5))*win multi) of Faction points the winning faction gained from this fight

If we take our example, a winning merc in our case would get:
16,664/(30*5)*1 = 111 Strategus Points.
And a losing one would get:
16,664/(30*5)*0.5 = 55.5 Strategus Points.

Possible problems

  • Trading wins/fiefs or wars between friendlies in an attempt to gain a lot of Faction Points in an against the odds battle. Would have to be admined?
  • Unbalanced formulas, I'm actually not that good at math
  • Unsure at how this will play in longer term and bigger factions/alliances, it should not be worth being a carebear

Now then, please comment, criticize and suggest. As I said, all this needs a lot of work, so any input is of much help.
If you found any possible abuse of this system, also post that so we can think of a way to prevent it.

Aka Darkfall 2.0, as they called it. Supposed to release November 20th.

Never tried Darkfall myself, was put off by the ugly graphics (not saying bad or outdated, just... ugly) and bad reviews it got, but am definitely looking forward to trying the new/improved version.

Guild Wars / Current situation in sPvP
« on: September 15, 2012, 06:58:48 pm »
Warriors, Mesmers, Thieves, Guardians. That's literally all you see.

pic related

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Spam / Hall of Nerds
« on: September 13, 2012, 01:56:31 pm »

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Guild Wars / GW2 General Discussion
« on: August 31, 2012, 09:39:30 am »
Since we have random posts all over several topics, I think a general discussion thread would be appropriate.

That being said, feast on these:

Sell/Trade / Vibe's trades - Where YOU make profit (LPz and $$$)
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:12:50 am »
Vibe's trades where you make profit

Now paying additional gold for the items I want the most!

Offering Loom Points and Gold for:
  • Lordly Zitta Bascinet (2 loom points + 70,000 gold)

(click to show/hide)

Check my marketplace booth

Offers are already on the market. Willing to accept other trades, make an offer. Additional gold is not fixed and can be bartered!

Also check out these traders:
Son Of Odin

Game Balance Discussion / Swingable polearm cavalry is bØrked
« on: August 20, 2012, 08:38:06 am »
Been playing Long Hafted Blade cavalry a lot lately and I must say this class is pretty fucked right now. I'm not saying it isn't effective at all, but there are a few reasons why we don't see this class on the battlefield anymore.

First off, the speed of the swing is sloooowwwwww. If you don't time that swing perfectly, you're going to miss that perfect spot. If you don't hit with the perfect spot, you're going to glance.

And even then you're going to glance if you don't have a massive speed bonus, which brings me to second point: my (non-loomed) LHB glances on anything that isn't naked if the speed bonus isn't very good. If you try to damage someone while slowly riding by them you're not going to do shit, it will just glance.

Third, the cav pole swing animation is just bad. You're going to get outreached even by 1h (unless you hit with that tiny perfect spot and even then I'm not sure if it's going to outreach). On top of that, the collision of the pole seems to end 60-70% through the swing. This means that even if the swing hasn't completely ended yet, it's going to just go through whatever you were swinging at - I tested this versus trees, if I hit early in the animation it's going to collide, if I hit after 50% of the swing is through there's a good chance it'll just go through the tree. So basically only the first 60% of the swing is useful. Right swing seems to be better than left here and seems to have longer collision. Left is downright abysmal, bad reach and 50% through the swing it doesn't even collide anymore.

Combine all that with the maneuver nerf the cavalry got and you got yourself a very borked class. You're going to suffer against any form of cavalry: lancers, 1h cav, hell even 2h cav. You're going to suffer versus infantry as well, even shielders.

Which brings me to a question, why was this even nerfed so hard? I don't recall swingable pole cav ever being OP or anything. Or was this class just simply forgotten and destroyed by nerfs done to other parts of the game that are connected to the class (like cav turning speed nerf, cut vs armor nerf, ...)?

Anyway, my suggestion is to make it more like Native: faster swing speed with native animations. Don't think there needs to be a damage buff, although I would sure like one.

General Discussion / Lesson #1
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:46:43 am »
Always alt your original name

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I remember when I played the first Super Mario Land or Donkey Kong 2... hell, I probably still have them stashed somewhere at my place.

Anyway, all the old school gameboy fans will enjoy this:

Suggestions Corner / Increasing the depth of melee
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:05:13 am »
If any of you ever played a Jedi Knight game, you will know what I'm on about. If you haven't, it's quite simple: Jedi Knight games had 3 different "stances" for lightsaber combat, the blue stance was the fastest and least damaging, the yellow was medium speed medium damage and the heavy was the best damage but the slowest speed. I believe this could be implemented in cRPG but in a slightly different way, since each stance in JK had also different animations.

You can watch the video showing lightsaber stances here:


Melee stances

Basically, we would have 3 stances like in JK, a light, medium and heavy one. You could cycle between the three by pressing a key. Switching stances would take like a second or two and would not be possible during attack/block.
Since making different animations would require tons of work (we probably don't even have a guy who could do it), I propose the differences between the stances would be more "stat wise". So, we would have:
Light Stance - increases attack speed by 20%, reduces damage by 40-50%
Medium Stance - what we have now
Heavy Stance - increases damage of attack by 20%+, but reduces swing speed by 40% (maybe even a slight delay to block speed)

Ofcourse all these percentages right now are just guesswork for balance, it would need further testing and tinkering. I believe this would bring more depth to combat without actually slowing it down (I'm looking at you, stamina fanboiz).

IF we have someone who could do the animations, it would be extremely cool to have different animations for light and heavy stance - so people can read what stance someone is using and adapt to it.

Suggestions Corner / Some armors that should be scrapped
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:45:37 am »
Seeing as we're getting more and more cool looking and well detailed armors to cRPG, I believe it's also time to review some of the armors we have now that are not of the best quality and just don't fit very well with the good looking armors.

These are the ones I would dump (or replace model/texture):

Light Strange Armor
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Heavy Strange Armor
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Heavy Plate Armor
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General Off Topic / Reselling digital property in Europe!
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:00:17 pm »
EU rules publishers cannot stop you reselling your downloaded games
No matter what EULA you agreed to.

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that publishers cannot stop you from reselling your downloaded games.
More specifically: "An author of software cannot oppose the resale of his 'used' licences allowing the use of his programs downloaded from the internet."
The Court said the exclusive right of distribution of a copy of a computer program covered by the license is "exhausted on its first sale".
The ruling means that gamers in European Union member states are free to sell their downloaded games, whether they're from Steam, Origin or another digital platform - no matter what End User License Agreement has been signed.
The ruling continues: "Therefore, even if the licence agreement prohibits a further transfer, the rightholder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy."
The ruling suggests that if you've bought a license for a game off your mate, you're within your rights to download it from the publisher's website. "Therefore the new acquirer of the user licence, such as a customer of UsedSoft, may, as a lawful acquirer of the corrected and updated copy of the computer program concerned, download that copy from the copyright holder's website," the Court said.
Whether Valve and EA will make changes to their websites to reflect the ruling remains to be seen.

The ruling in more depth:
"Where the copyright holder makes available to his customer a copy - tangible or intangible - and at the same time concludes, in return form payment of a fee, a licence agreement granting the customer the right to use that copy for an unlimited period, that rightholder sells the copy to the customer and thus exhausts his exclusive distribution right. Such a transaction involves a transfer of the right of ownership of the copy. Therefore, even if the licence prohibits a further transfer, the rightholder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy."

There is one condition, however. If you resell a license to a game you have to make your copy "unusable at the time of resale". Now you will do that, won't you?
"If he continued to use it," the Court explained, "he would infringe the copyright holder's exclusive right of reproduction of his computer program. In contrast to the exclusive right of distribution, the exclusive right of reproduction is not exhausted by the first sale."

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