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Topics - Lt_Anders

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General Discussion / What's your most favorite: Horseback Weapon?
« on: July 12, 2013, 06:32:50 pm »
Just name it, and why! It can be any class you want.

I'll start off: Great Lance and Knightly Arming Sword(depending on flat/non-flat map).

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The respawn is most likely still buggy because it is handled by the old code.
The new settings take your configured timezone offset into account, so you can enter the night time in your local time. On the old strategus page it shows as server time (which is UTC, not GMT+1) and you need to manually convert your local to server time if you want to enter it there.

Concerning Couch Lances and Regular lances.

I did a quick test. Against ~60 Body Armor and 20 Strength, 6 Ironflesh(roughly, we used two different people, but it comes out to about right here)

A Great Lance(47p) would 1 hit anyone from a Champ Rouncey and Up, while it wouldn't from a plated charger. So speed bonus matters, and unfortunately, for a Great Lance or a Jousting lance, Speed is very important over a regular thrusting lance. This was a general test for effectiveness, and was the same for a head hit or body hit.

Then I used a champ rouncey and a lance(28p). Against the same heavy armor and Ironflesh of the champ rouncy GL test. The Lance did ~80% if hit in the head against heavy armor, and ~70% for a body shot. Then he switched to Heraldic Mail w/Tabard and 2 ironflesh(A medium armor getup), and with the same Lance and Champ rouncy, it was a 1 hit for a head shot and 80% for a body shot.

Recommend relook at balance between thrusting lances and couch only lances.
Lower Overall couch down slightly(to like .4 instead of .45) and buff couch only damage.
Right now, the lance can do, more or less the same as a great lance, but retains the ability to thrust.

It shows the commanders of battles in archive being the same as the current owner.

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This is the third time this issue has been done(by the same player, no less). This same player has also done a good job trolling the new M:BG game (for those who care, you know the thread I mean). How can this same player, abuse a glitch so many times and not get punished for it, while the devs allow this glitch to be in the game.

Shouldn't something be done! It's not right that a player can do this.!?page=battledetail&id=4170

Is the strat battle, and he was PURPOSEFULLY not in a faction before he attacked(and is now), just to abuse a glitch. This should truly be a punished and fixed. It's neither fair nor valid to be done and the player has a history of being a shit bag.

Abuse that got punished:

NA (Official) / Ban: Neko_Pantsu_Mangaka
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:00:23 am »
These were taken at the end, but he was nude, no weapon all strat battle. Leeching and doing just straight shit. I believe he's been banned for this shit already. From the 2 screen on the bottom, you can see he was literally hiding on that ladders for over 8 minutes almost until the round ended and he fell off being the last one.

All this is verified in strat.

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Closed Requests / Ban Deserter_Kutluhan
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:40:58 pm »
IN an NA strat battle, he purposfully and intentionally wasted siege gear, as can be attested by several people. He was banned for 5 days for griefing an NA strat battle, yet he suffers no penalty on EU. Please give him an approriate punishment so that he learns not to do this.

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And no, I don't trust the government just randomly watching information without a court order, but, meh. Police state on the Horizon?
Google it :mad:...hahaha....if you want more info.

General Discussion / Fear the Ranged death squad!
« on: June 07, 2013, 06:05:47 am »
Look at that ranged....
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Diplomacy / The Free Trade Fief of New Reindi Castle
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:44:25 pm »
Since I don't feel like finding the old thread beard 18 pages back...

Sell your goods here today and equip your armies for troubles tomorrow!

Fief Info
New Reindi Castle:
Tax -15%
Price - 24
Prosperity: 540

Gear Selection
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Ranged Weapons
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Ranged Ammo
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1h Weapons
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2h Weapons
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Peasant Gear
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Siege Gear:
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Strategus General Discussion / Abuse Ladders more!?
« on: June 01, 2013, 03:43:17 am »
I Understand the need for ladders to kinda defend a forward spawn but like, wtf?
(Was a spectator and joined in right at time of screenshots)

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I have no stake in this battle, but I do believe that that was a tad bit excessive....

Diplomacy / Dharan Troop Selling: Info
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:50:09 pm »
I keep getting messages about it so rather than having to answer 100 PMs I'm going to make this post.

I sell DL's Troops if the CASTLE(New Reindi Castle for the new boys) Garrison is greater than 1500. My current sellable amount is the CASTLE amount-RLs-1500. Contact me to find out a true amount, but that gives you guys an idea!

RL(Basically Soultaker) also garrison his troops with mine to pay his Upkeep. He sells his troops INDEPENDENT of Me, but I pass the word onto him. Talk to him to figure out his actual sellable amount.(He just sold 500 so he does a decent job at this).

Use this to Contact Soultaker easily.
I sell at 150g Per troop. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Just like a supermarket. You come to me and buy what's on the shelf.

General Discussion / At what Gen did you stop retiring?
« on: May 23, 2013, 03:45:34 pm »
As the title says what gen did you stop your retirement(if at all)?

General Discussion / How does chambering a weapon with a bow work?
« on: May 19, 2013, 02:06:12 am »
Ok this just happened to me(on my hoplite) to Flying dildos who chambered my thrust attack with her bow.

This was witnessed by 5 people(including my teammate who was helping me). It happened in battle just now. 

How does this work!?

Also I heard you can chamber arrows?

General Discussion / What do you think is the best shielder build?
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:41:44 am »
Assuming level 31-34, what is the best way you can make a shielder?

Vote and give your opinion.

This isn't for me. I'm just curious what people believe is their ideal 1h.

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